
Red vs Blue: RWBY

Okay, so I haven’t seen a Red vs Blue fanfic on here so I decided to make one. I don’t own anything and if ROOSTER TEETH doesn’t want me to continue I will remove this. Okay onto the synopsis: after ending the Civil war, the Reds and Blues thought that going on vacation will help! But sent onto another dimension where teenage girls can weld a scythe twice the size of her wasn’t on the menu! Ahh Fuckberries, here we go again!

Cruddiest_Spider · Otras
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8 Chs

The Mission (Part Two)

A/N: sorry for not updating for a while! Enjoy a extra large chapter.

Grif and Simmons were outside of the Red base talking.

"That's what I'm saying!" Grif said this as if he's proving a point to Simmons.

"You're not saying anything! Your just saying the same thing over and over. We can't contact Command by inserting Lopez's ass into the antenna. It wont work because it simply doesn't AND it just doesn't make sense." Simmons said something to Grif but he ignores it.

"You don't know until you try." Grif said this like it was common sense.

"...You know what? I fucking hate you, so god damn much" Simmons said this to Grif with rage in his voice.

"Yeah, same here buddy. But seriously we won't know until we tried it." Grif continued trying to convince Simmons to agree to his idea.

"Yeah, 'we won't know until we trucked it'. Look fatass, if it would've work why didn't we try it with Lopez weeks ago? If it doesn't work then, it won't work now!" Simmons tried to use common sense with Grif

"Hey Reds! The People that are sent to help us are almost here, we need you guys to come with us to welcome them." Washington approached the Reds the started talking.

"The People that are sent to help us? You said they we're guest!" Grif questioned Washington.

"In case you guys haven't noticed that we're stuck here with no way, shape, or form of contacting Command. This isn't our Vacation spot, we are stranded, again."

"Are you kidding me?! I was convinced this was our Vacation spot!" Grid yelled this out in agony.

"And how did you contact these people?" Simmons asked this to Washington whom both ignored Grif whom is grieving.

"By asking the local villages." Washington said this casually which made Grif whom was hurling abuses at an unknown god stopped and turned to him.

"Wait, whoa, whoa, whoa, hold on! You said as an order that 'we can't go inside the forest due to Grimm.' But you did anyways and not only that but contacted locals that we didn't know were here?" Grif said this trying to understand what is happening.

"Yeah, you guys and the rest of the Blue team minus Caroline and I, because you guys would just get yourself's killed." Washington said this like it was common sense.

"...Y'know? I'm no mad that you did it, I'm mad because it's true" Grif said this as Simmons went inside the base to get Donut, Sarge, and Lopez.

"Sarge, those... 'Temporary Prisoners are almost here-" Simmons walked up to Sarge and spoke to him but was cut off.

"Ah that's great, Donut and I just finished the prisoner cells!" Simmons looked over to a okay looking prison cell and frowned under his helmet.

Simmons then gets a bright idea and tuned back to sarge and spoke "Sir, there's been new intelligence"

As predicted by Simmons Sarge tuned to Simmons and spoke "well, get it out!"

"Sir, it appears that we are actually stranded and these Prisoners are actually meant to help us get back to civilization so that we can get back to fighting the Blues with better gear!"

Sarge after hearing this then spoke "my god! Those dirty Blues tricked us!"

Simmons seeing where he is going tried to stop him "wait no!"

Sarge ignored him "They are helping the Blues! Not us! And when we trust them, they'll stab us in the back! C'mon Men! I got a plan"

<Cutting over to Tucker, Caboose, Freckles, and Caboose's pet Nevermore outside of the blue base talking>

"Okay Caboose" Tucker took a large breath before continuing "What did she do to the targets?"

"..." Caboose didn't respond.

Tucker sighed before speaking again "Caboose, what did Scarlet do to the targets?" After Tucker said this Caboose responded.

"Okay, so you see, I wanted to know if Scarlet can fly over people and attack them like she did to me!"

Inside Tucker's mind he was questioning whether or not that this is Caboose or not because Caboose never - no matter how long he's been with him - said aiming smart. And this? This was kinda smart.

Tucker sighed again before speaking "Caboose, Scarlet" Tucker looked at the Nevermore before looking back at Caboose before speaking again "you-" Tucker was cut off by Caroline whom just walked up to the four of them.

"Tucker and Caboose, the 'Guest' are almost here, we need to welcome them them" Caroline said this and was about to walk away but Tucker stopped her by talking.

"But are they really 'Guest'? Because this feels like we're stranded again" Tucker said this to Caroline

"Oh? And how did you come to that conclusion?" Caroline came off a sarcastic but Tucker explained anyways.

"Oh, nothing much, it's just that we get into contact with the outside world, no supplies came in. Oh! And let's not forget these 'Grimm' of this was a planet that we discovered, I'm pretty sure I would've seen them on the Interplanetary Animals page, but I don't!" Tucker ranted about how stupid this is.

"Okay, just come along with me these people are supposed to help us." Caroline said this as she walked away the Blues followed her. They left the torn up targets that have missing limbs that went to somewhere.

^^ ^^

The pilot spoke up to her passengers "okay, we're about five minutes tops from the Drop Zone, please get ready"

Ruby was visually shaking due to excitement from going on her first mission, no doubt pumped up and ready to kill some non-existing Grimm. Grabbing her weapon she took one last look at it before strapping it on her back.

"You Dolt! Can't you stop shaking?!" Weiss's voice entered the passengers ears.

"I cccaaaannnttttt!!! It's our first mission!!! I'm sooooo excited!!" Ruby said this as she pumped her fist into the air.

The pilot spoke up again. "Okay, we are one minute from the Drop Zone, prepare your self."

Glynda spoke up "children, please get your weapons, stay nearby at all times, and please don't do anything stupid"

Ozpin sailed as he looked outside window, it felt like the Bad Omen was right on top of him; he could practically feel its breath on his neck. Bust Ozpin exhaled and smiled nonetheless.

Updated on Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Word Count: 1,064