

A book that foretells bloodshed and the world’s apocalypse falls into the hands of a notorious crew, led by a seemingly weak captain with a hidden past. Follow Jafar Ruziel as he embarks on a perilous journey to unearth the mysteries of true magic, facing treacherous enemies, ancient secrets, and the looming threat of global destruction. Will he unlock the book’s secrets in time, or will its dark prophecy come to pass?

Drjeath · Fantasía
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20 Chs

Magi jinshen



Jafar stood before the mirror, his reflection transforming into a figure reminiscent of an ancient Egyptian noble. His clothing morphed into a regal ensemble: a long, flowing linen robe adorned with intricate gold embroidery that shimmered in the light. A wide collar, inlaid with lapis lazuli and turquoise, encircled his neck, while a serpent-shaped headdress rested on his head, marking him as a figure of wisdom and authority. His youthful face aged in an instant, wrinkles etching deep lines into his skin, and his dark hair turned white. Jafar now appeared as a man well over seventy, with a stern, commanding presence.

He stepped out of the chamber, heading toward the bustling market square within the pyramid city. The streets of the market were lined with towering stone stalls, each carved with ancient hieroglyphs and glowing softly with embedded runes. The air was thick with the scent of exotic spices, incense, and the hum of magical energy. The sky above was a deep indigo, dotted with stars that twinkled like distant jewels, while golden pyramids loomed in the background, their smooth surfaces reflecting the moonlight.

Merchants hawked their wares with loud cries, offering everything from enchanted amulets to rare potions and ancient scrolls. The market was alive with the energy of bartering and the soft hum of magical artifacts activating and deactivating as potential buyers tested their power.

Jafar walked purposefully through the crowd, ignoring the curious glances from passersby who were intrigued by his aged appearance and noble attire. He made his way to a small, weathered shop nestled between two larger, more extravagant stalls. The shop's entrance was marked by an old wooden sign that creaked in the breeze, inscribed with the words, "Ancient Elixirs & Potions."

Without a word, Jafar entered the shop, the doorbell chiming softly as he crossed the threshold. The interior was dimly lit, with shelves lined with dusty bottles and jars filled with mysterious ingredients. The air was thick with the smell of herbs and aged wood. Behind the counter stood the store owner, an elderly man with a long, braided beard and eyes that seemed to peer into one's soul.

Jafar approached the counter and said, "Give me a one-year-old klain and three pieces of sleepy leaf."

The store owner, without replying, began sorting through various jars and containers, his hands moving with practiced ease. After precisely ten minutes, the owner looked up from his task and asked, "Show me your potion identity."

Jafar reached into his robe and produced a small steel card, the surface etched with symbols of authority and mastery in potion-making. The store owner scrutinized the card, his expression unreadable, before nodding and saying, "Two bags, three Golden Circle Crystals."

Jafar paid the amount without hesitation, placing the crystals on the counter, where they gleamed with a faint golden light. The transaction complete, he took the ingredients and left the shop, blending once again into the crowded market.


Having completed his purchases, Jafar exited the market pyramid and made his way back to their hideout, a secretive place known only to a select few. The journey was swift, and soon he arrived to find Yelisa deep in meditation, her aura radiating a soft, calming energy.

"Let's go," Jafar said, his voice breaking the tranquil silence.

Without a word, Yelisa opened her eyes, nodded, and stood. Together, they mounted Gulzum, the powerful creature who served as their mount. With a single, powerful leap, Gulzum launched them into the sky, and they soared toward Magi Jinshen's castle, the landscape below a blur of dark forests and winding rivers.

The castle was an imposing structure, its towering spires reaching toward the heavens, constructed from dark stone that seemed to absorb the light around it. As they approached the gates, the servants and guards stationed there turned their heads in curiosity, their eyes lingering on Jafar, now disguised as an elder. However, upon seeing Yelisa at his side, they quickly averted their gazes and bowed deeply, their respect for her evident.

Jafar and Yelisa dismounted and walked through the grand courtyard, the air thick with the scent of night-blooming flowers and the faint hum of protective wards. After walking for precisely ten minutes, they entered the grand palace, its opulence staggering. The floors were made of polished marble, inlaid with intricate gold patterns that shimmered under the light of countless chandeliers. Massive pillars lined the hall, each one carved with scenes of ancient battles and victories, and the ceiling above was a masterpiece of painted constellations, depicting the heavens in all their glory.

Suddenly, a powerful voice echoed through the vast hall, reverberating off the walls and causing the very air to tremble. "If it isn't my dear daughter," the voice boomed, carrying with it a sense of authority and menace. It was unmistakably the voice of Magi Jinshen, a man both feared and revered across the continent.

As his words faded, Magi Jinshen himself appeared, stepping out from the shadows. His presence was overwhelming, his eyes glowing with a supernatural light, and the very air around him crackled with raw magical energy. The room fell into a tense silence as he gazed upon Yelisa and Jafar, his expression unreadable, as if weighing their every move.