
Red vs Blue: RWBY

Okay, so I haven’t seen a Red vs Blue fanfic on here so I decided to make one. I don’t own anything and if ROOSTER TEETH doesn’t want me to continue I will remove this. Okay onto the synopsis: after ending the Civil war, the Reds and Blues thought that going on vacation will help! But sent onto another dimension where teenage girls can weld a scythe twice the size of her wasn’t on the menu! Ahh Fuckberries, here we go again!

Cruddiest_Spider · Otras
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8 Chs

Guest? You Mean Temporary Prisoners Right?

Anyways back to present, Caboose has been informed that every and all Grimm are supposed to be killed. But it doesn't stop him from making a funeral for Russel, and making a gravestone for him.

"Okay children, we're having guests visit us in this week." Carolina was up on a stage-like platform in between the two bases, with Washington on her left and the Reds and Blues on the bottom.

"A guest?" Sarge said this with extreme confusion.

"The guest will be on man and one woman, they go by the names of-" Carolina was cut off by Sarge.

"Ohhhh you mean temporary prisoners."


Silence, complete silence. It was deafening.

"Excuse me?" Carolina said this to sarge.

"You mean temporary prisoners right? I mean what else?"

"No, guest." Washington said this confusion.

"That's what I said, temporary prisoners." Sarge said this was its irritation.

Washington and Carolina looked at each other. Grif let out a five second long sigh. Simmons stayed silent. Tucker eyed Sarge like he was a complete and utter idiot.

Caboose spoke up and said something that was out of character for him.

"W-" Caboose was ignored

"Okay, ignoring that, they go by the names of Ozpin and Glynda. We struck a deal with them a week ago, they'll do their best to help us get back and we'll help them teach a class" Washington said this.

"W-whoa, whoa, whoa, wait. Teach class? Have you not seen what we've done? We can't even keep Caboose in our sights for ten seconds!" Tucker was going to continue but and explosion interrupted him as well as 'Tucker did it' in the background.

"I rest my case"

"Okay, let me put this into perspective; you'll be teaching the class, we'll look over you and the class to make sure you don't fuck it up." Carolina said this to them all.

"Okay, who are we teaching and where?" Simmons said this.

"We're teaching at Beacon and we're going to teach Hunters and Huntresses. Where they hunt Grimm" Washington eyed Caboose whom was now standing beside a Beowolf. Letting out a long sigh he aimed his rifle and shot at its head but the shots landed in the eyes so it died immediately.

"Kyle!" Caboose screamed

This time Grif spoke "Wait! You want us to teach people who fight things that could kill us in one hit?"

"Yes" Washington said this dismissively.

"This could go very wrong, or just go wrong" Grif said this while facepalming.

"You would say that Fatass"

"Fuck off, Kiss-ass."

Washington took point "Look the point is you guys ended Project Freelancer, and stopped a Civil War on a planet; you guys are.... well-you guys should be able to do this. You guys haven't failed anything yet.... okay maybe a few things; but you guys can do this.

"Fine" Grif was first, then Carolina and Washington got a few grunts of acceptance.

"Caboose, you could make a few new friends"

"IM IN!!!!" Caboose said this shooting his weapons which made a party sound and confetti shoot out.

^^ ^^

Ozpin sneezed; he felt a bad omen was coming this way.

"You wanted to see us Headmaster?" The team leader of RWBY, Ruby said this.

"Yes; I have a mission for you"

Ruby gasped and squirmed in her seat like the hyperactive child she is.

Ozpin handed a sheet of paper towards her and spoke. "This has all of the details of the mission; you will go with Glynda and I. I expect you and your team to be ready by nine o' clock sharp"

With a salute and with badly hidden happiness Ruby spoke "I won't let you down sir!!" And used her semblance to run away.

Nope it must be his imagination; no bad omen coming this way.