
Red Spades

Two worlds collided. One full of violence, horror, and trouble. The other full of loss, secrets, and betrayal. They are so different but so similar at the same time. Axel is the bad boy of River High school, people hide from him when they seem him and refuse to speak his name. He leads one of the biggest gangs on the streets that no one can control. He's cold and intimidates everyone around him. He's not afraid to kill or be killed. Aella is a girl that can't be intimidated. She ignores everyone that pushes her around as she keeps to herself trying to graduate high school so she can get away from her abusive uncle and aunt. With a broken past she covers with a mask she fights her inner and outer demons.

LionoftheStars01 · Adolescente
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20 Chs

Please Don’t Go


I laid in bed staring up at the ceiling. I watched as I blew out another puff of smoke before putting the cigarette back to my lips. I tried thinking of anything but her, the broken look in her eyes as she starred at me. It tore me up inside and I hated myself even more. I was just so angry she was willing to be used as a punching bag and it just slipped out. I would never mean that, and I would never say that to her, except I just did. I didn't even stop her from walking out the door,

'What the fuck is wrong with me!'

I screamed at the top of my lungs pulling my hair in exasperation. I stood up walking over to a wall and punching it over and over again. I finally stopped, breathing hard as I looked at my knuckles that were bleeding now, "Dammit!" I left a large dent in the wall only pissing me off even more.

'Maybe this is for the better, now Vladimir won't target her again with her and I hating each other'

Who was I kidding I felt anything but hate toward Aella. The only girl whose not afraid of me, and the only person who has the ability to make me relax when I want to kill someone. She was my everything and I found it hard to breath without her with me. I looked in the mirror seeing tears streaming down my face.

I looked out the window seeing it was starting to snow, "Fuck" I grabbed my gun tucking it under my shirt before throwing my jacket over my shoulders walking out of my room. There was no way in hell I was going to let her slip away like this. I grabbed my motorcycle zooming off, my best bet was she went left toward her house. I pulled up to the driveway and walked around to her window opening it quietly before jumping in. She wasn't there, 

'Maybe she's in the bathroom.' 

silently I made my way to her bathroom, and peeked in. It was dark and there was no one there. I panicked thinking Carl took her back downstairs. I passed a bedroom where I heard talking, it sounded like his voice, 

"Jen don't worry I'll take care of it" I walked away from the door once I was sure Aella wasn't there. I made my way to the basement but she wasn't there either. 


Quickly leaving through the front door to not risk getting caught I hopped on my motorcycle. If I knew where she was then I would take a moment to beat Carl to a pulp, but Aella was the priority. I parked in front of the cemetery. The snow was falling harder now, "Aella?" I walked around looking for her. The anxiety of not knowing where she was settled in my chest, she wasn't here. 

'Where is she? Did something happen? Is she hurt?' 

I pulled out my phone calling her with shaky hands. I held my breath hoping she would pick up, 

"I'm sorry, the person you are trying to reach is unavailable" 

"Dammit!" I hung up and started riding back; I noticed a gas station and stopped, 

'Maybe she took shelter inside until it stops snowing...' 

I was praying she was here as I walked in looking around. I walked up to the clerk who coward away from me, "I didn't do anything! The money is right here!" I rolled my eyes and glared at him, 

"Did a girl come in here, she has red hair and beautiful blue eyes" Wait, shit I didn't mean to say beautiful even though they were. He looked at me weirdly, growling lowly I pulled out my gun aiming it at his head, "I don't have all fucking day!" his eyes filled with fear again as he raised his hands, 

"Okay, Okay yes! she came in here walked around paid for a soda and left but that's all I know I swear" he was crying like a little kid begging for me not to pull the trigger, 

"Where did she go?"

"What, um I don't know! she kept heading straight! Please, I have a wife and two kids I'm begging you don't kill me please" I raised an eyebrow looking at the coward with disgust, 

"It looks like you had a wife who took your two kids and left your fat ass here" His eyes widened in shock that I figured that out. I tucked my gun away running out to my bike. He didn't have a ring on his left finger and he worked at a gas station with the intoxicating smell of alcohol on him. If he had a wife and two kids then it was obvious they left him for a better life. I was good at seeing the truth through excuses and lies just by the surroundings and the appearance of a person. 

As I drove down the highway I looked to my sides hoping to see her. But, the snow was getting worse and I couldn't see shit. "Fuck!" I looked around and spotted an old subway not too far. I parked there and walked deeper into the abandoned station. I wasn't going to find her in this storm, so my only option was to call one of the guys and wait here for them to pick me up. I hoped she was okay. I dialed up Gus who answered instantly, 

"Hey what's up? Where are you? We all got back but you weren't here" 

"I'm at the old subway station passed the gas station near the cemetery" I found it hard to speak, 

"What are you doing there?" 

"I was looking for Aella, we had a fight and she left...I need you to come pick me up and bring the pick up truck for the motorcycle." he could tell I was in no mood to explain anything else, 

"Alright Jack and I'll be there in a few minutes" I hung up and continued walking through the dump. It smelled horrible down here and the walls all had graffiti on them. I noticed a figure leaning against the wall a few yards away, most likely homeless. But as I walked closer I noticed blood all around them. 

"Hey" they didn't answer. Cautiously I made my way closer to them. I felt my heart stop when I realized who it was, 


Her skin was deathly pale and she held a razor in her limp hand the cut down her arm told me the rest of what happened, "No, no no!" I ran to her. Her head tilted to the side. I cupped her ice cold face, "Aella, Aella you need to wake up!" she didn't. My hands shook as I pulled her to me, "No, this can't be happening. NO you can't leave me!" I rocked back and forth keeping her close to me as tears poured down my face. I took off my jacket wrapping her arm up, the cut was deep and still bleeding. I moved my head to her chest, "Please don't go" then I heard it, it was faint but still there, a heart beat. I quickly pulled out my phone,

"911, what's your emergency" 

"Get me a fucking ambulance over here now, she's fading!" my voice cracked, 

"Okay sir calm down, where are you?" 

"In the abandoned subway station down the street from the cemetery" 

"Okay we are dispatching an ambulance right now" I sighed in relief still rocking her. It seemed like forever when I finally heard the sirens. Picking her up carefully I ran out into the cold as people started getting out with a stretcher. As they pulled her away from me Gus and Jack pulled up running over to me once they parked their truck. Jack yelled looking between the ambulance and me, 

"What happened!?!"  I couldn't think straight as I looked at them with distant eyes. 

"It's my fault..." Jack tried to get more out of me but Gus stopped him, 

"We'll give you a ride to the hospital" I could only nod as Jack went over to get my motorcycle and Gus led me to the passenger seat. My eyes fixed on the ground as I held my head in my hands as we drove to the hospital.