
Received A Mechanic System On Another Planet.

In the distant future of the year 8090, humanity has expanded its reach to other planets and galaxies, creating a new era of exploration and opportunity. However, this interstellar migration is not an equal endeavor, as only the privileged and wealthy have secured their place among the stars, leaving the less fortunate to dwell on the depleted Earth, now known as Nexus Prime. Aiden, a young man once yearning to be a mechanic, faces the stark reality of his existence on Nexus Prime. Driven by the desperate desire to escape the harsh conditions and secure a better life, he toils as a fuel miner on the planet Aurorium, extracting the precious substance known as Luminite. Yet, fate has a cruel twist in store for Aiden. When his monthly reports arrive, he is confronted with a shattering revelation - he has been diagnosed with Stellarium Syndrome Disease (SSD), a terminal condition that afflicts only a small fraction of the population. "Why me? Why always me?" he agonizes. Just as despair clouds Aiden's vision, a flyer comes into his possession, offering hope and a new beginning. Harken Techs, a renowned company, seeks recruits for its exploration team. With the promise of adventure and a substantial salary, Aiden seizes the opportunity, clinging to a chance at survival and a glimmer of his dream. As part of the exploration team, Aiden embarks on an interstellar mission to investigate a new planet. The mysterious world holds untold wonders and dangers, and the team soon discovers that this planet is far from hospitable for human life. [CODE: RED, CODE: RED. THIS PLANET IS THE MOST DANGEROUS PLANET WE HAVE FOUND UNTIL NOW. THESE CREATURES...AHHHHHH] Tragedy befalls them, and the signal from the planet abruptly ends, leaving it abandoned by humanity. Unbeknownst to the humans, one survivor remains on the forsaken planet. [Conditions Meet] [Scanning Host's Body] [One Terminal Sickness Found] [Activating The Mechanic System]

Night_phantom · Ciencia y ficción
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14 Chs


"No, you can't leave me here. Nooo... Please wait." Aiden sprinted through the thick trees, his breath labored and his clothes in tatters.


A colossal creature, akin to a massive rhino in size, thundered after him.

Though eyeless, it sported massive ears on its face and bristled with razor-sharp teeth and two imposing horns. Its body was encased in a sleek, obsidian carapace, and it strode on six powerful legs.

Zara stood at the spaceship's threshold, Aiden's desperate pleas ringing in her ears. The gates of the ship were closing, and Aiden was locked outside.

"Zara... Wait for me. Please, Zara!" Aiden's voice echoed, tears streaming down his face.

"I'm sorry, Aiden," Zara whispered as her finger pressed a button, sealing the ship's doors and sealing Aiden's fate outside.

"Nooooooo... You can't do this! Wait for me, you bastards!" Aiden's enraged curse was swallowed by the void as the space pod ascended into the heavens.

'How did it come to this?' Aiden's mind raced as he recalled the sequence of events.

One hour ago...

[Ladies and gentlemen, we have arrived at our destination. I am now dispatching a team to each planet one by one.

Prepare your equipment and report back within one minute. The initial exploration party comprises five mercenaries, two collectors, one engineer, and two scientists.]

In a mere thirty seconds, the crew swiftly returned to the main base from their rooms.

[The first team will now board the ejection pod, which will descend to Planet X-7456. Your missions have already been transmitted to your smartwatches.

If your smartwatch beeps, proceed to the pod.] Mike's voice resonated.



Smartwatches chimed, and in seconds, five mercenaries, one engineer, and two scientists stood poised inside the pod.


Aiden's watch beeped, and he realized that he and Zara were the only collectors aboard, destined to accompany every team to explore each planet and collect samples.

Aiden and Zara advanced to the pod, a two-chambered vessel housing the main base and the emergency exit pods. If the planet proved hostile, they would evacuate through the emergency pods while leaving the main base as a red flag, warning others to stay away.

[Check your smartwatches for assigned tasks.]

Aiden tapped his smartwatch, and a holographic display materialized.

[Collector: Aiden.]

[Mission: Sample Collection.]


Collect 100g of planetary soil.

Gather 100ml of water.

Retrieve 2 rocks.

Acquire 2 flowers.

Obtain bark and tree leaves.]

'That's it? And they label it as a high-risk endeavor?' Aiden smirked internally, the tasks seemingly trivial.

[You have one hour to complete the assignment. You will be designated as Team-A. Mercenary Ajacks will lead the team.

Prepare for launch; fasten your seatbelts.] Mike instructed.

Following his lead, Aiden and the others congregated in the cockpit, where ten seats were arranged in pairs.

Aiden and Zara strapped into their respective seats.

[Ejection sequence initiated. 3...2...1]


The pod surged away from the main spaceship, propelled by a surge of pressurized gas, its engines roaring as it set course for Planet X-7456.

"I've always wondered, why the name X-7456?" Zara pondered aloud.

"I don't know," Aiden replied.

[Prepare for entry into the planet's gravitational field. You may experience increased pressure on your body and head. Thank you for your cooperation.] Mike's voice echoed.


The pod breached the planet's gravitational sphere, and an intense force gripped Aiden, his and Zara's frames struggling to adjust.

While the others seemed unaffected, Aiden and Zara grappled with the unfamiliar gravity.

Both had grown up on Nexus Prime, a world of minimal gravity where artificial aids prevented them from hurtling into space. Natural planetary gravity was an entirely different challenge.

"Stay strong, folks. You'll adapt soon enough," a grinning mercenary behind them encouraged.

"Do all planets have the same gravity?" Zara queried.

"No, this planet's gravity is more potent than any we've encountered before. Professor Stein could elaborate further," the mercenary indicated a scientist adjacent to them.

"Indeed, this planet registers a gravity of approximately 20.6 g, considerably stronger than most. Mobility might be affected, but humans can endure these conditions. Gravity isn't a formidable issue," the scientist elucidated.

"Landing procedures commencing... We're targeting a cleared circular area within the forest for descent," Ajacks announced.

Aiden noticed a crushed section amid the trees, where the vegetation seemed trampled.

"Seems something made quite an impact here," Professor Stein mused softly, his gaze fixed on the mangled foliage.


The pod nestled within the designated circle, and its doors swung open.

"Let's proceed." Ajacks donned a mask, triggered by his collar, forming a protective barrier around his face.

One by one, the crew followed suit, each enveloped by a mask that regulated the potent oxygen levels of the planet.

This world harbored a unique form of oxygen, dense and potent. Human lungs struggled to process such concentrated air, necessitating the masks to filter and supply an adequate breathable mix.

Long-term habitation would naturally thin the atmosphere; human activity would reduce oxygen levels, making it more conducive for settlement.

We will cut the trees and put factories here to boost up the process.

The team disembarked, greeted by an awe-inspiring panorama.