
Red vs Blue: RWBY

Okay, so I haven’t seen a Red vs Blue fanfic on here so I decided to make one. I don’t own anything and if ROOSTER TEETH doesn’t want me to continue I will remove this. Okay onto the synopsis: after ending the Civil war, the Reds and Blues thought that going on vacation will help! But sent onto another dimension where teenage girls can weld a scythe twice the size of her wasn’t on the menu! Ahh Fuckberries, here we go again!

Cruddiest_Spider · Otras
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8 Chs

Update on mental health

Okay, this is a chapter that will exist on all of my fanfics that I'm working on.

My mental health... it's bad to say the least, after ten years of dealing with it I'm going to a doctor, and I got the results back.

I have mild depression and a extreme case of social anxiety. And due to these results I have, after hours of consideration, that I will no longer write.

But I will be back to finish these fanfics... I just don't know when, it could be weeks, months, or even years. I can't be for certain.

If you like my fanfics and wish to continue them, feel free to do so.

So with a heavy heart, this is CruddiestSpider signing out until further notice...