Geth followed his mom and Til to the center of the Farm. He was impressed by the speed at which the crops had grown.
"Did the Farm come with these pre-grown?" He asked curiously.
Crystal shook her head, "No. I have a Skill called Midnight Grower. If I plant any seed within an hour of midnight, it will grow twenty times faster for the next twelve hours."
"But... these plants look fully grown. Isn't this the sugar stalk?" Geth questioned.
"Yes! It usually takes eight weeks to grow, but this soil halves the time!" She said excitedly, "Thanks to my Skill, they grew more than halfway overnight!"
Geth chuckled, "Mana is an amazing thing. Why'd you drag me in here for that?"
"Just wait," She demanded, mumbling something about being impatient.
Geth and Til glanced at each other. The short woman before them was not someone who should be talking about the impatience of others.