
Reborn With The Power of The King of Curses! {TBATE}

A reincarnated soul chosen to wield the power of the Cursed King. Born into the Glayder Family, the young prince decides he would rather rule than be a laid-back side character who goes with the flow. Will his changes bear prestigious fruit? Or will it be a fruit of destruction?

SoftenBeans · Cómic
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5 Chs

- Birth of Trouble

Along with the darkness that engulfed me came a sense of enclosure. The feeling of fleshy, wet walls squeezing against my every direction had thrown me off greatly. Though, with the little discomfort that it provided, it also came with a sense of security and warmth.

That's probably because I'm inside my mother. Her meaty walls hit different.


While the process of getting reborn was fascinating, my mind was elsewhere. God's words had really touched me, you know? Knowing that the big man himself would always be there for me and wouldn't impose restrictions- chains upon me was a big relief.

He quite literally granted me freedom.

My facade that I put up within my last life to fit in can finally crumble if that's the case... I have no one to please anymore. I can be myself. Not my old... Outgoing, wild... Idiotic self.

'That's amazing...' The weight of that decree was finally settling upon me. Like a massive weight being lifted off my shoulders, my upper body lightened considerably, metaphorically speaking at least.

My thoughts were quickly exiled as the squeezing motion soon mixed with a pull and a push. The walls converging together to gently, but quickly, push me out of my safe place. I didn't fight it, in fact I let it take me.

Finding out what family I'm born in seems more important than anything else in this instance! Hopefully I'm not a Leywin... That'd be so unoriginal and cliche. Bleh. Being born into the Bladehearts would be a better option. Maybe even the-

"Congratulations, your highness! It's a healthy baby boy!"


You're lying.

Say you swear!

I'm royalty?! For which race? Please don't be the dwarves... Please! Please! I can make do with anything except dwarves! I don't want to be a big thick fellow that looks like he could replace the trunk of a tree!

My pleas must have been heard by the almighty man himself, cause the next moment I blinked, I was instantly bombarded with a giant, bright light that mimicked the sun. The pain wasn't bad. In fact, there weren't any. It actually surprised me since I'm a child and all, haven't even been alive for a singular minute and yet my body had already adapted to the change in environment.

My eyes darted around, totally ignoring the female nurse's presence while I looked for my new parents. If I could turn my head, it would've been a lot easier, but well! Beggars can't be choosers, I guess. Though, I didn't have to wait long for me to finally get the grand reveal. Moments later the Nurse quickly handed me over to a person with huge, rough hands.

A singular palm was able to encompass my whole back.

That's impressive.

"Priscilla... Look! He has your hair... But he has my eyes too! Surely the best of both worlds!" It was quite obvious that the elated feelings he had were overbearing. Signs of struggle trying to hide his emotions made his voice quiver and invocably make his tone pitch higher than normal.

My worry eased hearing the very familiar names. I was human at least... Even if my parents were the future traitors of the continent.

Ah... Am I the first prince? If so, perfect. If not... Curtis can always end up in a miserable accident that cost him his limbs. They'll grow back!

If he believes hard enough!

"Oh Blaine, bring me my child, please..." Priscillas fatigued voice called out and within mere seconds I was already within her grasp; Blaine looking down on me with softened eyes while Priscilla held me tenderly. She kissed my forehead a couple times whilst resisting the tiredness built up within her body.

Her every move began to become sluggish, making her hold on me falter. Blaine saw this and slowly picked me up, rubbing Priscilla's head with his hand with a loving smile.

Next, he turned to the nurse still in the room, his gaze hardening a bit, showing his air of authority.

"She's tired, make sure you keep an eye on her and accommodate her every need! I'm going to put little Seth to sleep... That is what he needs, right?" If I had motor functions over my eyebrows, one would definitely be noticeably raised.

'Seth? Are you serious? That's kind of lame... I liked Marcel better.' I thought, a little disgusted at the name.

Seth Glayder... That doesn't even sound good together!

He could've at least tried...

"Ah! Um, Your Majesty, we actually need to test a couple more things on the prince... He hasn't shown any signs of crying and has barely moved. The only thing he seems to have control over is his eyes, we need to test his responses." Blaine paused, looking from the Nurse down at me.

His gaze turned worrisome and with a sigh, he handed me over to the brown-haired nurse and went to sit next to Priscilla. Her hand in his as he brought it up to his mouth for a kiss. It was kinda sweet, I ain't even gonna lie.


The Nurse had brought me to a different room connected to the one I was just born in. They were all moving quietly but efficiently, like programmed robots who followed strict coding. I was lying down on a table while completely wrapped in an impeccably soft cloth.

The Nurses would take turns coming up to me and flashing lights in my eyes, most reasonably to see if my pupils would dilate. Then after that they would move on to lightly testing the joint in my knees.

Then on to checking my breathing...

I gave no reaction to most of these things. Beside the jump of my leg when Nurse 2 tapped it, I stayed silent and just observed everything and let it all play out.

I could quite literally feel myself dozing off to sleep. The weight of being born was quite a burdensome thing... I'm surprised babies even have the energy to cry immediately after being born! They're monsters!

However, before I could even fall off into my realm of dreams, a gooey black substance began to seep out of the pristine wooden ceiling above me and the nurses. I watched it out of curiosity. Simultaneously feeling for any signs of my cursed energy.

It wasn't long before I got a grip on it and immediately began to circulate it through my body, causing my fatigue to be completely disregarded and thrown out the window. I glanced from the nurse's back to the increasingly alarming liquid pouring out of the ceiling, wondering if I was really the only one seeing this.

I soon got my answer though.

A goop of the liquid branched off from the main body and fell like a raindrop on top of Nurse 1's head... I expected some type of squeal, or a startled jump, but all she did was... Nothing! She just took it!

This was when my thoughts began to put my brain to work. A thing only I can see. Creepy looking, coming straight for me... My wishes, my abilities...

I kind of felt dumb for how long it took me to actually understand what was going on and piece it all together. I'm probably the only source of huge amounts of cursed energy available in this world... Just like how curses in the JJK world wanted to consume Sukuna's fingers... The curses of this world wanted to consume me.

Making me become an instant power up for them.

'Well shit...' I thought with a mental sigh. My load just got heavier and if there aren't any sorcerers in this world, I'm going to have quite a number of events just to get rid of them. God forbid a special grade trying for my life.

I'm lucky this one is just a fourth-grade spirit... Maybe even a fifth. My eyes never left the curse and my right arm rose to the sky, catching the attention of the nurses as I did so. I didn't want to, but as of now, I needed to get rid of that curse before they leave me here to get taken.
