
Reborn with the Power of the Runes

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What is Reborn with the Power of the Runes

Lee la novela Reborn with the Power of the Runes escrita por el autor Monk_of_Souls publicada en WebNovel. Edgar was just a porter inside the portals of the Grey World, but in his death he saw the opportunity for a rebirth where he would have the power to change his destiny....


Edgar was just a porter inside the portals of the Grey World, but in his death he saw the opportunity for a rebirth where he would have the power to change his destiny.

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"Aye! lads! ye be late! I called a time ago! an' only now ye woke !! der ye it wasn't fer this here 'ere lad I would 'ave Hang 'Em from the Yardarm ye all! aye listen to me, all o' ye if I don't see one 'ead when we finish! HO! HO! like the lad said ye'll be shark bait, now lass get to the deck, arm yerself , kill fer ye to be not killed " I heard teeth clanking when they heard "Hang 'Em. from the Yardarm " as the first mate continued with a word that was like a holy pardon. "Savvy?" " Aye!" they acknowledged as they ran to the deck to arm themselves, so was I! while doing that I examined the first mate! ugly as a pig, his teeth were nowhere to be found as the only one that was there was the front one! but I took no notice of that, I looked at his weapons wear, a curved sword! that shouldn't be worn by him! An ugly hand stretched and held my right shoulder as I was passing the first mate he said with the same rough voice that was like dragging daggers through his throat, his breath stinks shit! "Ayy lad your name?" "Kidd," I said while itching to step back. ***************************** If you don't like the Prologue volume, just skip it, I just did that to give our protagonist a meaning, a goal, mystery, and so on, let's just say the prologue will feature some incomprehensible characters, and of course, take my word for it, you will not understand it, so fight on! fight the inner voice that is telling you to drop it. There will be some ancient terms, incompressible will they be, worry not I'm compiling a chapter full of definitions of said terms. Savvy? [for the true beginning of the kingdom building, you need to wait for 100 chapters, I wanted to have 150 chapters but I trashed many fillers ] [The MC will be a one who thinks before acting, and after acting, he will not think with his Male organ ] [Chapters will be between 1000 words and 1500 words] [1 every dayveryday]

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