
Chapter 1

Khloe's POV

It always seems as though life is usually against love but it also seems like , there is an extraordinary phenomenal event that give us the actual urge to be loved by someone somewhere somehow, sometimes we even go beyond our lifestyles to just fit in with this strangers. We sacrifice alot more than we should that in the end when we fall we can never even recognise ourselves. Love is a curse yet no the kind in which people run from but the kind that people die for. Lately I've been trying my all to make sure that I get good grades inorder to get to college or university, though it seems like an unending nightmare right now , because fate seems to be against me succeeding at any given chance. Ofcourse I've always been the A student in school, got certificates , participated in community projects to help out the needy, always was the one volunteering to help out in every upcoming programs at school , especially when they involved books , though I have only one problem BOYS .

They have always been distant from me , many people call me beautiful but I guess being beautiful isn't enough to get boys following you around . Sometimes I feel as though many boys are intimidated by the fact that I got brains . Is that even what shrewd people usually call themselves .

All my friends are taken ..somehow this make me feel less of a lady than I actually am. I am that unlucky friend . I really just can't imagine myself as the one who always attends friend's weddings as a bachelorette .

Well life goals are all fun when put to thought but reality is they suck more than big time .... Which man would wanna marry a woman who already has everything , a well paying job , expensive cars , expensive apartments , a woman who is financially, mentally, physically, spiritually an emotionally stable .NO ONE .

"Psss! What are you thinking?" , Lizzy interrupts my thoughts with tone of concern.

"Mmhh , ohh ..what ?, No , no I'm not thinking anything ..." , I struggle to respond as I was caught by surprise , I mean I don't even know how I ended up thinking about all those stuff I was thinking about because I'm in class....

"Gosh you can't even answer me properly, what's stressing you so early?" she keeps nagging in annoyance .

"Lizzy keep it down , Mr Van Wyk is still in class , I'll tell you after class since it will be lunch time" , I fake a smile an act as though I'm concentrating on what Mr Van Wyk is accentuating , He is my Physical Sciences teacher, I am actually fathomless of what half of the lesson was about , I really dont know what's bothering me.


Mr Van Wyk walks out of class with few of my classmates .

Lizzy walks towards my desk and sits on it , her's is just next to mine .

"So are you going to tell me , what's bothering you ?" , she asks with her eyebrow lifted .

"Well Lizzy you know how badly unsuccessful I am when it comes to relationships ...I know I've never really asked you this before but I would like you to help me find a boyfri..."I say timidly before even finishing what I was going to say she interrupts.

" Oh no ! Tell me this is a joke. Khloe Wilson wants a boyfriend , what's gotten into you?.", she says playfully .

" Would you stop messing around I am serious ... Can you help me out or not ?" I ask recklessly.


I will not !",she looks away and folds her arms harshly.

"I don't understand what do you mean , YOU WILL NOT , I'm asking you here as my friend to help me out ..though you know what it's alright if you can't." I try to open my backpack but zip gets stuck which leads me to being impatient and having sudden wrath over what Lizzy just said to me .

"Are you angry ?", she asks while smiling at me ," Ofcourse I will help you out Kay , but first lets get out of the class before the principal sees us and thinks we might be eating in the classroom or attempting to steal other learner's things."

"You have no shame , you know that ...", I walk away from her .

" Khloe , though you know I was kidding...Please don't punish me for my uncalled for attitude. Ofcourse I would love to help you , you're my best friend and I would love to see you with someone. I don't know who . Though I know you're picky and all but I'm only hoping that in the end I help you find the one you're looking for . Please , please forgive me", she says flashing her eyelashes as though she's having a seizure.

" Okay ma'am.I forgive you and I love you", I say playfully .

Well lunch time went by with Lizzy continuously coming up with boys she knows from social media an those who seem to be into me at school , God ! , I have to admit none of the boy's she has mentioned seemed to have caught my attention .

One always seemed uglier than the other , or darker than the other ,or shorter than the other , or too popular , or too into girl's......The list of this boy's name's seemed so long that at some point I would wonder how Lizzy got to know so many boy's.

Lizzy (Elizabeth Fourie) has been my bestfriend since 7th grade. I remember when I first saw her she was wearing the longest school skirt than all of us , that made her look awkward to other learner's but to me she simply looked like a young virtuous , serene and down to earth kind of person which is why I ended up being attracted to her .

She's shorter than me , dark skinned with huge eyes , small lips , round face , kinky black and goldish brown hair . She lives a few town's further from my town , lives with her grandparents. Her mother died after giving birth to her and her father passed away when she was only 5 years of age . She usually doesn't remember him but at times she tends to say that all she remembers it could be stories her grandparents would tell her about him and not memories of her own . She's short tempered at times , kind hearted, witty, always sticks by my side through thick and thin which is what I love the most about her .

I actually told her that none of the boy's she's mentioned are worth it and that she should give me time and see if I would not be able to find myself a man in a boy's body willing to accept all my flaws.

She just simply gave me grin and told me I'm just making an excuse she knows I'm just afraid of taking chances... before we knew it the bell rang . Three classes followed after lunch .

First class was the Geography class . I'm not complaining or anything but nothing frustrates me like Economic Geography topic . It's just too much ..., just as I lost focus and looked further by the window. There seated this serene, handsome young man, he had this beautiful smile , it was so irresistible . Other times it would seem as though he would be looking at me , I guess I'm that psychotic .

"Miss Milton ?"...a distant voice disturbed .

"Mmm...?", I answered puzzled .

"Care to share your opinion on why you think the government introduced corridors ?", Mr Nkosi asked with his eyebrows raised .

" I'm sorry Sir , I wasn't paying much of attention ", I said embarrassed.

Mr Nkosi simply turned back to the board and continued to teach , by the end of the class he asked me to be more focused and make sure that I understand that I shouldn't let my personal life get too much in my mind because that could affect my studies. I simply agreed with him and told him what had happened would never happen again .

Two more classes left and it just seemed as though my day was becoming quiet miserable.

"Khloe Milton right ..?", I turned around to find that handsome boy from the classroom , holding out my textbook.

"Yes", I answered timidly.

"Then this must be your book .You left it on the teachers desk ",He hands me the textbook and walks away .

That's a rude impression I thought , couldn't he atleast give me a chance to thank him or give me his name .That was simply rude

Just as I was about to turn away he shouts "I'm Nicholas Gwiba by the way !"

I smiled for quite some time that I bet my smile was beginning to look weird because he looked away as though embarrassed. No offence but it was as though he read my thoughts and felt the need to rectify them.

The classes were all over by 3pm and all I wanted was my bed because I was simply tired . I had the longest day at school ever .


ince Liz an I live at different towns , we would usually separate by the taxi rank , unless if luckily her grandparents come to fetch her and choose to give me a ride home too .

I live by the Eastern side of Protea Vlei while Liz lives by the Northern side of Protea Vlei. We are both students at Protea Vlei Secondary School , this is actually our final year . I live with my mother who is dispomaniac , rumours say she wasn't always an alcoholic but rather a woman of worth , all man in neighborly places wished to bewife her . Nobody ever gets further with the story about how my father is the actual reason for my mother's addiction to alcohol.

Many people say , my mother chased my father out and he then committed suicide but other's say , he moved at another country an started a new life there and somehow my mother was left

in all the sorrow and thus she finds consolation in drinking alcohol.

Inspite of all people got to say about my mother, I wouldn't care less . If my mother was useless and without a good state of mind to raise a child, she wouldn't have chosen to give me a chance in life . I would have probably grown up in a orphanage, got thrown away in a black rubbish bag and God knows what would have happened to me , or she would have considered an abortion but she kept me .

I know this woman has went through far beyond anyone could imagine but I know I am the hope in her life that reminds her of who she was before . I AM MY MOTHER'S DAUGHTER.

My mother used to be a nurse at our community clinic , but due to her lack of respect to health by abusing alcohol , she lost her job 6 years ago .

Now its simply just me helping out during weekends an holidays by working part time at the Jet store , I have to admit its a hard to actually have to work and study at the same time but here I am .

I've made it right.. so anyone can do it and even do it far beyond . I'm just grateful of how merciful God is towards my life .