
Recklessly in Love (with you book 1)

Era_Matthew · Historia
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A Night with the Stars

I prepared the sandwiches quickly and they were taken out and I waited for the opportunity to go meet the princess.

Princess Isabella and I are childhood friends. Despite our difference in status and age, Isabella is the only one who made her feel like she belonged after her mother abandoned her. The princess is the age of twenty-five and I am twenty-three. I still remembered the first day I met her


It's been one month since Mom left, Grandma told me that she went to visit her friend and that she would be back before I know, but as the day goes by I feared that she wouldn't. It was not until yesterday that some kids started to tease me, many of them called me an ORPHAN, stating that I had no father or mother while the others stuck to saying that my mom left because of me. I had enough of them and decided to stand up for myself only for one of them to push me and I ended up scraping my knee and elbow while they laughed at me. Tears streamed down my eyes as I tried to get away from them not even minding the injury I just acquired from my fall.

They are all lying,

Mom never left because of me

She's going to come back for me

I made my way through the chefs in the kitchen as I ran towards the garden before hiding behind the rose bushes. I stayed there crying for a while until I heard a snap of one of the branches that were lying around and I looked up to see a girl looking at me. The girl which I identified as the princess was staring at me with an emotion that I couldn't place.

"you bled", she said and that was when the injury made itself known by pain shooting up both my arm and leg. I nodded and she came towards me almost cautiously before sitting near me,

" I saw what happened, don't believe what they are saying. It's not your fault, okay? " she said to me after some time.

"how do you know that it's not my fault? "

"Because mommy said so before she died", she replied but I scrunched up my nose as I was confused by what she was saying.

"Huh? "

"let's go and meet Mrs. Alana so that she can clean up the injury and we can sneak some biscuits from the kitchen ", she suggested and I couldn't acquiesce more.

Through the treatment of my wound to the stolen biscuits, we two became fast friends and did almost everything together. From helping to sneak off the palace to meet a boy to get our first kiss to tasting alcohol for the first time, getting drunk, helping me study, and vice versa, etc. Let's just say that we got in a lot of trouble that Isabella managed to get us out of. We were inseparable up until the last seven years ago when she had to travel to the States to further her studies and at the same period, my mother came back into her life again after ten years, Grandpa died and I ended up quitting my job at the palace.

I assisted with most of the things that were done in the kitchen and by the time, I was done with everything, it was already approaching evening and I needed to get back home fast. I went up to the head chef and informed him of my departure before going back to the storeroom to drop off the apron and cap and get my stuff before going out through the back door. As I got outside, I discovered that it just started raining so I used my satchel to shield myself from the rain as I made my way toward the castle gates. The rain seemed to be getting heavier by the second, so I walked faster so that I can make it to the market on time before they close up. By the time I made it to the market, my hair and cloth were already soaked through as it appears that my satchel was barely shielding me from the rain,  there were a few traders still available since it was nearly nighttime but thankfully I was able to get what I needed before heading home. On getting home, I changed into drier cloth before preparing dinner for the others and then collapsed into my bed.



                        7 YEARS AGO

The time for the countdown of the new year was starting to come closer and most people at the ball are already with their significant other. Princess Isabella was currently talking to a prince from one of the countries that attended the masquerade ball that was talking to for most of the night and I was bored so I made my way to my favorite place in the palace; THE ROYAL GARDEN.

As I made my way out of the ballroom, I saw a tray of chocolate that was abandoned by a corner so I decided to take it with me since I'm likely to spend the new year's celebration alone so why not with chocolates? I made my way through the empty hallway with a few guards here and there which I greeted while eating some of the chocolates and humming to a Christmas jingle. I first went to the garden and dropped the tray of chocolates by the water fountain before heading back to the servant quarters to grab my cardigan since tonight's weather was chilly and after that I went back to the garden. On getting there, I noticed that someone was sitting on my spot and was also snacking on my chocolates.

Well, it's not technically mine but I'm still the one who got it here first.

As I got closer, I discovered that it was a male but I couldn't make out who he is exactly. I managed to sneak up on him as he was about to eat another one before saying,

" Stop eating my chocolates "

The moment this word left my mouth, I regretted it because this person ended up choking on the chocolate and started coughing and that's when he turned around and I discovered that it was none other person than Prince Ethan, Isabella's brother and he was choking.

I ran back to the hallway and thankfully another maid was passing by with a tray with a few cups of liquid without thinking or listening to the maid, I grabbed it and ran back to the garden. The moment I get there, I took a cup and handed it over to him,

" here you go, Your Highness", I said and he took it from me but on taking a a sip, his cough worsens and I managed to get the word " alcohol " from him before taking the cup from him and handing him another one but after checking if it was indeed water.

"Wow ", Prince Ethan said after a while.

"I'm so sorry", I whispered back and he turned to look at me.

" I'm sorry "


"I'm sorry, I didn't know that you were the one that was there, I thought it was someone else", I said to him but he just kept looking at me so I continued,

" I also didn't know that it was alcohol that was in the cup, sorry", I said but still no response.

"Wow, you have done it this time", I thought and that was when I heard the most amazing thing and I look at him, only to see the prince laughing.

Laughing!, Prince Ethan

This is the first time that I'm seeing Prince Ethan laughing since I came to this palace. He has a regal bearing and carries himself with poise and grace. His face is chiseled, with sharp cheekbones and a strong jawline that gives him a rugged, handsome look and that alone had 75% of the female population in our Kingdom to be swooning on their feet. Normally it doesn't affect me but being this close I finally understand them, he has deep-set blue eyes that seem to pierce through a person's soul when he looks at them. His eyebrows are thick and perfectly arched, giving him a stern expression at times, but also hinting at a mischievous side. His nose is straight and well-proportioned, adding to his attractive features. His hair is a dark chestnut brown, with natural highlights that you can't make out in the dark but glint in the sunlight. He usually wears it in a neatly styled, swept-back manner but it looks like he ran his hands through it several times making it look messy which enhances his striking facial features. His skin is tanned from spending time outdoors, adding to his rugged good looks.

The prince stopped laughing and looked at me before saying, "This is not what I expected".

"I'm sorry", I said and looked down.

"It's okay, there's no need to be apologizing. I should be the one apologizing since I ate your chocolates without asking", he responded.

"Please, don't. You can have it, good night ", I said and turned around to go inside.

" where are you going? "

I stopped and turned around before answering," I'm going back to my chamber, Your Highness. I don't wish to disturb your night anymore"

"Please stay, you are not a disturbance, your company is welcome ", he said to me with an expression that I couldn't get.

"But...", I open my mouth to decline but he cut me off and said,

"I insist".

Pulling my cardigan a little closer to myself, I walked back toward him before sitting beside him.

"Here ", Prince Ethan said to me while handing me the tray of chocolates.

"It's okay, you can have it. I'm satiated ", I said feeling embarrassed, and just then my stomach growled.


I glanced at him to find him trying to hold his laugh before nudging the tray toward me.

"thank you", I said to him and took one before popping it in my mouth. I noticed that the snow is starting to pick up again as the cold breeze passed and I pulled my cardigan closer and started humming the same Christmas jingle again.

"You never danced with anyone ", Prince Ethan said and I stopped humming.

" Hmm? ", I asked.

" At the ball, you didn't dance with anyone", he answered.

"  How did you ... "

" I saw you standing by the corner ", he answered.

"oh, maybe it's perhaps that I don't know how to waltz ", I said.

" well that could be fixed ", he said and stood up before offering his hand. I chuckled at his gestures only for me to find out that he was being serious about it. I stared at his hand like as if it was an alien before looking up at him and back at his hand again. As I hesitate to place my hand on his, he reached out to grab my hand and pulled me up, and then proceeds to teach me how to waltz.

" Make sure to keep your hand on my shoulder and my arm at all times ", he explained to me, and when he placed his hand on my hips to pull me closer, my breath hitched. I could feel the heat from his palm on my skin and despite the cold, I was feeling hot.

" Relax your body and then we are good to go. Now follow my step gently ", he said as he began to waltz while I tried to keep up. After a few stumbles here and there, Prince Ethan stopped before walking to the other side of the garden where the hidden Orchestra was and after some moment he came back to my side I'm just done the music that was playing changed.

"You can stand on my feet so that you won't misstep and ...", he paused only to lift my chin so that I can look at him

" I want your eyes to be on me ", he said softly before taking my two hands and placing them on his shoulder and then set his hands on my hip and started to sway.

Hold on a minute, is it normal for someone's heart to beat this fast? I hope that he can't feel my heartbeat. 

" Prince Ethan, if I may ask, what brought you out here? ", I asked him after a while we started slow dancing. I figured that I came out here because I was bored and had no one to talk to but on the other hand, Prince Ethan was surrounded by many people since the beginning of the ball.

" Ethan "

" What? ", I asked.

" Ethan, just call me Ethan ", he said to me before continuing," I was feeling suffocated so I came out to get some fresh air. I happened to see a tray of chocolates by the fountain so I decided to have some, only for me to be nearly killed ".

My face turned red from embarrassment and I looked away and Prince Ethan laugh heartily. Just then, we heard the countdown to the new year,

" Ten"

" Nine "

" Eight "

"My Prince, Your Highness", the guard's voice came from the entrance of the garden but instead of Ethan answering, he pulled me down behind the fountains.

" Seven "

" what are you doing? ", I whispered to him.

"Six "

"I don't want to see his face when the countdown ends ", he whispered back.

"Five "

" why? "

" I want to start my new year with someone I like", he replied.

" Four "

"Then, you should head inside", I said to him but he shakes his head. It was then that Ethan gently reached out, his hand coming to rest on mine. My hand trembled at the touch, but I found solace in the warmth that radiated from his touch.

Our gazes locked, and I felt a rush of emotions swirling within me. It was a connection that went beyond words—a shared understanding and unspoken desire. At that moment, age and status melted away, leaving only the raw vulnerability of two souls drawn together.

With each passing second, the anticipation reached its climax. And as the clock struck midnight, the world erupted into cheers and celebration. But as for me, time seemed to stand still as Ethan, overcome by an undeniable longing, leaned in closer.

Our lips met in a gentle and tender embrace, a shared moment of pure enchantment. It was a kiss that spoke volumes, expressing emotions that words alone couldn't convey. In that stolen moment of passion, the world around them faded into insignificance, leaving only the blissful union of two young hearts.

As we finally pulled away, my cheeks flushed crimson, and my heart raced with a mixture of awe and trepidation. It was a first kiss that would forever be etched in my memory—a stolen kiss in the palace garden, symbolizing the beginning of a love that would transcend boundaries and endure the tests of time.

"Happy New Year "


The morning after the Royal twin's unexpected return, a mixture of anticipation and nervousness filled the air as I made my way to work at the palace. The news of their arrival had spread quickly, accompanied by stories of his adventures and playboy ways. I had never expected him to remember me after all these years, and I had convinced myself to let go of the memories we shared.

As I entered the bustling palace, I was assigned by the task of picking fresh flowers to replace the ones in the princess's room, my best friend Isabella. The thought of her brought a small smile to my face, momentarily distracting me from the whirlwind of emotions within me.

Carrying the basket of flowers, I made my way to Isabella's room. The sunlight poured in through the windows, casting a warm glow on the elegant furnishings. I set about my task, carefully arranging the flowers, trying to lose myself in the delicate beauty of nature.

Lost in my little world, I couldn't help but sway to the soft music drifting through the open windows. With each step, I moved clumsily, still unaccustomed to dancing. And then, as if fate had a hand in it, my foot caught on a stray carpet, and I stumbled, expecting to hit the ground.

But just as I braced myself for the impact, strong arms encircled me, catching me in a swift and effortless movement. It took me a moment to register the familiar scent and the steady beat of a heart I thought I had lost forever. It was Prince Ethan, his eyes gleaming with a mixture of amusement and tenderness.

"I see you haven't learned how to dance," he teased a hint of playfulness in his voice.

Startled, I looked up at him, our eyes meeting in a mix of surprise and recognition. Memories flooded back, and my heart fluttered with a mixture of joy and uncertainty. I had never expected him to remember our shared moments, and I had convinced myself that they were mere fragments of a dream.

A shy smile tugged at my lips, and I found my voice, tinged with a hint of playful retort. "Well, it seems I still have much to learn. Perhaps you can show me, Your Highness?"

He chuckled softly, a sound that echoed through the room like music. "I'd be delighted to," he replied, his eyes holding mine in a captivating gaze.


that's it for the second chapter I hope you people are enjoying it.

please don't forget to





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