
Red Lips

In a world full of normal, average people, there's something about each one of them that identifies them. Their lips! Depending on which lip is red whether it's your top lip, bottom lip, or both, your lips determine your strength but not everything about you. This is Red Lips the Novel, but it'll soon be made into a comic! Hope you enjoy!

_Bunny_Queen_ · Fantasía
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5 Chs

School Day

As I walked through the school doors, I could feel everyone staring at me like a pack of hungry, wild animals. As soon as we got settled in first period, everyone kept on stealing glances at me and tried not to make it noticeable, yet it kept happening for the entire day. Finally, the day came to an end and everyone was heading home. But before we could walk out the school doors Mana Walker, my crush, had starting walking to me and Jesa. With every step she took, I could feel every inch of my face getting hotter and hotter. It wasn't long before Jesa tapped on my shoulder and told me to chill out.

Jesa: Girl calm down. You look like someone just dumped a bucket of red face paint on you.

Pika: But I cant. She's just so STUNNING! How is it possible for someone to look that GORGEOUS!

Jesa: It's sad that we can't stay any longer though, we have to get home.

Pika: Aw shoot, you're right. Well at least we're coming back tomorrow.

Jesa: But tomorrow is Saturday?

Oh right. Of course I could've stopped him and got his number but my awkwardness got in the way. Well, there's always Monday! I guess I'll just think about this over the weekend so I don't f*ck it up on Monday.

P.S: I'm so sorry for the extremely late update but I've been hit by writer's block so hopefully I'll have the next chapter up whenever I can! See you guys soon!