
Fix Your Mess

After the funeral, the family members were able to take time to grieve, though only the Hou family took the time off. Hou Xiulan was a cook within the dining hall in the center of the sect. Hou Ning was still just five years old and had just started her cultivation foundation only a few months prior with her father's help. She now went into a closed door cultivation, which seemed good timing.

Li Wei had decided to go back out with group two, to ensure no one else decided to go against the sect rules and get themselves killed. She hadn't uttered a single word to either her father or Hong Zhao after the flames had settled. Hong Zhao could see something missing in her eyes when she looked at him during the mission brief Li Wen gave the group before setting off. He could tell it was going to take a long time, if ever for her to get over her brother's death.