
Reclaiming Lyonesse

In the kingdom of Lyonesse, Princess Eliana's life is shattered by a ruthless betrayal. Poisoned by her betrothed, Prince Cedric, and her closest friend, Mara, Eliana narrowly escapes death and finds refuge with a humble woodsman, Ronan, and his son, Aiden. As she regains her strength, Eliana learns of Cedric and Mara's sinister plot to seize the throne and plunge the kingdom into darkness. Determined to reclaim her birthright and save her people, Eliana embarks on a perilous journey to gather allies and rally the forces of justice. Along the way, she must navigate treacherous political intrigue, forge new alliances, and confront her deepest fears. With the weight of her father's legacy on her shoulders, Eliana vows to fight for Lyonesse, even if it means sacrificing everything.

Ranch64 · Historia
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5 Chs

Unexpected fight

The next day dawned with a soft golden light filtering through the windows of the cozy cottage where Eliana had found refuge. She stood in the clearing just outside the cottage, her sword in hand, the morning dew glistening on the grass beneath her feet. Ronan and Aiden watched from a distance, their faces filled with a mixture of awe and concern as they witnessed the determination in her eyes.

Eliana moved through her sword forms with a grace and precision that belied the turmoil in her mind. With each strike and dodge, she felt the weight of her responsibilities pressing down on her shoulders. She knew that reclaiming her throne would not be easy, but she was determined to see it through to the end.

As she practiced, her thoughts turned to her next destination: House Montclair, the guardians of the western forests. They were known throughout the kingdom for their skilled rangers and their deep connection to the ancient woods. But it was not just their prowess in battle that drew Eliana to them—it was their unwavering loyalty to Lyonesse and their commitment to protecting the land they called home.

The western forests were vast and treacherous, filled with hidden dangers and ancient magic. Eliana knew that navigating these wild lands would be no easy feat, but she also knew that House Montclair held the key to unlocking their secrets. Their knowledge of the forest would be invaluable to her quest, and she hoped that their loyalty to the crown would be enough to win their support.

But more than that, Eliana felt a kinship with the Montclairs. Like her, they were guardians of the land, sworn to protect it at all costs. She hoped that their shared love for Lyonesse would be enough to convince them to join her cause.

Eliana's movements were fluid and precise as she moved through her sword forms, her mind fully focused on the task at hand. With each strike and parry, she envisioned her opponent—Cedric, the traitor who had poisoned her and sought to claim her throne.

As she lunged forward, her blade cutting through the air with deadly accuracy, she imagined Cedric's sneering face before her. Anger surged within her, fueling her strikes as she unleashed a flurry of blows upon her imaginary foe.

Her sword danced through the morning air, each movement a testament to her skill and determination. She slashed and thrust, her movements growing more aggressive with each passing moment.

Then, in a moment of blind fury, she struck out with all her strength, aiming her blade at an innocent tree standing nearby. The sword bit deep into the trunk, tearing through the bark and sending splinters flying.

Ronan's voice cut through the haze of her rage, his tone sharp with concern. "Eliana, stop!"

But Eliana was lost in her fury, her mind consumed by the image of Cedric's face. She pulled her sword free from the tree, her breath coming in ragged gasps as she turned to face Ronan.

Eliana's eyes narrowed as she looked at Ronan's hands, strong and calloused from years of wielding a sword. He was a knight, she realized—a man of honor and strength, much like Sir Gareth.

Without a word, Eliana reached for another sword, her movements swift and purposeful. She tossed it to Ronan, the blade spinning through the air, before he caught it with ease.

Ronan looked at the sword in his hand, his expression one of disbelief. "Eliana, what are you doing?"

But Eliana ignored his protests, her gaze steely as she raised her own sword, ready to face him in combat. "Fight me, Ronan," she said, her voice firm. "I need to know if you're with me or against me."

Ronan hesitated, his eyes searching hers for some sign of understanding. But then, with a resigned sigh, he raised his sword and assumed a defensive stance.

Their blades clashed with a metallic ring, the sound echoing through the clearing as they circled each other. Ronan fought with surprising skill and agility; his movements were fluid and precise. But Eliana matched him blow for blow, her anger lending her strength and determination.

Their duel continued, the clash of steel filling the air as they danced around each other, each seeking to gain the upper hand. But in the end, it was Eliana who emerged victorious, her final strike landing true and sending Ronan crashing to the ground

As Ronan lay there, defeated but unbroken, Eliana approached him, her sword lowered, and her expression softened. She offered him a hand, her eyes filled with respect and admiration.

"You fought well, Ronan," she said, her voice sincere. "You're a formidable opponent."

Ronan accepted her hand, allowing her to help him to his feet. "Thank you, Eliana," he replied, a hint of surprise in his voice. "I didn't expect you to be so skilled."

Eliana smiled, a sense of friendship blossoming between them. "There's more to me than meets the eye, Ronan. Just like there's more to you than being a humble woodsman."

Ronan chuckled, a hint of color rising to his cheeks. "I suppose you're right, Eliana. Perhaps there's more to both of us than we realize."


As Eliana and Ronan stood in the clearing, catching their breath after their intense duel, the sound of light footsteps approached. Turning, they saw Aiden bounding towards them, his face lit up with excitement and curiosity.

"Papa, what's going on?" Aiden asked, his eyes wide with wonder as he took in the scene before him.

Ronan smiled warmly at his son, his heart swelling with affection. "Just a friendly sparring match, Aiden. Eliana and I were practicing our swordplay."

Aiden's eyes widened even further, his gaze flickering between Eliana and Ronan with admiration. "Wow, can I learn too, Papa?"

Eliana knelt down to Aiden's level, a gentle smile on her face. "Of course, Aiden. But first, we should make sure you have the right equipment."

With a mischievous glint in her eye, Eliana reached into a nearby bush and pulled out a small stick, offering it to Aiden with a flourish. "Here you go, your very own sword."

Aiden's face lit up with delight as he took the stick, his imagination already turning it into a mighty weapon. "Thank you, Eliana! I'm going to be the best swordsman ever!"

Ronan chuckled, ruffling his son's hair affectionately. "I have no doubt about that, Aiden. But let's save the swordplay for another day. Right now, we have other things to take care of."

Aiden nodded eagerly, his excitement undimmed as he skipped off to explore the clearing, his new "sword" held aloft like a true champion.

Eliana watched him go, a warm feeling spreading through her chest. She felt a sense of hope and belonging that she had not felt in a long time in that instant, surrounded by the splendor of nature and the warmth of new friends.


Sometime later:

Ronan and Aiden had gone to the market while Eliana was exploring.

Eliana wandered through the cottage, her fingers trailing lightly over the worn furniture and the shelves lined with books. She felt a sense of peace settle over her. The quiet beauty of the place filled her with a sense of calm, a welcome respite from the chaos of the outside world.

She stepped out into the garden, the scent of wildflowers and herbs filling the air. The sun was warm on her face, and she closed her eyes, allowing herself to fully appreciate the tranquility of the moment.

But just as she was beginning to relax, a strange sensation prickled at the back of her neck—a feeling of being watched. She opened her eyes, scanning the garden for any sign of movement, but saw nothing out of the ordinary.

Brushing off the feeling as mere paranoia, Eliana continued her exploration, her curiosity leading her deeper into the garden. But as she turned a corner, she froze, her heart leaping into her throat.

There, standing before her, was Mara.

Eliana's breath caught in her chest as she stared at her former friend, her mind reeling with shock and disbelief. Mara's eyes gleamed with malice; her lips curled into a cruel smile as she stepped forward, her gaze fixed on Eliana.

"Well, well, well," Mara purred, her voice dripping with venom. "Look what we have here. The fallen queen is hiding away in her little cottage like a frightened mouse."

Eliana's mind raced as she struggled to process Mara's sudden appearance. How had she found her? And more importantly, what did she want?

Before she could speak, Mara's smile widened, her expression taking on a sinister edge. "You thought you could escape me, didn't you? I thought you could run away and hide from your fate. But you can't hide from destiny, Eliana. And yours is written in blood."

With a sinking feeling in her stomach, Eliana realized that Mara had not come alone. From the shadows of the garden emerged a group of armed men, their faces hidden behind masks of darkness.

Eliana's hand instinctively went to her sword, but Mara shook her head, a mocking laugh bubbling up from her throat. "Oh, Eliana. Do you really think you can defeat us? You're outnumbered, outmatched, and out of options."

Eliana's heart pounded in her chest as she faced Mara and her men, her mind racing with fear and uncertainty. She knew she was no match for them in her current state, but she refused to go down without a fight.

Summoning every ounce of courage she possessed, Eliana took a step forward, and her chin lifted defiantly. "I may be outnumbered, Mara. But I will never be defeated."

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