
Magic Awakening

Traductor: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Two years later, on a certain day, Jose woke up at home. The moment he woke up, he had a strange feeling that the whole world was different now.

He focused his attention on the air. The originally empty air was now filled with energy particles of various colors. Red, blue, yellow, green, black, white, gold… Fiery-red particles were the most numerous around him. These were the elements in the air.

"Elemental vision is truly extraordinary."

He stretched out his scaly dragon claws and recited two strange syllables.


A flame rose from the center of his dragon claw. The intensity of the flame was not high, but it was created by him using his own ability.


Although it was only the most basic trick — Ignite, it still made Jose excited.

Ever since he transmigrated, the power of magic had left a deep impression in his heart. The burning meteors that fell from the sky, the ice and flames that spewed out from one's hands, the collision of magic in the air that caused the young dragons to not dare to fly up…

The ability of magic to rule the battlefield made him look forward to his awakening, but he did not expect this day to come so quickly.

According to the growth pattern of dragons, he would only gradually awaken his spellcasting ability when he was a teenager, and he was still two years away from the teenage dragon stage.

Without a doubt, this was due to Jinkela.

He observed his body again. His body did not change much compared to before he fell into a deep sleep. It was still within the range of a young dragon.

"For dragons, the awakening of their spellcasting ability is a sign that their spiritual power has grown strong enough to control elements. It seems that Jinkela's effect on the spiritual power is greater than the effect on the body. No! It could also be because of my transmigration. My spiritual power is stronger than that of other young dragons of the same age, or perhaps both."

Regardless of the specific reason, it was a fact that he had awakened his ability to cast spells in advance. Jose was very happy.

The early awakening of his ability to cast spells was like the opening of a floodgate. From now on, he would obtain more and more powerful spells from the inheritance of dragons, which would allow him to gain an advantage in the competition with his peers.

Furthermore, along with the ability to cast spells, there was also a key ability that would affect the entire life of a dragon — the Follower Contract. It was the most important method for dragons to maintain the order of their forces.

It could be said that as long as a creature signed a dragon's Follower Contract, it would become an extension of the dragon's will. Visual sharing, mental connection, and access to memories were all possible with a single thought from the dragon.

Of course, the contract was only a contract. It could not change the personal will of the subordinates. The subordinates still had independent personalities and thoughts. They might even betray the dragon. However, the betrayal of the subordinate would result in a backlash from the contract.

Jose dismissed this small flaw.

If there really was a situation where his subordinates would rather betray him and die, then he as a master was too much of a failure.

"However, am I a teenage dragon now? Or am I still a young dragon?"

He muttered to himself as he considered the age division of the dragons and what each age entailed.

From 0 to 3 years old, it was the baby dragon stage: The newborn baby dragons would live under the protection of the mother dragon. Following the instructions of the Evil Dragon God Tiamat, the mother dragon would take care of the baby dragons until they had a certain level of survival ability and then expel the children from the nest.

Next, 3 to 10 years old was the young dragon stage: Almost all Five-Colored Dragons were expelled by their mother when they were young. Without their mother's protection, young dragons were easily hunted in the wilderness. Thus, the young dragon stage became the stage where the death rate of the Five-Colored Dragons was the highest. Young dragons that came out from the same dragon nest would often live together.

Then, 10 to 25 years old was the teenage dragon stage: Although the teenage dragon was not strong, it had a certain degree of ability to protect itself. The tough experiences in the young dragon stage would make them cautious. They lay in the shadows and secretly grew up. Moreover, something big would happen during the teenage dragon stage, which was the first appearance of magic power.

Between 25 and 50 years old was the adolescent dragon stage: Dragons at this stage tended to be more mature in terms of both their magic abilities and their bodies. Their courage also increased along with it, gradually expanding their range of activities and awakening their territorial awareness. The Five-Colored Dragons that lived together would part ways at some point in time at this stage. The metallic dragons of the Good Faction would also leave their parents to travel at this age.

Between the age of 50 and 100 was the phase of a young adult dragon: The Five-Colored Dragons at the age of 50 to 100 were often overconfident, and started to consciously gather their followers and occupy a territory. Sometimes, they would also attract the attention of people with malicious intentions due to their large strides.

Between 100 to 700 years old was the adult dragon stage: Adult dragons were undoubtedly at the top of the food chain. They had a fixed residence or territory and dared to appear in front of people openly. Under normal circumstances, as long as they did not do things too ruthlessly, few were willing to provoke or capture an adult dragon because, once they escaped, the consequences would be very serious.

Between 700 to 1,300 years old was the prime age of a dragon: The prime dragon had reached the peak of the dragon's life. The powerful dragon species — like the Red Dragons and Golden Dragons — would generally enter the Legendary-realm at this stage and become an existence at the top of the world. For prime dragons, they would only die if they purposely looked for it.

At 1,300 to 1,800 years old, they became an elder dragon: The body of an elder dragon had begun to decline, but their magical attainments had become increasingly profound. They would mate as many times as possible and leave behind offspring. Most dragons would enter the Legendary-realm during elder-dragon age. If they did not succeed, they might not be able to for the rest of their lives.

Above 1,800 was the phase of the archaic dragon: The archaic dragon had almost reached the end of its life. By now, it had lost its mating ability and reached the peak of its magic attainment. How long the archaic dragon could live was related to its dragon species. The oldest Red Dragon and Golden Dragon could live for 3,500 years, while the shortest White Dragon could live up to 2,300 years.

Like canine animals, dragons also had the ability to sense their own deaths. Once they had a premonition that their lives were about to come to an end, the archaic dragon would begin searching for a burial ground and transfer all the wealth it had accumulated throughout its life to it. Then, it would seal the entrance to the tomb and sleep with its beloved treasure.

Only a very small number of extremely talented dragons could break through the limits of life and enter the ancient dragon realm, obtaining an even longer lifespan.

As far as Jose was concerned, the ancient dragon stage was a testament of strength, not lifespan.

Theoretically, dragons could break through the limits of their life and enter the ancient dragon stage at any point. For example, the Mistress of the Red Nest — Shavana — had directly advanced from prime dragon to ancient dragon.

The ancient dragons were already the apex for the experts of the Tedanol world. According to the human classification of strength, they were at the demigod level.

If they wanted to advance further into the antiquity dragon stage, the ancient dragon would need to leave Tedanol and head to the astral world or other planes with higher upper limits.

As for the primordial dragons above the ancient dragons, there were not many records of them in the dragon inheritance. Jose only knew that they were comparable to True Gods.

"I wonder how far I can go." The young Red Dragon in the cave fell into endless reverie.

After thinking about it, he became dejected.

During his growth, the original Jose had often sparred with Barron and other siblings, who were of the same age. From the results of the sparring, he knew his body's potential was only at a very average level.

But then, he thought of the mysterious Galaxy Square and felt more confident.

No matter how poor his talent was, he had his own cheat after all!