
Red vs Blue: RWBY

Okay, so I haven’t seen a Red vs Blue fanfic on here so I decided to make one. I don’t own anything and if ROOSTER TEETH doesn’t want me to continue I will remove this. Okay onto the synopsis: after ending the Civil war, the Reds and Blues thought that going on vacation will help! But sent onto another dimension where teenage girls can weld a scythe twice the size of her wasn’t on the menu! Ahh Fuckberries, here we go again!

Cruddiest_Spider · Otras
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8 Chs

The Mission (Part One)

(Sorry for not posting for like... a week? Anyway I found it hard to get any inspiration for this, until now!


Tucker whom is talking to Caboose about his new friend sighed and spoke "Okay Caboose, where did you find it?"


Tucker sighed again "okay where did you find her?"

Tucker pointed at Caboose's new friend: which is a Nevermore, which is fairly tiny. It was the size of a owl.

"Okay, so-" Caboose was cut off

"Don't say; you found it in the forest, I saw you try to signal it down outside the base. Yo- you know what? Your just going to say it" Tucker was the one that cut off Caboose.

"I found it in the forest"


<Moving over to the Reds>

"Men front in center on the double!"

Donut spoke up "No can do sarge I just got the floor in here cleaned; it's like really oily."

"I wasn't talking to you donut" Sarge said this to Donut whom was in the base.

Simmons and Grif came up to Sarge, with Grif wheezing like he's giving birth.

"Dude I swear to every thing that's holy that your getting fatter every second. We ran like one hundred and fifty feet"

"Fu-*still wheezing* fuck....you" Grif said this then passes out.

"Ah good man Simmons! You've finally put down Grif"

Simmons then corrected him "Actually sir he passes out"

Sarge then pointed his shotgun at Grif the speaks "Damnit Grif no napping until your dead" Sarge then shoots Grif.

"Ow!!" Grif then gets up.

"Alright men, do you know why I've gathered you here, today?"

"Nope" both Simmons and Grif said this at the same time.

"We got an old man back onto the field, the blues won't see it coming! Ha ha!"

Both Simmons and Grif looked at him then Grif spoke "who exactly is that Sarge?"

"Hey! Come on out here!" Sarge said this to the person behind a hill.

The person whom came out behind the hill was no one else other than Lopez The Heavy.

"hola hijos de puta"

(Hello, MotherFuckers)

{A/N: I don't know Spanish, so I'm using google translate; sorry if your a Spanish speaker, I know google translate is unreliable.>}

"Ummm, Sarge, didn't we see Lopez like... a couple of days ago?"

"Yes but I've made a few adjustments! Like-"

Donut whom came out and saw Lopez and said "Oh My God! Lopez is that you?"

"Oh no, alejate de esta idiota!"

(Oh no, get this idiot away from me!)

"Lopez! It is you, c'mon buddy! We have to show you the new base!" Lopez was dragged along by Donut who was going off about the new design, space, place, just everything about the place.

"¡Oh Dios! que alguien me ayude!"

(Oh God! Somebody help me!)

"He's already warming up" Sarge said this ignoring Lopez's call for help.

"Is that all, sir?" Simmons said this with a bit of hope in his voice

"Nope" Grif cursed under his breath "we need a plan to defeat the blues! Those backstabbing-" Sarge was cut off

"Hey, Sarge I never asked this but I've always wondered. What did the blues do to you that was backstabbing?" Grif said this in hopes to not do any work, and he succeeded!

"Oh! Did I not tell you! You- it's like this Grif" Grif said score softly underneath his breath.

<Moving over to Washington and Carolina inside the Blue base>

"Look, I know that... that- we really can't trust Ozpin and all, but he's the best shot we have right now if we want to go home." Washington said this as an explosion happened outside.

"Tucker did it!" Caboose could be heard after the explosion.

"I know it- it's just- it feels like he knows more than what he lets on. We- we need to be carful around him Wash; this is a shot in the dark that I don't want to miss." Carolina said this to Washington after sighing at Caboose's idiocy.

"Look, he said that he'll be coming with a bit more help that intended but we'll take his advice and say that they are friendly. But don't take any chances, not after what happened last time." Washington said this to Carolina whom sighed as Tucker came into the base.

"Hey guys; Caboose exploded something again"

Washington and Carolina spoke at the same time "we know"

".....oh okay, I just thought that I'll let you know what happened. Y'know, like a fucking soldier!" Tucker said this then left.

"... Y'know? I'm actually proud of him for not making a sex joke" Washington said this.

"Aaaaaannnnnddddd, I'm back" Tucker said this as he re-entered the Base.

Carolina just sighed the spoke "you just had to jinx it didn't you?"

<Moving to Caboose and his pet Nevermore>

"Okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay. Y- OW!! Stop it! Bad Bir- OW! Quit pecking me!" Caboose was trying to defend him self from his Nevermore and was doing a pathetic job of doing so.

Freckles spoke up "Captain Caboose, if you aq-"

Freckles was cut off "no Freckles! I- OW!!!! Stop it! Im going to get angry! ... I'll give you some peanut butter and jelly sandwich if you stop!" The bird continued its relentless attack.

^^ ^^

Ruby Rose, Weiss Schnee, Blake Belldonna, and Yang Xiao-Long. We're outside waiting for Ozpin and Glynda to show up seeing them coming up they all took a deep breath except for Ruby whom was fantasizing about their mission.

"Children, thank you for coming with us, on this mission anything could happen; please be vigilant." Glynda said this to Team RWBY whom two outta four are excited.

"Let's make haste children!" Ozpin said this as he entered the Bullhead with Team RWBY and Glynda following him.