
Reencarnation Battle Royal (Multiverse)

This is the story of a group of powerful beings who, in their boredom, have created the ultimate entertainment, a Battle Royal! But it consists of reincarnated humans. Watch our protagonist struggle to survive, live his life between each instance of this interesting program, and watch him travel to different worlds to find ways to improve his power, accompanied by his partner. ----- A world where he was reborn: Avatar: The Last Airbender. Worlds to travel: High School DxD, Marvel(MCU), Jojos Bizarre Adventure, Dark Souls, SCP. The cover photo was made for an AI. The characters that belong to other franchises are not mine, the mythological creatures are public domain. I only have my protagonist and the other reincarnated characters that will appear in the story. NO HAREM.

Sir_Traverse · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
87 Chs

XLIV: Female Primarch, Magical Knight and Temporal Swordsman.

The tall woman scanned the small group of annoying guys who had tried to prevent this from happening, her expression full of annoyance, not because of their interference, no, that was the least of it. What pissed her off was that these bastards only talked and did not act, even more so when the vampire took on the posture of a video game boss.

She opened her mouth slightly and let out white steam, her teeth like those of a shark and her sharp eyes watching the fight. She wanted to join in, her blood was starting to burn as she watched these three guys give their all to fight a vampire lord in all his glory.

"You said it well, this bat, a cunning serpent, but the nobility in his body reminds me of a bloody angel. This "God" is an inexperienced young man, but he stood up, overcame his insecurities, and is now fighting a battle he never thought he could experience. And the sun... such a powerful being, but with so much goodness in it, almost like there is nothing but light in it.

Hehehe... don't you find this interesting?" the woman asked the two men on either side of her.

The purple-robed man watched the fight obsessively, his magical power surging out of his body, filling it with purple electric sparks that kept spinning wildly. The sound of the electricity was quite loud, but strangely enough, it did not seem annoying and did not interrupt the dialog that was beginning to brew.

"That's for sure, and I think we can join in soon, as this seems to be getting out of hand and we have a greater responsibility to fulfill here," the man in purple said before pulling out the book at his waist, a four-leaf cloverleaf grimoire.

The swordsman with the sleepy face just nodded, his eyes glowed blue and time began to move much slower, only he and people who could sense, manipulate, or resist time noticed this trick, like Monic on Earth, and the latter raised her eyes to the moon, looking at it curiously.

After running certain simulations and choosing the most appropriate course of action, the blue light in his eyes spread throughout his body. He held his katana and took a quick draw stance, but did not move, just waiting for the right moment to act.

Who are they? As if they deserve a name, let's introduce them so the audience can learn more about them. You don't always find a person with a name in this program, do you?

The woman's name is Alice, she has the template of a Primarch from Warhammer 40K~ oh yes, her power comes from that sad fucking place. Like all Primarchs, she has a unique gift called Discernment. She can know and see things about people after only briefly contacting them. 

She can discern the inherent nature of beings and control the nature she displays. Despite her enormous size, she is a stealthy and capable assassin who is very adept at hiding her presence and nature. 

If she doesn't want you to see her, you won't see her. In addition, she has excellent psychic powers that focus on healing, because the best assassin is also the best doctor. 

The man dressed in purple is called Sam, and his Cheat is a Four-Leaf Clover Grimoire from the Black Clover universe. He has powerful lightning-based spells and has even received a page with a corresponding elemental spirit, so his strength is quite high.

The Sleep Swordsman is a young Asian named Yun, his abilities come from the game Katana Zero, but his temporary abilities do not depend on drugs, but entirely on his ability to develop them. Although his body is fragile due to an illness before he died, he also took the path of the warrior from the eastern side of the continent because it was the most optimal path for him, even though his magical talent was quite high.

Not only the three of them were ready to intervene, but also Jane, Katiuska, and Morin were ready to find an opportunity to intervene in the ongoing battle.

"Seone is quite strong with only the first limit unlocked, is that the specialty of the Western version of the warrior? The 'Fighter' as they call him, yes, that is quite an appropriate way to fight," Morin commented with some admiration for Seone, he had also reached the first level, but he was quite different from our protagonist.

While the Western version, or the fighter, seeks to dig inward, eliminate the limitations of the human being, and give free rein to his instincts, the Eastern version, or the warrior, seeks to align the 8 gates of the self with the world.

Yes, this path has to do with the 8 inner gates that the vital energy or chi possesses, similar to those that the chakra possesses. Each door is not accessible by human means and requires the mind and body to be in harmony with something in the world. Depending on what that is, special abilities outside of the basic ones can be gained.

These gates are the Gate of Ascension, Gate of Knowledge, Gate of Mind, Empty Gate, Gate of Chaos, Gate of Birth, Gate of Death, and Gate of Nirvana.

Morin and Yun were at the first gate, the basic skills are body, energy, and mind control and enhancement. As for their special abilities... why don't we wait a bit and enjoy them?

"First Sword: Pressure!" Seone shouted while he was in the air, using a faint red vitality platform beneath him as the fulcrum for her attack.

The crimson crescent quickly flew towards Damien but was stopped halfway by a vortex of blood, shadows, and eyes that swallowed his attack, giving Richard an excellent opportunity to attack.

The red-haired man, now glowing like a humanoid sun, extended his right palm towards the vampire, charging and unleashing an attack that was not meant to hurt him, but to create an opportunity.

"Solar Flare," a pillar of fiery light emerged from his hand and headed furiously toward Damien, who raised both hands to project the crimson moon in front of him, protecting him.

"It's coming from the sky!" a silver light fell from the sky, covering Damien's body and causing him to scream in pain.

He had not expected such an attack, he had not believed that the foolish young god had so much energy in him. A few minutes ago, he had broken Thor's shield and severely wounded him with a merciless attack, using a teleportation spell and then throwing two balls of shadow magma, because Damien's deception was Dracula's inheritance from Castlevania.

The young man had been burned and knocked out, and even his fellow fighters had been disturbed, and even Seone had hurled several insults at him, full of anger and reluctance, but it was all an elaborate trap.

Thor had crudely used his new magical power to execute the abilities of the knights of this world, and had even begun to mix some of the power of his songs into his attacks, the latter of which carried a strong cleansing power.

Thor was covered in burns, but the lively smile on his face showed that he didn't mind much, proving that his body was indeed very resilient. The young Hylian watched as Seone prepared to use a powerful technique when everything went wrong.

Damian broke free of the silver light that fell from the sky and unleashed a red shockwave that hit an unsuspecting Seone. The vampire glared at the young god, his body smoking and his skin falling away, revealing no muscles but many eyes in his flesh, all greedily watching him.

"Very good attack, worthy of the Fierce Deity, but your friend here is essentially human and I don't know if he can withstand my influence in his weakened state," Damian taunted as he shielded himself from a huge ball of light and fire that struck him, creating a wall of flesh and blood as well as shadows.

Damian staggered a little but still wore an expression of glee, and without taking his eyes off Thor, he spoke again.

"We vampires are good at attacking the mind and so I can tell that now that the foul Belmont is immersed in his murderous intentions that will leave him vulnerable for a while, will you protect him or leave him to his fate? This is not your fight and you barely know him, so there is no need to risk it," Damien urged 'kindly' with words full of convincing and subtle power.

But the reaction he expected never came, Thor looked at him fiercely, his double helix sword held high and although the silver energy covering his body had diminished greatly, he seemed more alive than ever.

"I believe Seone is someone who won't let himself sink into the chaos of his mind, so to give him time, I'll fight you long enough!" with Thor's words, his dwindling magic power boiled over and his body flew fiercely towards Damien.

A crimson glow covered Thor's sword in the air, a blessing from Richard, who needed a little more time for a decisive attack.

"You useless, you're just a stupid, hot-blooded ignoramus!" Damian shouted at Thor as a black hand appeared behind him, covered in veins glowing with red magma, blood dripping from its fingernails, its very presence making the world uncomfortable.

Faced with this terrifying hand, Thor felt fear, but still, he continued his flight, leaving a trail of silvery light like a beautiful comet in his wake. 

"It's our signal," Alice pointed out, and with those words, her presence seemed to fade from everyone's senses.

"Then let me make a storm, after one the sun always comes out, right?" said Sam, chuckling as he opened his grimoire and turned the pages, searching for the spell he needed.

"Then let me help the boy," Yun replied lazily, his form seeming to distort like a television with a bad signal.

Several translucent figures emerged from his being, performing different actions while he maintained his quick draw stance. Chi gathered in his hands, feet, and sword as the other figures gradually took on an appearance similar to his own.

"Four Pillars," he whispered, but only a residual image remained.

As Thor slammed his sword into the terrifying hand, his body recoiled from the force of the impact, but he held his sword tightly and continued his forward thrust. His sword struck the black palm, and the contact between the two made an annoying screeching sound as small sparks and drops of blood flew out.

As Damien and Thor vied for dominance in the battle, they noticed that the sky had begun to fill with storm clouds, emitting an incredible, swirling magical power that was the result of a spell. 

Someone was joining the battle.

A flash of blue interrupted their concentration, and they saw four horrible cuts on the shadowy hand, mirrored in Damien's hand. Normally these wounds would heal quickly, as Seone had demonstrated a few minutes ago, but this time they did not.

The wounds kept trying to regenerate, failing each time, the blue energy seeming to 'rewind' time from the wound, preventing it from recovering. Black, fiery blood dripped steadily to the ground, making a rather high-pitched sizzling sound.

Thor's sword then managed to push the hand away, knocking it out of the way and making way for his blade to contact Damien's chest, who only glared at him with hatred in his red eyes.

The crimson moon behind the vampire exploded, releasing countless shadowy, eye-covered tentacles that enveloped Damien and plunged him into the rivers of blood in his realm. But even if the blood healed him normally, the terrible wound on his torso was still emitting heat and gradually charring his skin, he would have to spend a lot of time to remove that wound.

"Well, more annoyances just getting in my way...looks like I won't be able to participate in Fenrir's downfall and get a reward...besides, my moon broke to help me escape, I'll have to ask that annoying guy for a new one, luckily he's not here to annoy me," Damien whispered as he emerged from the river of blood. 

He rose into the air and stood atop the highest mountain in his realm, looking down condescendingly, though his wounded and somewhat tired appearance detracted from his majesty but added a certain fierce aura to him. At least he had unbalanced the mind of that pesky Belmont, but now he had other problems, the newcomers who had joined the fight.

He looked up at the sky and noticed that above the storm clouds, there was a huge one simulating the sun, obviously the work of Richard, who had lost his glowing appearance and was now in his normal form. He felt trapped, he knew he had to face these attacks, and that justified him showing one of his trump cards.

Besides, she couldn't help but feel that she was missing something important, but her mental stamina was quite high and she wasn't susceptible to that kind of manipulation, so she unconsciously pushed that feeling aside... without noticing that an unusually tall woman had appeared behind him, holding a sword the same size as hers.


"So... my mind is so chaotic," a disturbed Seone said as he looked at the passageway of his mind, a gray place, but now covered with red spots that were constantly expanding, eroding the 'walls' of his mind.

It shouldn't be like this, but it was Damien's ability that caused such an abnormal change, now it was Seone's task to sort out his problems and maybe gain some benefit from it. By this time, the vampire would realize his mistake, for he had given his enemy an annoying ability.

Unlike what Damien had expected, the chaos in Seone's mind didn't surprise the boy, for he knew that one day he would have to face the dark thoughts and murderous intentions that inhabited his mind. 

Did you expect a fighter to walk around with such an obvious mental weakness? Everyone has to resolve this situation, it's just that while some can do it very soon and actively, others need a chance, an opportune moment to do so. And thanks to Damien, that moment has now arrived for Seone.

He looked at his mental passage, gray as he had always remembered it, and it even looked cozy if you took away all that corrosive red stuff. Seone had always been interested in supernatural things in his past life and had even meditated a few times and identified his mental passage, a place even more ruinous than this one, similar to a dark cave with little light.

But now everything was torn apart, and each time the chaos grew. To get to work, Seone used his powerful consciousness, one that had no limits and could adapt to anything in time. With this powerful tool, he peeled away the red matter from the floor, walls, and ceiling of his mental passage. 

The representation of his being, an abstract concept of his mind, an obscure being that seemed to be made of smoke, approached him silently and watched Seone work.

"It's been a long time since you've been here, are you doing well?" the figure of smoke asked, looking at the whole mess... but his voice was a bit excited.

"Yeah, up and down, but yeah, you know... I'll be back," Seone replied as he gathered all the corrosive red matter and concentrated it into a tiny sphere, like a seed. 

His mind was clear now, his murderous intentions and dark thoughts now had a place to concentrate, but he had to use it, he already had an idea of his own.

"That's an interesting bug you created," said the smoke figure, he was Seone and he could see everything that happened from this place, so he knew what his counterpart was thinking.

"And now it will be even more amazing," Seone finished, throwing the red seed into the void where a terrible snake's mouth appeared.

Soon, a huge black snake with golden rings on its skin and red eyes slithered in front of the two of them, the latter now seeming to emit an unusual glow, as if it wanted to destroy everything in front of it. But the giant creature meekly curled around them, hissing merrily.

"If you'll excuse me, I have to go kick some smug vampire ass," Seone said, opening his eyes to find himself lying on the ground.

His sword was at his side and he slowly stood up. Crimson life force began to emerge from his body, but unlike the crimson color from before, the red was now much deeper. Seone sensed the situation he was in with his sixth sense, and when he realized what was happening, he smiled.

"Let's end this with a spectacular attack."


AN: Late but long! There is the chapter of the Thursday.

The part of Seone's mind, maybe is similar to my own mind~

Enjoy the chapter! Please commenta and make a review~

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Sir_Traversecreators' thoughts