
My First Encounter

[Record of First Life]

Hi my name was Jamie and I was a graduate from from a top class business university in Europe.

I was then hired at a marketing company that handled commissions from external sources. Not one of the more glamourous jobs that are present in the modern times I'll agree but it was quiet and harmonious, it was one of the most desirable jobs I could have wanted straight out of Uni.

I was soon promoted to a team leader position in the company until the marketing company and its best team were bought out by a large tech company to act as its new marketing department. I was not a part of that team.

So now I ended up jobless and my savings would only hold up for a few more months since i have only been at the job for a little more than a year. I was renting an apartment at this time so I decided to ditch the flat I was staying in and move back in with my parents.

Once I was back in my parents house, I had assured them that my stay would only be temporary. I swiftly started on my job hunt in my home city which was not a very small one mind you for it housed are 150,000 people at the minimum.

And coincidently while searching for a job I stopped by a Café for a drink, which turned out to be a very bad decision for I walked into the café right before it was put under a stick up.

Fortunately or unfortunately the police came in too quickly and when the shooter realized that he would not be getting out of the café unharmed, he decided to shoot. I wouldn't blame him to be honest, he seemed like a scared kid. It was reported that there were 6 people shot and 2 with severe injuries.

Me and another gentleman were the two severely injured fellows. In an ironic twist of fate it seemed that he had and organ which I would need to survive and vise versa. Being the nice person I was, I naturally offered it to the man. The doctor seemed to think that it was unnecessary since they would have other donated organs.

In another twist of fate the final organ that he needed was already used just a few hours prior and they currently did not have a donor and by the time another on was sent by a nearby hospital, the man would be dead. I once again offered mine to the doctor which was firmly rejected by him but I could see that the other man was visited by his wife and child whereas my parents hadn't even answered the call sent by the hospital.

When my convincing had failed I slowly removed the apparatuses that were keeping me alive. As I slowly sunk into darkness I remembered to write something on the wall with the blood that started pouring out once I forcibly removed the stiches.

And once I had completely sank into the eternal darkness as I would has so believed I saw a man standing in front of me, although he looked nothing like me one feature that we did have in common was my completely black eyes that I was told was due to some genetic mutation.

He slowly opened his mouth and spoken in some incomprehensible speech which I was for some reason able to understand.

"You will be bestowed a Power, one that was never meant to belong to you and neither shall you gain control over it unless you complete the goal that has been given to you."

"I hope to meet you very soon." he says with slight anger and disappears

Where was I, what was the Power, what is the goal and the million other questions had popped into my head and none of which would be answered by that man since he was gone and I was falling into a sleep known as death for the second time.

[End of Record]