
rebuilding in walking dead

The Walking Dead" has concluded, yet we long-time fans still have many lingering regrets. Enter Hu Sheng, the fortunate protagonist chosen to venture into this apocalyptic world and begin his own journey. Starting with nothing but his own two hands, he must scavenge for all resources. As the doomsday progresses, mutant zombies may appear, but they won't be excessively powerful, staying within the realm of what "The Walking Dead" fans are accustomed to. After all, endless human scheming and minor conflicts can get quite dull. PS: The protagonist has a balanced personality, being neither a saint nor a villain. He possesses some unique abilities, but his fighting skills remain within human limits. PS: The protagonist is a regular adult man, with love being just a side aspect of life, neither ambiguous nor celibate.

DaoistCjmElH · Cómic
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76 Chs

Chapter 2: Mankind’s Greatest Enemy is Fear

  As soon as he stepped into the room, a disgusting stench entered Leon's nose.

  He glanced into the room and found no movement. Most of the furniture was neatly arranged. There was a large black drag mark on the floor from the living room to the bedroom, and some flies were flying around it.

  Shit, it stinks like canned herrings.

  Leon frowned. As a doctor, he knew that these were traces of a large amount of blood that had dried, and a tragedy must have occurred here.

  Holding the weapon tightly in his hand, Leon did not move forward. Instead, he turned around, grabbed the handle on the door, and gently closed the door. It is better to be cautious, as this can prevent being attacked by zombies from behind.

  It was early summer in June, and the outdoor temperature was generally above 26 degrees Celsius. The slightly higher temperature caused the stench of rotting meat to waft from the direction of the bedroom.

  Leon did not rush into the bedroom. He stood up quietly and checked the living room and kitchen. After confirming that there was no danger, he walked along the wall to the bedroom door.

  Following the blood trail, I looked inside.

  This bedroom is not big. There is a white dressing table under the window. There are two single beds, one large and one small, on both sides of the window. The walls in the room are painted pink and covered with various popular cartoon pictures, making it look quite warm and cute.

  A slender figure in a red dress sat in front of the dressing table, motionless, like a statue.

  Leon couldn't see her face. There were many black clumps on her long light golden hair, and the smooth skin exposed on her back showed an unhealthy paleness.

  Damn, this back view is quite nice, with a kind of imperfect beauty.

  Lyon didn't expect any luck, he held his breath, walked lightly behind the man, and raised the mace high in his hand.

  As if aware of the movement behind her, the slender figure moved her shoulders and slowly turned her head.

  Click, click, click!

  After the sound of bones rubbing against each other, a terrifying half-rotten female face appeared in Leon's eyes. In front of this woman, on the white dressing table, was a child's skeleton that had been gnawed clean.

  Leon's heartbeat stopped for a moment out of shock. Without time to think, he used all his strength to swing the mace hard at the man's head.


  It felt like hitting thick leather. The iron nails on the mace penetrated the skull, and a little smelly pus splashed out of the rotten scalp.

  Leon gritted his teeth, pulled out the mace with force, and smashed it hard on the sunken part of the woman's head.


  The female zombie shuddered all over, collapsed on the seat, and became motionless.

  After killing the enemy, Leon still did not let down his guard. He took two steps back and looked at the miserable scene that he would never see in peacetime. His heart beat faster and faster.

  Damn, this is so scary. The gap between reality and games is really huge.

  However, after getting over this hurdle, his fear of zombies suddenly dissipated a lot.

  Next time, I can definitely do better.

  After resting for a few minutes, Leon closed the bedroom door and began to collect the supplies here. He was very hungry and urgently needed more energy.

  Perhaps it was because the mother and daughter died earlier, or perhaps it was because the single mother was better at managing the household, Lyon collected a lot of food here, including some canned meat, some flour, and several bags of instant noodles.

  Unfortunately, the water and electricity have been cut off for a long time. Except for canned food and flour, many vegetables and meats have rotted and are inedible.

  With the food he found, Leon did not choose to stay here. He sneaked back to his apartment, changed his clothes stained with rotten blood, and began to prepare dinner.

  Hehe, fortunately the old man has a strong enough mentality, otherwise, he wouldn't be able to eat!

  As a bachelor, Leon now has good cooking skills.

  He did not think about saving money, but chose to use local ingredients. He spent more than half an hour preparing a large table full of food.

  Beef soup, fried meat patties, and braised beef instant noodles, together weighing a total of four or three pounds.

  Unexpectedly, on the first day of my time travel, I became a glutton.

  Drinking a little wine and eating big mouthfuls of food, Leon felt his body sending out signals of satisfaction, and he finally had time to think about his future plans.

  How should he survive in this world?

  What should he do?

  As an old fan of "The Walking Dead", he remembers many plots, but many things only happen by chance. If he intervenes rashly, many accidents will definitely occur.

  If he does not intervene, Lyon's foresight advantage will be useless.

  This matter was very contradictory and troubled him.

  It is now June 9th, and the disaster has happened for a month. According to the timeline, the protagonist Rick will probably not wake up for about another month.

  It's such a pity to waste a month's time advantage.

  Lyon ran through the early episodes of The Walking Dead in his head several times.

  What is the most important thing now, and what should we do to bring huge advantages in the future?

  After thinking for more than ten minutes, a place name gradually appeared in Lyon's mind.

  Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta.

  It was the institution that conducted the most in-depth research on the zombie virus in the area, with the most advanced equipment and the most high-end talents. They persisted in the disaster for more than two months, but eventually ran out of energy and were destroyed in a self-explosion.

  When the protagonists arrived, only a researcher named Dr. Jenner was still holding on. His wife, a female supervisor who was said to be a scientific research genius, had been infected by accident, and humans had basically lost hope of cracking the virus.

  At this time, perhaps, there is still hope.

  That's a nice place.

  Thinking of this, the originally ample time suddenly became urgent.

  After eating and drinking, Leon rested for another hour. The energy in his body continued to flow, allowing his weak body to return to normal levels.

  Without clearing the remaining dishes on the table, Leon picked up the mace, took the car keys, and left his apartment.

  After today, he probably won't come back here again.

  After walking out of the room, he walked straight towards the corridor for ten meters and stopped in front of a closed door.

  This is also Leon's neighbor, Nick, a bank clerk in his thirties. He is quite familiar with the original owner. In Leon's memory, this guy is a mountaineering enthusiast. In the cabinet in his bedroom, there is a climbing rope dozens of meters long.

  The original owner, Mr. Lyon, had thought about getting this climbing rope and using it to escape from here, but the closed door and weak body limited his thoughts.

  Pulling out the Browning pistol from his belt, Lyon pointed the muzzle of the gun at the lock of the door, feeling emotional.

  Times have changed, kid, the rules of civilized society no longer apply.


  A loud gunshot rang out in his ears, and a hole was instantly punched in the copper lock core.

  Smelling the smell of gunpowder in the air, Leon didn't dare to delay at all. He pulled the door hard and strode into the room.

  As soon as he entered the door, before he had time to observe the situation inside the room, Leon saw a somewhat familiar figure staggering and trying to get up from the floor.

  This person, crawling up from the ground, must be a zombie.

  Without thinking too much, Leon quickly moved closer, about one meter away from the man, raised his hand, aimed at the top of the man's head, which already showed a ferocious expression, and pulled the trigger.


  The corpse slumped to the ground, yellow and white substance flowing from its chin.

  There was no time to think about it, he strode over the body and headed straight for the open bedroom.

  After entering the bedroom, Leon opened the door of the closet. As he expected, a set of red and yellow mountaineering equipment occupied half of the closet.

  A complete set, including boots, hat, rope, coat, and he even found a nearly new mountaineering pick.

  Time is running out and Leon has no time to tidy up. He must leave before the zombies arrive.

  He picked up all the equipment and ran to his apartment as fast as he could.

  Less than a minute after the door was closed, dense footsteps and roars were heard from outside the corridor. The zombies seemed to have not found their target. They bumped around irritably and gradually began to wander aimlessly again.

  Leon listened for a while and found nothing unusual. He sat back on the sofa, took off his jeans and boots, and put on hiking boots, hiking pants and hiking gloves.

  Compared with everyday clothing, these mountaineering equipment are more sturdy and wear-resistant, and in some cases, can even withstand attacks from zombies.

  Although it will be hotter, compared with the safety of life, it is nothing.

  After changing his equipment and getting everything ready, Leon tied one end of the climbing rope tightly to the stone pillar in the living room and threw the other end out of the living room window.

  He lived on the sixth floor of the apartment, about twenty meters away from the road below, and the climbing rope was long enough.

  There were no zombies near the road, so he could drive away as long as he got back on the road.

  Leon sighed, walked to the window, grabbed the climbing rope, turned over and climbed out of the window.

  This is not easy.

  In his two lifetimes, he had never learned how to climb mountains, never played with climbing ropes, and of course, he had never tried to smash a zombie's head with a mace, or shoot through the head of his prey with a pistol.

  Everything has a first time, and today, he did many things he had never done before.

  Maybe, life is just like this. For many things, it doesn't give you time to prepare.

  When you encounter it, you must grit your teeth, muster up your courage, and face it.

  Lyon recalled scenes from other movies, gripping the climbing rope tightly with both hands, twisting the rope into a noose with his feet moving up and down, and trying to slowly slide down.

  After groping for a few times, he felt he had mastered the trick. After another two minutes of coordinating his hands and feet, he was finally able to control his sliding speed.

  Slowly, fifth floor, fourth floor, third floor, second floor, Leon landed on his feet and truly returned to the ground.

  Phew, luckily I lived in the countryside when I was a child, and I have taken bird eggs and climbed trees, otherwise it would not be so easy to come down.

  After taking a look at his apartment, Leon did not stop. He turned and walked across the road, found the sky blue Chevrolet sports car, inserted the key, and got in.

  Ten seconds later.

  Boom! Boom! Boom!

  Amid the roar of the sports car, Leon made a sharp U-turn and drove towards the police station.

  It's already past two in the afternoon. If we don't do something before the sun sets, everything will become difficult after dark.


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