
Refining Genius Cultivation

(WPC 274)after the formation refining genius with strong comprehension and memory ate the strange fruit he actually walked on the path of cultivation and even went on to cultivate both immortal and martial arts in this new continent how would the protagonist sweep across the continent and bring a beauty home.

Antonio_sShort · Ciudad
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16 Chs

Chapter 14

After Tang Yuan left, Fang Ligong and Fang Yunlong cleaned up a bit, covered up the traces within the cave, and walked out of the Nine Serenities Formation.

Outside of the array, the fog was still thick and the visibility was low. But after a few days of wandering around, Fang Yunlong had become more familiar with this place, and was no longer as cautious as when he first arrived.

Suddenly, he thought of the first time Fang Ligong and Tang Yuan had met, and asked: "Grandfather, is the entire Tiger Hidden Valley shrouded in white mist? Where was the first place you and Grandpa Qian met? "

Fang Ligong laughed and said, "Of course it's not like the entire Tiger Hidden Valley is shrouded in white mist, there will be no white mist on the west side of the Tiger Hidden Valley. That was the first time I met your foster grandfather back then, and the reason I chose to meet him here now, is mainly because no one here can disturb us."

After thinking for a moment, she said: "Let's go, Long'er, I'll bring you to the west side of Tiger Hidden Valley." With that said, he pulled Fang Yunlong and headed towards the west.

Along the way, Fang Ligong could be said to be extremely familiar with the road. While bringing Fang Yunlong forward, he also introduced the topography of the Tiger Hidden Valley to Fang Yunlong.

To see if there really was a White Tiger. However, although the two of them had met a tiger before, from generation to generation, they had never seen a White Tiger that was dozens of feet tall. In the end, the two of them had no choice but to give up.

This led to the appearance of a white tiger that was several tens of feet tall. Although they did not see the White Tiger, the two of them were extremely familiar with the topography of Tiger Hidden Valley.

And they had found such a concealed cave in the center of the Tiger Hidden Valley. Fang Ligong had arranged a Nine Hell Formation and the two of them had gathered there once every ten years.

As they moved further west, the white mist gradually became thinner. There were more types of shrubs and trees in the forest, and small animals could be seen everywhere.

The Xiaoyun that was always in Fang Yunlong's embrace suddenly became excited, and instantly jumped onto Fang Yunlong's shoulder. It stood up and looked around, and occasionally let out a "Zhi Zhi" sound, causing the silent Tiger Hidden Valley to become noisy.

By the time they had reached a bare hillside, the fog was thin and could be seen in the distance.

Fang Ligong stopped and pointed to a forest not far away, saying, "Look, Long'er, the forest in front of us is the place where I met your foster grandfather. It's been fifty years, and we're all old now, and only that forest still stands there unchanging."

Fang Ligong sighed with emotion.

Looking in the direction of his grandfather's finger, Fang Yunlong faintly saw a black colored forest in front of him. It looked like it was not far, and just when Fang Yunlong was about to put in more effort and rush to the forest with his grandfather, the Xiaoyun on his shoulder suddenly creaked urgently.

Fang Yunlong looked at the Xiaoyun in puzzlement, only to see the Xiaoyun jumping around on Fang Yunlong's shoulder, its small forelimb pointing to the left in front. Fang Yunlong could not help but ask: "What's wrong, Xiaoyun?"

The Xiaoyun was still pointing to the left and squeaking as if it was replying to Fang Yunlong's question. Fang Yunlong looked at him and pondered for a moment, then said: "There shouldn't be anything in the front, but since the Xiaoyun is so anxious, let's go take a look."

Following the direction that the Xiaoyun was pointing in, Fang Yunlong and his grandfather walked forward. After walking no more than three meters, the Xiaoyun suddenly jumped off Fang Yunlong's shoulder, ran forward two steps, and then grabbed onto the bare ground.

The Xiaoyun turned its head again and squeaked, as if it wanted Fang Yunlong to come over and help it.

Fang Yunlong immediately walked over and picked up the Xiaoyun. With a single palm of luck, he activated the "Holy Mantra of Li Huo" in his body, and with a "hu" sound, he headed towards the direction of the Xiaoyun. So it turned out that Fang Yunlong wanted to test his palm strength.

He looked at his current level of inner strength. Unexpectedly, his palm struck down, and merely imprinted a faint palm print on the ground, causing Fang Yunlong, who originally thought that a huge pit would appear, to be instantly stunned.

When the Xiaoyun in his embrace saw Fang Yunlong's embarrassed look, it used its front legs to support his stomach and squeaked. From the looks of it, it seemed to have seen a huge joke and laughed heartily.

Long'er said: "This is a type of iron rock, it is incomparably hard, but it is already not bad that you can imprint a palm print on it."

Fang Yunlong said in embarrassment: "Grandfather, you are serious. You clearly know that Tie Yan is strong, but you didn't try to dissuade Long'er. Instead, you humiliated Long'er."

Fang Ligong laughed: "Grandfather also wants to see how far your martial arts have progressed. You have to know that if you can leave a palm mark on this Iron Cliff, then this palm strike of yours would at least have 500 kilograms of strength."

Grandfather's explanation made Fang Yunlong understand, but when he saw his own small palm and heard his grandfather's words, Fang Yunlong seemed to not dare believe that he actually had such a large palm strength.

Fang Yunlong lightly patted the Xiaoyun's head and took out his Gold Lin Sword from its back. This time, he did not dare to be careless, he channeled his Qi and stabbed it into Iron Cliff.

The sword blade pierced into Tie Yan, leaving only the sword hilt outside. Fang Yunlong nodded his head in satisfaction, and began to dig on the iron rock.

When Fang Yunlong was trying his best to dig, the Xiaoyun would jump to the ground and lie on the side, its two small eyes staring fixedly at the hole that Fang Yunlong had dug on the iron rock. Fang Yunlong dug around two to three feet deep.

The Xiaoyun suddenly jumped into the pit and started rolling around inside. Fang Yunlong stood up and wiped his sweat as he looked around in confusion at the hole.

Not long later, the Xiaoyun suddenly squeaked and struggled to lift a stone the size of a longan from the pit. Fang Yunlong picked up the Xiaoyun from the pit and took the small stone held by the Xiaoyun.

He never thought that what looked like a small stone the size of a longan would be so heavy. No wonder the Xiaoyun had to work so hard just now. After wiping it clean, he carefully examined it. The stone was slightly round and extremely smooth. It was completely black in color and there were a few faint red lines on it.

It was impossible to tell what this small stone was, so Fang Yunlong passed it over to his grandfather and said: "Grandfather, look at what this is, why is it so heavy when it's so small?"

Fang Ligong received the small stone, and started to inspect it carefully. After a while, he looked at the sun, and then, compared it to the iron rocks that Fang Yunlong had dug out, he gestured a little, and spoke with some hesitation: "I can't tell what kind of material this stone is made of.

I think since it exists in the depths of Iron Cliff, it might be the essence of Iron Cliff's accumulation over time. I am also not certain. Then, Fang Ligong passed the small stone to Fang Yunlong.

Hearing his grandfather's reply, Fang Yunlong took the small stone and looked at it again. Indeed, he could not find anything, so he shook his head, and threw the small stone back to the Xiaoyun, letting it play around with it.

After going through the bare hills covered in iron rocks, the two of them reached the forest in no time. There was no longer any white mist there and a path was passed through the forest.

The surroundings were filled with towering ancient trees. There were quite a few bird nests on the trees. Occasionally, there would be some birds flying out from the nests, probably in search of food.

When he arrived in front of a thick tree, Fang Ligong stopped and fell into deep thought. Fang Yunlong could faintly guess that this was the place where his Grandfather and Great Grandfather were competing in martial arts fifty years ago.

Beneath the giant tree, there was a flat area with a radius of several dozen feet. There were no shrubs or grass; it was indeed a good place to fight. Fang Yunlong looked around, then stood at the outer perimeter, and imagined his two grandfathers fighting each other.

After the time it takes an incense stick to burn had passed, Fang Ligong woke up from his deep thought. He sighed, and muttered to himself: "Looks like I'm old.

Hearing his grandfather's sigh, Fang Yunlong knew that his grandfather had already woken up from his reminiscing. Thus, he asked, "Grandfather, this should be the place for you and your grandfather to spar, right?

Hearing his grandson's question, Fang Ligong couldn't help but laugh, "Hehe, back then, I had a few hundred rounds with your foster grandfather. In terms of strength, I was deeper than him, and my moves were also more ingenious than him.

In times of danger, he dodged once again and almost beat me. But after all, he had already fought a battle. Although he quickly beat up the Seven Heroes of the Northern Plains and Wuhao, it still wasn't that easy.

And in the end, Grandfather found the right opportunity and laid down a small Tai Chi Formation, restricting his movement technique. Only then was he able to barely win, but that was also a victory without a fight. "

The formation was different from the formation. It was not powerful, and its layout was very simple and quick, but because it used the principles of the Yin and Yang elements, it formed the Primal Chaos Formula of Life and Death.

Anyone caught in this formation, regardless of whether it was the circulation of their inner strength or movement technique, would be restricted by the circulation of the Primal Chaos Formula. When he heard his grandfather say that he had to set up a formation, he could imagine the thrill of that battle that year.

Tang Yuan used the Earth Withdrawal Great Art to get rid of Fang Ligong. Unfortunately, he exhausted too much of his inner strength and his footwork was restricted by the Small Primal Chaos Formation that Fang Ligong had set up, so he had no choice but to admit defeat.

And when Fang Ligong saw Tang Yuan's strength, he felt that there was someone more powerful than him, admitting that he had won unfairly, and the two of them became best friends.

After walking along the road out of the Tiger Hidden Valley, Fang Ligong decided to bring Fang Yunlong home. They had been at home for nearly two months now, so when they returned, they wouldn't be able to go through the Azure Cloud Mountain.

Four months later, Fang Ligong and Fang Yunlong who were both travel worn out finally arrived at the Sui Prefecture. From afar, they could see that the Blue Cloud Mountain, which was covered with dense pine trees and lush greenery, had not changed a single bit. However, Fang Ligong and Fang Yunlong's attitudes had greatly changed.

It seemed to be the battle with the Dazzling Python again. The Xiaoyun also jumped up from Fang Yunlong's embrace and gazed towards the distant Azure Cloud Mountain. That dragon-eye sized rock, after playing with the Xiaoyun for half a day, was tossed to Fang Yunlong, showing that it was no longer interested.

Fang Yunlong found it extremely funny. In a small city at the foot of the Azure Cloud Mountain, Fang Ligong took back the Black Skinner Horse that he had stored for nearly half a year, then galloped towards the Shangjing County that he had left for half a year with Fang Yunlong on the back of his horse.