"I'M going to pick him up from his house? But, why me?" Ivana asked Cassy when she told her about it. She just gpt back from the island and met them, but Cassy told her tp go and call Rafael in his house because he's sulking in there right now.
"He won't listen to us if we're going to talk to him."
"And he will listen to me?" He asked Kevin.
"Maybe. At least he won't push you out of his house." Javier added.
She was fascinated how these siblings joined forces just to celebrate their brother's birthday. His sisters were all present again to celebrate with him. They all wanted to make Rafael celebrate his birthday.
"How would you know that he won't push me out too?"
"Yes, because you're special to him." Yumi answered.
"Just, trust us, ate Ivana, please?" Yuri added.
Then she turned her gaze to all eighteen pairs of eyes who were looking at her, the Redwood Siblings and the four additions to their family. They were all looking at her full of hope.
"Fine." She gave up, how can she say 'no' to those people teaming up now? She took the keycard from Cassy and Oscar sent her to Rafael's house.
It's more like a villa because it's huge, especially for one guy who was just living there alone. After wandering outside the house, she decided to go inside. It was so silent. There was this big space before going to the living room and going to the staircase.
She tilted her head and ignored the amazement she felt from the house interiors and went upstairs. She's there for something else and not to tour around the house. It didn't take her long to found where Rafael's room was, because from the hallways, he could hear the loud sound of television from that room.
At her first knock, he just heard the volume of the TV goes down, but the door is not yet opened, then she took a deep breath and knocked louder.
"Rafael, its Ivana."
The door suddenly opened that startled her and saw him. He was just staring at him. So she started to speak and talk to him but was shocked when he started kissing him. She tried to pushed him away but he's just too stron. She knew she missed him, but it's not yet the time for that. Then when she had the chance to push him, she did.
"It feels so real."
"I am real, you moron." She said irritatingly and even pinched his cheek to prove it "See? I'm real. I'm here take you out of your house. Your siblings are--- hey!" He pulled her and hugged her again.
"If you're real then let me hug you, first." He just said and buried his face in her stomach.
"You're already hugging me, Rafael." She said with a sigh and caressed his hair. "Let's get out of here, first. Your siblings are waiting for you. They want to celebrate your birthday."
His hug loosens up slowly until he let her go and lied down on the bed facing his back on her. "Just go. I don't want any celebration."
Ivana just stared at his back. He seems so sad and lonely, but trying to hide it by trying to be stern. She gave up. She just can't leave him alone, now, cam she? She wanted to comfort him. She can't help watching him like that. She can feel his pain. She didn't stop herself from lying beside him and hugged him from behind.
"I won't leave you here alone, sweetheart. I may not know the reason why you hates your own birthday and why are you're sulking here now, but, fine. If you don't want to celebrate then I'll stay here with you. I won't ask anything or force you to talk."
He turned to face her and just stare at her. Ivana can see that he's trying to weigh if she's telling the truth or not. She just let him stare are her for, she doesn't know how long. Then he sat down.
"I hated this day because it was the day my mother abandoned me." He started.