
Red vs Blue: RWBY

Okay, so I haven’t seen a Red vs Blue fanfic on here so I decided to make one. I don’t own anything and if ROOSTER TEETH doesn’t want me to continue I will remove this. Okay onto the synopsis: after ending the Civil war, the Reds and Blues thought that going on vacation will help! But sent onto another dimension where teenage girls can weld a scythe twice the size of her wasn’t on the menu! Ahh Fuckberries, here we go again!

Cruddiest_Spider · Otras
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8 Chs

Friend? Wait no it’s a pet.

Right now Carolina has the Reds and the Blues in the middle of their two bases, talking about their next steps in plans and how to go back into vacation, and talking about the poor sandwiches that Caboose shot mercilessly.

But before we go into that we have to know what happened a few days ago.

<Flashback of about two days ago>

"Caboose, I want you to be honest with me, where did you find him?" Washington decided to speak first with the rest of the blues and reds behind him.

"Well, you see Agent Washington, you said that everyone else besides the reds and the blues are just friends that I haven't made yet. So I went into the woods and made a friend! Isn't that right Russle?" Caboose turned behind him; this wasn't a human, in Remnant terms, it was a King Taijitu

"Umm. Caboose? You know that is a Grimm right?" Tucker said this with a bit of fear in his voice.

"What's a Grimm?"


"That? No that's Russle"

"Caboose, Goddamn it!" Tucker gave up.

"Sarge, what should we do?" Grif said this whom was slowly every so slightly moving backwards.

"Simmons, Grif, get the Warthog" that's when the Red team ran back to the red base to get the Warthog.

"Caboose... where did you get it?" Carolina said this to Caboose while slowly approaching him.

Caboose didn't respond.

Washington let out a sigh, "Caboose, where did you get Russle?"

"Okay, ya see when I went into the woods, I got a bit lost. And Russle found me. He looked really friendly so I played with him. He bit me a couple of times but I think I'm fine." Carolina and Washington looked at each other.

"Are you fine Caboose?"

"Yeah... hey is it just me or is everyone is multiplying?" Caboose said this with energy that was slowly being depleted.

In the background you can hear the Warthog music getting progressively louder. Hearing the music Tucker, Carolina, Washington, and Caboose moves out of the way from the Grimm with Caboose being dragged.

"YEEE HHHAAAWWWW!!" Sarges voice could be heard as the Warthog flew through the air as Grif was driving it and Simmons being in the gunners seat. As the Jeep landed the Grimm started to move once again.

Simmons started firing at the King Taijitu "Yeah! Suck it Grimm! Take it you can white and black motherfucker!"

"NOOO RUSSLE!!!!" Cabooses yell could be heard over the firing, "Freckles! Fire!!"

Confetti shoots out and a party noise was made...

"Get to firing boys!" Carolina yelled out before firing her battle rifle at the Grimm along with Washington and Tucker. Dounut however tried to make the others stop firing.

"Guys! Guys! Stop unloading loads into Russle! He's friendly!" His cry was ignored.

The King Taijitu tried to run since it was free from Cabooses chain, but was gunned down by the Reds and Blues. And with one last shotgun bast to the face it fell down. And with pieces of its flesh scattered around and disappearing. The Reds and Blues stopped firing.

"RUSSLE, NNNNOOOOOOOOOO!!!!" Cabooses cry was heard throughout Remnant.