
Red Slime Adventures - Tensei Slime

Slimes are usually simple lifeforms. But sometimes, on very rare occasions, something special happens. A curious Red Slime is born. And this Red Slime decides to go on adventures! Follow him through his journey in the Great Jura Forest and beyond. All the events take place a few days after the end of season 2. I wont include any canon events after that. So its spoilerf ree for animeonly.

Lancel0ts · Cómic
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69 Chs

Healing old Wounds

Several minutes passed in silence after Kumo finished her story. It was already deep in the night, but Nemu, Trewy and Kumo had lost any sense of time long ago. However, the place wasn't dark before. As the sun slowly settled down, the threads began to glow. Bathening the entire area in a shining blue light. And the blue light was somehow connected to Kumos emotions. In the beginning, they very much enjoyed it. Whenever she told something happy or exciting the threads began to glow. It gave the story even more impact. However, as soon as Kumo got sad, the threads slowly dimmed down. And at the end of Kumos story, the entire forest was dark.

Nemu loved stories. He was sure that he would like every kind of story. But he wasn't aware that there are stories that aren't entertaining or fun, some of them are sad, even heartbreaking. Tonight, he finally understood this. And Trewy felt the same, she was excited to learn everything about the world, completely ignoring the fact that there are fates in the world which aren't fun. She felt naive and so did Nemu.

After a few more minutes passed, the light of the threads came slowly back. Again bathing the area in blue light. And with the light, did they also get their mood back.

"I haven't told this story to anyone in 70 years." Kumo finally broke the silence.

"It must have been hard." Trewy said, looking at the biggest pile of threads that was now glowing like before. The pile was in the middle of them and felt like a campfire. Even warmth came from it. Kumo must have done this on purpose.

"It was. In the beginning. But by now, I enjoy my life. It's peaceful, simple and..."

"Boring?" Nemu interrupted. Immediately regretting his words. And he got rewarded with an evil glance by Trewy.

"Hahahha." Fortunately, Kumo laughed. "Well, you are a very honest little slime. But you're right. Sometimes it is boring. But most of the time, I'm just happy to have my web. And I don't want to do something that I will regret afterwards."

"You said web quite often before. In the beginning I thought it's your place. But now, I feel like there is more behind it, isn't it?" Trewy asked. Nemu had the same thought before, but did not want to interrupt Kumos story.

"Hmm, my web isn't just a place. By web, I mean the place, the other spiders and everything that exists inside my threads. Monsters call this a tribe, I think. It's not only the spiders, but also the place. I have a connection to everything that is in my web. It's a deep connection and I don't really know something that is comparable." Kumo explained.

Trewy nodded and, well, without any more practice, Nemu tried to nod again. And he failed, earning laughter from Kumo and Trewy. He was slightly embarrassed but happy at the same time, because it enlightened the mood.

"You know, I have another question." Trewy said had mixed feelings on her face, unsure if the question is appropriate. "Why did you even talk to us? You brought us here and told us your story." Remembering back, the rather unpleasant time in the cocoon.

"Hmm, I guess the little slime..." "Nemu." Nemu interrupted her. "Well, I guess Nemu already answered the question. I was simply bored." Kumo shrugged like it was no big deal. But actually, it was a big deal. She spent so much time alone and after decades she finally decided to bring someone here. And without saying, bringing other intelligent life forms here was risky. Because it could have consequences. A dryad and a red slime were not dangerous. But they could tell other people. Still, Kumo decided to talk to them. Nemu and Trewy were both aware of that, but they decided to not ask any more questions. Instead...

"What's over there?" Nemu asked. While Kumo was talking he often took a glance at the cave entrance, the spider came out earlier.

"Oh, that's just the place where the eggs of the young spiders are. Also, I'm there most of the time. I built a home." Kumo answered.

"Can we see it?" Trewy asked. Her curiosity was now back, after they had processed Kumo's story.

"Of course, but it's a little messy. I didn't expect visitors." Kumo said, slightly embarrassed but smiling.

"Oh, I know that feeling. Don't worry. My room was also messy... Did I even clean up before leaving? My friend Veldora visited me and we probably left my room without cleaning it." Nemu laughed. "It 's still something I'm not used to. I just hope Rimuru won't blame me..."

"Wait... Did you say Veldora? The dragon?" Kumo asked. Trewy obviously knew that he was back, but what Nemu didn't mention before... "Friend?"

"Hmm, yes Veldora is a dragon and he is my friend. Do you know him?" Nemu asked curiously.

"Nemu... Veldora the Storm Dragon. He was known as a natural calamity but was also the protector of the forest. The legends say, passed down in every tribe I have ever met, that the times in the forest were peaceful for all monsters, before he suddenly left. I thought they are just legends, but that he actually exists and... he is even alive. That's surprising." Kumo told them.

Nemu knew that he was strong, probably stronger than every other being he has met so far, besides Milim. But that he is actually still well known even after 300 years of imprisonment. He must have been a really great dragon in the past. Nemu was happy that they met and became friends.

"He lives in Tempest. You should go there and meet him." Nemu proposed.

"I already said that I can't leave this place, Nemu." Kumo said.

"Why?" Nemu asked.

"I already told you my story and you still think I could leave this place?"

"The forest changed. It isn't dangerous anymore. And Rimuru said every race is welcome in Tempest. He is a demon lord, that's something big he told me, and now the protector of the forest." Nemu explained.

Before Kumo could answer Trewy said something. "It really is a save place now. Even my sisters told me."

"Even the dryads said that?" Every monster in the forest knew that there wasn't anyone more trustworthy than the dryads. Even Onis were living there, remembered Kumo back.

Trewy nodded.

"Oh!" Nemu started talking, he almost forgot. "Rimuru said, whenever I meet another tribe I should give them a gift. Like a proof of good will. Hmm, but it is not easy to choose. He gave me something for every race he already knew. But he never told me something about an intelligent spider race. Oh, I have an idea! Maybe that works!"

He took out a small wooden box from his dimensional space and... And got a reaction he didn't expect.

"Ewww, did you just poop that out?" Kumo said and got rewarded by a bursting laughter from Trewy. Before, she had the same reaction when Nemu "ate" the carriage.

"No! It's a dimensional space and it's not in my body!" He explained defensively.

"Well, it looked like you pooped it out." Trewy was still laughing.


"Well, nevermind. What's in the box?" Kumo asked.

"See yourself." Nemu opened the box. In the box there were several small glass vials. The vials had an oval shape and on the top there was a golden shining glass lid. However, the most impressive was the liquid in the vials. The liquid looked like a moving rainbow, shining in several colors and constantly moving in the glass. It was still transparent, but as Kumo looked through it, even the colors behind the glass were shining in blue, red, green and several other beautiful colors. Kumo had never seen something like that. Even glass was something she hadn't seen in a long time.

Fortunately, Guide explained it to Nemu before. While Kumo was still looking Nemu started to explain. "It's a healing or... an energy potion. It gives you vitality and heals all of your injuries. It's incredibly potent and Rimuru made them himself. The integrates are plants with a highly dense mana. It might be able to even her your legs. But I'm not sure about that. Because it's been a long time since it happened to you." He tried to not give any false hope here.

Kumo had her doubts. Heal her legs? She had lost her hope decades ago.

Even Trewy was surprised. She had seen healing potions before, but they haven't had the same color as the potion in front of her. They were green, blue or red. But not all colors at the same time. Trewy was impressed. Tempest truly is a special place.

"Why don't you just try it?" Trewy said. By now, she was also curious.

Kumo took the lid from one of the bottles. But before she started to drink the potion, she smelled it. For a second she thought that there might be poison in it. A stupid thought, she knew that. But prevention is better than aftercare. Fully trusting other people was an ability that she had lost a long time ago. She only trusted her web.

She let out a long sigh and shrugged her shoulders. And then she drank from the potion.

A warm feeling flooded her entire body as the liquid reached her belly. A feeling she had never before. If she should have been honest. She never believed that the potion would do something to her. Maybe it was just politeness that she even took it. Afterall, it was a friendly gesture. A gift? The closest to a gift she had ever gotten was her name. No, that wasn't even a gift. She paid for it. Maybe the girl with the mask who let her live. That could be considered as a gift, as she gave her nothing in return.

And now, she felt it. An incredible and indescribable feeling in her entire body. She looked down on her. The threads covering her upper body were slowly dropping to the ground. Exposing the scar. Something happened to the scar she carried for 70 years now, she always considered it as a symbol for her failure and mistake. She couldn't believe her eyes, as the scar slowly became smaller. Kumo didn't even blink as she was watching what happened to her body. The scar, smaller, and then, even smaller, until, only a short time later, it almost vanished. It looked like there was still a pale dot on her body, but besides that, the scar was gone.

However, it shouldn't stop there. In great anticipation, she looked at her legs. And again, she couldn't believe her eyes as they began growing. Even after the scar on her stomach was gone, the effect of the potion didn't stop. Her legs, they looked like they were slowly growing while the scar was vanishing. A weird sight. First her middle legs. Out of thin air, they were growing, until finally, they were fully back. Very gently touching the ground.

Next were her front legs. They also reappeared. Slowly, but steady. While Kumo was looking at them, she was afraid. Afraid that the effect of the potion would run out. But it didn't. After a minute staring at them, they were also back. Like they were never gone. And then, Kumo began to cry. What was taken from her 7 decades ago, was finally back. She had lost hope. But the young dryad and the small red slime gave her back what was taken from her. And, without even knowing it... Rimuru.

Tears were running from Kumos eyes. She took a risk again. Something she hadn't done in a long time. And she enjoyed the day. Her story was sad, she was aware of that but it was a relief for her to finally let it out. She couldn't remember the last time that she was happy without the feeling of discomfort and guilt. Maybe after she received her name?

"I... don't know how to thank you." She finally said to Nemu and Trewy.

"You don't have to. It's a gift. Besides, it was Rimuru who prepared them. So you should thank him!" Nemu said.

"But... I feel like I have to do something."

"Well, there is actually something. You can tell us about your race. You know, we are adventurers and only after a few days we found a new tribe. Your web. That's great for us! And we want to know more." Nemu explained. Trewy nodded. She had the same thought. They were already here, so it's time to learn some new things!

Kumo sniffed. Her legs were shaking. She wasn't used to it anymore. While it was weird for her in the beginning after she lost her legs, it was even more weird to have them back.

"I will gladly tell you everything I know." Happy to give something back. "What about tomorrow? It's late."

"Oh." Nemu said. He forgot about that. He didn't have to sleep, but usually he gets tired because he is used to it. But today, he simply forgot. It was dark for many hours now, no, Nemu felt that it wasn't long until the sun went up again. Suddenly, the tiredness overcame him. Trewy still needed to sleep. But she held it back all night. It wasn't hard for her. Because she could listen to Kumo's exciting story all night long. However, now she suddenly became very sleepy.

Kumo noticed this. "Let's sleep first." She smiled.

So Nemu poope... took a tent from his dimensional space. Rimuru gave it to him for his journey. At first he thought it might be too dangerous to use this in the middle of the forest. But apparently, it wasn't a normal tent. There were some magical protections on it and even strong monsters couldn't even scratch it. Nemu and Trewy slept in there for the past few days now, and it was way more comfortable than the holes Nemu was used to before he came to Tempest.

Kumo wanted to give them a room in her place. Yes, there were actually rooms in the cave. She didn't spend 70 years here and was just lying around. It wasn't useful, but everyone needs a hobby, right?

And so she walked on her 6 legs back into her cave. With a big grin on her face and a happiness she hasn't felt in a long time.