After injecting the red needle Alan felt nothing, which was weird considering the green needle gave him a minor head ach and the purple one gave him a slight itch where the mark formed. After five minutes of nothing, Alan thought the needle was a dud, but just as he thought this he became light-headed before passing out.
Opening his eyes all Alan saw was a white space with an assortment of colored orbs in front of him. There were nine of them in total with four being noticeably bigger than the rest. The smallest was a dark blue orb that was about the size of a fingertip, the second smallest was a light green one the size of half a fist, the third one was dark green and was the size of a full fist, the fourth was a light red and was the size of two fists put together, and the fifth small one was a dull brown one about the size of a human head. The small ones all looked like balls that had been painted, but the big ones were different.
The smallest big one was a vibrant red and looked like flowing blood and was the size of an adult human torso. The second smallest big one was black with red cracks that looked like lightning in a storm cloud and was the size of a full-grown adult human, the second biggest was a bright pink and looked like flowing mist with a white light shining from the center and was the size of a single sized bed, and the biggest was a dark purple that seemed to absorb the light around it, and was by far the biggest at the size of a small car.
Just as he was wondering what there where, Alan heard a voice next to him "Well, would you look at that. How are you still sane? Or are you? What do you think?" looking over there was what looked like a middle-aged man with gray hair that was slicked back and a well-shaven beard who was wareing a classic tailcoat with a pocket watch and stylish back pants that went to his ankles, along with taler made shoes, just what you expect from a gentleman from the late 18th century.
Just as Alan tried to get into a position to fight, he realized he didn't have a body, looking down, all he saw was a clear orb the size of his body, at least he thought it was that size. "not going to say anything? Cat got your tongue? Ah, I see. You're not used to being in your mindscape, reasonably so."
"Who are you?" chuckling the well-dressed man said "Curious are we? Well, that's not a bad trait to have. To put it in a way that your current mind can understand, I am an overseer, I make sure the worlds I overlook function as they should and fix the things that go astray. I was called here because of the concoction that those scientists made that you used. It was made using something that shouldn't be here, and you shouldn't have been able to use it. But you did, and even more surprisingly, you're still alive. Normally someone who used what you did would have ceased to exist, but your body, and more importantly your soul did something they shouldn't have been able to do, put in simple terms, you shouldn't exist. You are an irregularity, an error, a problem I should fix, but you aren't. I have a 'guide' so to speak that tells me what is to be left alone and what is to be 'fixed'.
But you aren't on that guide. It's as if you don't exist. So I was curious as to what you could have possibly been. And then I saw this." as he said this he pointed to the colored orbs. "I'm sure you don't know this, but these are the representations of your emotions. Each color signifies a different one. Blue is sadness, light green is disgust, dark green is greed, light red is anger, and brown is boredom, in a normal person they should all be about the same size, and there should be many more of them as well. Then we move on to the bigger irregularity."
Pointing to the red one that looked like flowing blood he said: "This is bloodlust, normally it would be about the same size as your sadness, depending on how the person has lived it can go up to your greed, more than that and the person would be prone to violent outbursts, at your size a normal person would be little more than raving beats driving by nothing but madness and anger."
Pointing to the black one with red cracks he said, "This is battle mania, normal people don't even have this, a so called 'battle maniac' would have it at about the size of your anger, at the size of boredom they would derive physical pleasure from violence, at you size a normal person would be in a constant state of combat, endlessly chasing the high that they would get."
Pointing to the pink one he said "This one is the most surprising, mostly because of the other emotions you have. This one is love. A normal person would have it in the size of your anger, which is the only average thing you have by the way, which is surprising considering your bloodlust and battle mania. Back on topic, at the size of your boredom, someone would be 'air-headed', at your size they would be someone whose sole purpose would be to love and be loved by all those around them."
Pointing to the purple one he said "And now for the craziest one, this is obsession. Usually, only mentally unstable people have this, and even then they only have it at the size of your disgust, at the size of your boredom they would live and breathe only for what they are obsessed over. The amount you have honestly scares me, I've never seen even half this size, the largest I've seen was half the size of your bloodlust and they literally only lived for what they were obsessed over and when they lost it they died on the spot."
Pausing for a moment to let Alan digest what had just heard the overseer continued,
"What's most surprising is that other than being curious and a little antisocial, there doesn't seem to be anything wrong with you. Even though you don't have curiosity, sanity, or insanity, along with so many other emotions. And then there's the fact that despite your massive bloodlust, you have barely any anger, and then there is your love, normally it would be accompanied by 'kindness' and 'lust' in varying degrees, but you have none even with your massive love, which Is meant to be incompatible with bloodlust. And then there is the fact that even with such a huge amount of battle mania you have no addiction. Not to mention the fact that your sadness, greed, and disgust are so low. It's like your entire existence refuses to follow any of the established norms."
Just as the overseer was about to continue he looked into blank space for a second before looking back and saying "What are you? How are you doing that?" confused Alan just said "What?"
Hearing this the overseer just looked at him for a solid five seconds before saying "You don't even know what you're doing? Your body is actively changing to accommodate what you injected yourself with. That is impossible on so many levels."
"It is a trait of my body."
"don't say it like it's that simple! If what you are doing was that simple the breaches wouldn't need to exist! Damn, I didn't mean to say that." sighing, the overseer rubbed his temples before saying, "Alright, I've kept you here long enough. When you return to your body forget everything said." as he said this Alan felt like he had been flung through the air before opening his eyes. Looking down he was back in his body, and telling by the fact that Abagail was still in the same spot not much time shouldn't have passed.