
A Disappointment of a System

[Record of the Second Life]

I once again wake in my body which I assume is a few hours old at the moment.

I try to assess my situation, which taking into consideration all my goals and aspirations of being a salted fish in my previous life and move through life while trying to fill it with pointless media that would distract me from my parents and co-workers, is pretty good.

Now, at least I won't have to deal with the pretentious asshats of my previous life and I can make new acquaintances and friends who will hopefully be less pretentious.

As I am thinking of my situation and what the future holds from me, my musings is interrupted by a deep sense of drowsiness. That's probably all the thinking with my baby brain catching up to me since, you know, babies don't usually think a lot or at all for that matter, pretty sure they just feel pain from breathing, that or they're sleeping which coincidently is what I'm going to do right n-


So I've been in this world for the past few months, at least in Earth time I think and I figured out quite a number of things.

First, the civilization in this planet or at least the one I am currently a part of is just a little behind of that as the humans on Earth both technologically and socially.

By that I mean I will be able to have three meals a day, not have to work in a farm (hopefully), have modern healthcare and I won't be murdered in some corner of the city due to a young master getting jealous because the girl he was simping for, looked at me.

And people will take all the conditions I said granted but I would rather not live in some 16th century European Barony where I can die from a cold because some dumbass thinks bloodletting is the cure to all diseases.

Second, The language is completely difference from the English I remember and I suppose that's to be expected but there is literally not similarity in the slightest and I don't have a universal translator with me to make my life easier.

But I suppose having multiple lives makes up for that deficit so I won't complain too much but I will say that learning a language that's completely different than your first is much harder than you'd expect.

And lastly, I have something that all Chuunibyou affected teenagers would love to have, a System.

Now look on as I show you it's glorious appearance [Status]


Name: Frank Walker (Jamie)

Age: 5 Month (25 years 5 months)

Cultivation: N/A

World: N/A

Civilization: N/A

Number of Lives: 2


Yep…That's it…That's all of it.

Well no that's a lie, a emergence protocol also appears when I am in a hostage situation of some sort which is basically a safe suicide, It has a few side effects but having a few of those is a hell of a lot better than being tortured or something so I'm fine with that.

Oh you're saying something about points to use at a store or a lottery… No you didn't say anything? We silly you, I have infinite lives so what use would I have for a store or lottery where I could buy godly cultivation techniques or get divine weapons… I have no use for those.


If I'm being honest I don't even think this deserves to be called a system, I mean I have been talking to myself for the past however long I've been stuck as a infant and neither a voice nor a blue box has made itself know. Well no voice except that voices I've had since my previous life which are starting to make their appearance but probably won't be a problem till some time later.

I guess I'll just be a baby and do baby things till I grow up, then I can speak my language as fluently as an adult while being a child and get sent to a school of geniuses where an old master would take me as his disciple and finally I would become a truly powerful person standing at the peak of this world.

What could possibly go wrong… Am I right?

[End of Record]