
Red Slime Adventures - Tensei Slime

Slimes are usually simple lifeforms. But sometimes, on very rare occasions, something special happens. A curious Red Slime is born. And this Red Slime decides to go on adventures! Follow him through his journey in the Great Jura Forest and beyond. All the events take place a few days after the end of season 2. I wont include any canon events after that. So its spoilerf ree for animeonly.

Lancel0ts · Cómic
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69 Chs

The Valkyries [2]

The sun was already setting.

It was the beginning of the second night after Trewy and Nemu left the rabbit tribe.

"It's time to set up camp for us." Said Nemu. Actually, they had always set up camp earlier until now. Before the sun started to set, but today.... They had not found a good place.

"Yes." Trewy sighed. If they could find a clearing or a river, they would have made camp there, but in the last few hours there was nothing but dense forest. It wasn't the first time, but still disappointing. Not that she as a dryad didn't like the forest, but they couldn't even see the moon or the stars.

"Hmm... are we just going to stay here?" Nemu asked and looked at the thick tree trunks around him with a doubtful look.

"I don't think we have a choice. Everything looks the same here anyway." Said Trewy and shrugged while looking into the dense treetops. The place was safe. Since they had left the rabbit village, there were hardly any monsters. A bit strange for this part of the forest, but not so rare.

While Nemu jumped around a bit to find a place that looked comfortable, Trewy sat down on a tree stump. Earlier, Nemu had used a new technique to see over the trees. Waterjet. He shot himself into the air to be able to see over the treetops. It looked strange, but it was effective.

And that's what he did today. The leaves and branches that blocked his way were no problem, with his hardening skill he could simply ignore them.

However, this time, after he got back on the ground, he had a worried expression on his face. Despite being a slime, Trewy could see it immediately.

"What's wrong?" She asked. She hoped there were no monsters around, already during the day the forest was very dark and by now you could hardly see anything. To walk any further would be annoying. Besides, she was exhausted.

"There is something in front of us. I couldn't see it clearly, but I think it's a magic barrier." Nemu explained while looking in the direction.

One thing was for sure. Magic barriers are not a natural phenomenon. They had dealt with it before on Demon Island. And it didn't end well for them. Now they were both worried.

"Maybe it's the bandits who attacked the village." Trewy became angry. As a dryad, it was her job to protect the forest, if the bandits had really returned to attack the rabbit tribe she couldn't ignore it.

Nemu knew that very well. His adventurous spirit was also awakened. They had to find out what was going on there.

"The bandits hadn't created a magical barrier, though." Said Nemu. Looking back at the camp he had found, there were no traces of any magical items. Magic items were expensive and although he hadn't much knowledge of such things, he knew that simple bandits couldn't afford them.

"Maybe they have a talented mage with them now." Trewy said as she stared unsuccessfully in the direction the barrier was supposed to be. Nemu felt it when he was above the treetops and his magical perception was much better than Trewy's, she knew that but tried anyway.

"Possible. I guess we have to find out by ourselves." Nemu really didn't want to get into a fight. If it was indeed the bandits.... He wasn't sure what to do. Maybe they should return to the rabbit tribe then? Or should he tell Rimuru about it? No. Not now. They needed confirmation that it was indeed the bandits.

But what if they saw him and attacked right away? He was pretty sure he could escape. His waterjet skill could shoot him miles away, and they certainly couldn't follow him through the forest. He didn't have much water left in his dimensional space since he used his skill every day, but it should be enough for that. There was still a very small chance that there was a mage who could fly. But to his knowledge, there were very few people who could use such an ability. And bandits were certainly not among them.

"Let's go." Said Trewy. Normally, she was not so impetuous, but when it came to the forest or its inhabitants being in danger, she could not hold back so easily.

"Okay, but let's go slow, maybe they've set traps." Nemu said this to reassure Trewy. They couldn't get impatient now. If the bandits had been camped here for several days and they had even set up a magic barrier, it was not impossible that they also set up traps. Nemu used his detective skill to see if there were any footprints but could not find any. Whoever was in front of them, they did not come from this direction. But that was hardly surprising, Nemu and Trewy came from the Rabbit Tribe and if they really were bandits heading there, then it made sense that there were no tracks. Actually, it was not a good sign that there were no footprints. So they definitely weren't bandits going away from the Rabbit Tribe.

"Do you know what the barrier is for?" Trewy asked as they moved slowly and as quietly as possible through the forest.

"No, it was too far away." If it was an illusion then Nemu would recognize it. He had dealt with such a barrier before. However, if it wasn't an illusion, it might be hard for him. But... He had Guide. Without question, he would be able to analyze it and tell him if it was dangerous. His skill was very convenient. He said of himself that he could only give basic knowledge about the world. But by now, Nemu knew that was not true. He was very helpful in many situations. Isn't that a little suspicious?

Slowly and stealthily they moved through the dense forest. It took them 15 minutes to get 500 meters closer to the barrier. Until even Trewy felt it. Nemu promised her that they were still far enough away. The range of the barrier was not very large. No problem for them, but monsters or humans had to get very close before they would notice anything the barrier, so it still was useful.

When they were finally close enough, Nemu found out something. Definitely not an illusion barrier. So it was time for his favorite skill!

'Hey guide, what's the barrier in front of us?'

[It is a detection barrier, the radius is about 100 meters in total]. Guide answered without hesitation.

'Thanks. Can it detect me?' Nemu had gotten into the habit of being friendly to Guide, to him he wasn't just a skill.


Nemu could hide his aura better than anyone else. Except Rimuru and Diablo. Besides, he was a slime and thus virtually part of the environment. That the detection spells don't work on him wasn't surprising for Nemu.

'Can it detect Trewy?'

[Probably.] This time Guide paused for a second, like he had to do some calculations.

Nemu explained the situation to Trewy. The problem was that Trewy could not suppress her aura. As a dryad, she was also part of the environment and without her magical aura, detection magic should not detect her. But her aura would probably be detected. And that means... Nemu would go on alone.

Of course, Trewy was disappointed and worried to let Nemu go on alone. But unfortunately, he had no choice. They were now sure that someone was ahead of them. Before, it was possible that the barrier had been there for some time and that there was no one left. But the barrier was only temporary.

"Good luck." Trewy couldn't help but sigh. She knew it was even more dangerous if she came along.

"I'll be careful. Don't worry. If it gets dangerous I will retreat immediately." Said Nemu, he would be lying if he said he wasn't worried. It will be dangerous and they both knew that. Probably the most dangerous action since they left the demon castle.

And so, Nemu jumped forward. Leaving the worried Dryad behind.

Nemu took a deep breath before he entered the area of the barrier. Well, he didn't really take a deep breath because he couldn't do that as a slime. But he copied some of the behavior of other races.

When he jumped into the area he waited. He didn't move for a few minutes, waiting to see if anything happened.

He used his magical perception as best he could. He already knew that there were 3 people in the middle of the barrier. Most likely humans, but they felt... strange. Something he had not felt from the people in Tempest. Two of them felt only a little strange, but the third person... She radiated an aura. Something that humans shouldn't be able to do.

'Guide? What is this energy?' Nemu asked his omniscient comrade.

[One of the persons is close to Enlightened.] Nemu never heard of an Enlightened, Guide obviously knew that, so without a break he continued explaining. [Enlightened refers to the next stage of the human race. They are seen as humanity's guardians with much greater strength than ordinary humans and are deemed literal superhumans. Specific requirements for becoming Enlightened have not been detailed, but they seem to involve engaging in some form of grueling training. Upon completing such a trial, the human will evolve into a higher existence, greatly extending their lifespan and the amount of energy they could work with. Their physical body will transform into a half-spiritual state].


'Are you sure I can approach them?' The situation immediately became much more complicated. It was not only the chance that he could be discovered. If the humans really reached the rabbit tribe and attacked, they were doomed. However, they were definitely not bandits. What do they want here? Maybe it's just coincidence and they want something completely different. But deep in the forest to find a group of people near the Rabbit Tribe that had been attacked by humans before was unlikely.

[Magic detection will not detect you. However, they can still hear and see you if they use specific skills for it, you might get spotted. Based on their group, it is likely that one or more of them have such a skill. It is not recommended to approach the camp closer than 50 meters.] Explained Guide.

Hmm... Nemu was overwhelmed. 50 meters from the camp, so he can move another 50 meters. Then he should at least be able to hear what is happening in the camp. It doesn't matter how good their hearing senses are, Nemu knew his perception was better. And for senses that let them see better.... The forest is dense enough to approach without coming into their field of vision. They must have had the same problem as Trewy and Nemu. There were simply no open spaces in this part of the forest. So they had no choice but to set up camp directly in the forest. Even if it made them less safe. But they had their magical perception, if it wasn't for Nemu, no one would have a chance to approach their camp without being noticed.

And so Nemu moved another 50 meters toward the camp. Until he could hear the first snippets of conversation. He changed to his pancake form while he waited. He couldn't go any closer, he knew that, but maybe this way he will find out what the people here want. He waited for half an hour. Trewy must be really worried... Nemu hoped that she would not do anything unreasonable.

After half an hour he still couldn't understand the group. He heard various fragments of words, sometimes even sentences, but he still didn't know the reason why they were here. However, it wasn't like he didn't have the perfect partner for such a situation.

'Can you explain to me what they are talking about?' Putting all the words together so that they made sense shouldn't be a problem for Guide.

[They are a group from the adventurer guild. Their mission is to find the rabbit tribe and save them from the bandits. If necessary, they will kill the bandits. They have been here for a while, but due to a bad map, they have not found the rabbit tribe yet]. Explained Guide.

'Oh! So they are on our side! If we explain to them what happened, they should have accomplished their mission, right?' Asked Nemu. He was also excited to talk to someone from the Adventurer's Guild, since he was also an adventurer and wanted to join as soon as he came to a human country.

[Yes. But I wouldn't recommend...]

After the Yes, Nemu jumped out from his position behind the tree.

And immediately, an arrow flew in Nemu's direction. Although he was still in the dark forest and 50 meters away from the camp, the arrow would have hit him.

Fortunately, he had his magic senses and in a split second.

'Absorption!' He screamed in his mind. Not even speak it out loud.

The arrow immediately vanished into his dimensional space. Nemu now knew what Guide wouldn't recommend him...

He heard voices. They were talking to each other. Before they had another chance to attack him, he screamed.

"Stop shooting at me! I am not any enemy!"