"Well now that, I am approved for heirship of these houses, what do I have to do?" Harry asked the goblin about it.
The Goblin pressed a button and a moment later a very old looking Goblin came from outside. He looked like a authority figure in Gringotts. The other goblin whispered something in the ears of the new Goblin. He looked at me then the paper hastily. The new Goblin then spoke something in the other's Goblin's ear and that Goblin ran ouside. He then again looked at me and spoke.
"Hello Mr. Potter my name is Ragnarok, I am the Head Goblin of Gringotts of Britain, I would handle the matters from here on, and I would like to ask how did you learn our language?"
"Which is the most powerful thing in the world Ragnarok?"
"Gold." spoke Ragnarok.
"There you have your answer."
"True." again spoke Raganarok.
While we were talking, in the meantime more Goblins came with wooden boxes in their hands. They all stood behind Ragnarok, while both me and Ragnarok were sitting. Ragnarok after seeing them coming spoke.
"Now Mr. Potter you will be given the Rings of Lords for all these houses except Black and Gaunt. Black because its lord to be is Sirius Black and for Gaunt because we didn't find its lord ring."
"Well no problem as I don't need it for now." said Harry. While he was thinking (Well there should be no problem, I will eventually get it after the Death of Dumbledore or something.)
"Ok then Mr. Potter, Well because you are below age to be a Lord, you should only be a heir but because you are the last decendant of these house, you will become a Lord. Lets start wearing the rings one by one should we and then repeat after me."
"Ok lets start with the Potter ring first." I wear the Potter ring and it starts to access me then its calm down. I then starts to speak after that.
"I, Harry James Potter, Heir to Noble and Most Ancient House of Potter do hereby swear by wearing this ring to uphold the values and traditions of my family. As Lord Potter, I swear to bring back my family's honor and strive for the betterment of my magical brethren. This I swear, So Mote it be!"
Immediately some of the magic from the ring seemed to connect to his magical core and the words 'Natus Vincere' appeared in his mind immediately after performing the oath and putting on the ring, the potter family motto 'Born to Conquer.'
Then he somehow got knowledge of inter-house politics and his responsibilities. From that knowledge, he got one very important piece of information for use on the Gaunt house.
Then I start to wear the Gryffindor ring and speak.
"I, Harry James Potter, Lord to Noble and Most Ancient House of Potter, and Heir to Noble and Most Ancient House of Gryffindor do hereby swear by wearing this ring to uphold the values and traditions of my family. As Lord Gryffindor, I swear to bring back my family's honor and strive for the betterment of my magical brethren. This I swear, So Mote it be!"
Immediately some of the magic from the ring seemed to connect to his magical core and then the words appeared in his mind 'Audaces Fortuna iuvat', the Gryffindor family motto 'Fortune Favours the Bold'.
Next, he continued with Peverell "I, Harry James Potter, Lord to Noble and Most Ancient House of Potter, Lord to Noble and Most Ancient House of Gryffindor, Heir to Noble and Most Ancient House of Peverell do hereby swear by wearing this ring to uphold the values and traditions of my family. As Lord Peverell, I swear to bring back my family's honor and strive for the betterment of my magical brethren. This I swear, So Mote it be!"
Similar to the one before magic connected to the core and words appeared in his mind 'avaritia facit defectum', the Peverell family motto 'Greed causes Failure'.
"I, Harry James Potter, Lord to Noble and Most Ancient House of Potter, Lord to Noble and Most Ancient House of Gryffindor, Lord to Noble and Most Ancient House of Peverell, Heir to Noble and Most Ancient House of Black do hereby swear by wearing this ring to uphold the values and traditions of my family. This I swear, So Mote it be!"
After the oath, the words 'Pura Semper' appeared in his mind the regularly known 'Toujours pur' was simply a day to day usage of the family motto.
"I, Harry James Potter, Lord to Noble and Most Ancient House of Potter, Lord to Noble and Most Ancient House of Gryffindor , Lord to Noble and Most Ancient House of Peverell, Heir to Noble and Most Ancient House of Black, Heir to Magical House of Evans do hereby swear by wearing this ring to uphold the values and traditions of my family. As Lord Evans, I swear to bring back my family's honor and strive for the betterment of my magical brethren. This I swear, So Mote it be!"
"I Harry James Potter, Lord to Magical House of Evans by the power vested to me by the Conquest over the Ancient House of Gaunt hereby call the House of Gaunt to be Defunct and thus all Belongings of the Gaunts including the family-magic are to be absorbed by the Magical House of Evans. So I swear, So Mote it be!"
As soon as he said it a cheetah and a coral snake manifested in the air the cheetah attacked and bit the snake gave the screen and burst and the magic went into the cheetah.
The cheetah gave a roar and ran into him and he felt something in him being changed it was the feeling of something being strengthened. He argued in his mind that it was probably the Bloodline being strengthened.
After it came outside it seemed to wait for something and Harold understood it. Generally, only families on the level of a minor house had family motto's because it took at least 3 generations to decide it. So he had to make one for the family. After thinking for a bit he stated
"I Harry James Potter, Lord to Ancient House of Evans hereby state that the family motto of the family shall be 'Amor enimn Genus', 'the Love for the Family'. So I swear, So Mote it be!"
The Cheetah bows and disappear. Suddenly a small number of items appear a paper which looks like a land deed, a dagger, a wand, a ring. Roughly 2000 galleons appeared. After the ring I speak.
"Don't touch the ring it has a very terrifying curse on it, float it with magic and put it in a magically enchanted box for me will you. As for the other items keep them in the Evans vault."
He listens to me and nods. Then he tells the Goblin behind him to do it.
Then I move on to the last ring.
"I, Harry James Potter, Lord to Noble and Most Ancient House of Potter, Lord to Noble and Most Ancient House of Gryffindor, Lord to Noble and Most Ancient House of Peverell, Heir to Noble and Most Ancient House of Black, Lord to Ancient House of Evans hereby claim the Slytherin Line by Conquest."
Suddenly a Basilisk appeared it seemed to be going to attack him but suddenly a Griffin, a Cheetah, a crow, a Grimm appeared to they then attacked the Basilisk. A black glob was shot out of the basilisk then and the glob then suddenly burned.
The basilisk seemed to have suddenly seemed to gain sentience instead of being like a mindless beast it was before. It was as if it was under a curse before. He quickly followed his instinct and said
"I, Harold James Potter, Lord to Noble and Most Ancient House of Gryffindor, Lord to Noble and Most Ancient House of Peverell Lord to Noble and Most Ancient House of Potter, Lord to Magical House of Evans, Heir to Noble and Most Ancient House of Black, Heir to Noble and Most Ancient House of Slytherin do hereby swear by wearing this ring to uphold the values and traditions of my family. As Lord Slytherin, I swear to bring back my family's honor and strive for the betterment of my magical brethren. This I swear, So Mote it be!"
The basilisk seemed thankful and bowed. Then like the cheetah it rushed into his body but instead of a feeling of being strengthened it felt like something was added to him. Then the words appeared inhis mind 'in quo percussit inimicum timet maxime', the Slytherin motto 'Strike where the enemy fears the most'!.
"Now that Mr. Potter you have all the rings, do you want to ask something?"
"Do I have to wear all the rings?"
"No you can combine it into one, and even make it invisible."
I will for them to become one and turn invisible. Then they turn into one and become invisible. Then I look at him speak.
"Who is the Potter account manager?"
Then from the Goblins who are standing behind Ragnarok a Goblin comes ahead.
"I am Griphook, The Potter account manager." He says.
"Can you bring the Potter account statements?" I ask him. I have something in my mind which might get Sirius out of that hell on Earth.
"Yes, Master Potter" Griphook says and show me some papers. I look at them I knew it before coming, but I was still shocked.
House of Potter
Title: Earl of Powys
Vassals: House Boot(Baron), House Cole(Knight), House Dehoff(Knight)
Total Assets: 15,874,933 Galleons, 63,012,752 Sickles, 489,943,771 Knut
Private Properties in Great Britain: Potter Manor--Powys(Unplottable, Fidelus, Blood Ward), Potter Wizarding Tower--Yorkshire(Unplottable, Fidelus), Potter Fortress--Beddgelert(Unplottable, Fidelus), Potter Villa--Scotland, Potter Estate-- Wales, Potter Mansion--North London, Potter Studio--Downtown London, Potter Cottage-- Godric's Hollow.
Private Properties outside Great Britain: Potter Vineyard-- Portugal, Le Potturis Chateau-- France, Lily's Lagoon--Italy, Marauders' Den--Florida, Potter Retreat--Caribbean islands, Potter Hotel--Eygpt, Potter Lair--Istanbul, Potter Citadel--Jerusalem.
Shareholds: Sleekeazy's Hair Potion Company(100%), Daily Prophet(27%), Fleetwood(82%), Rolls Royce(42%), Firebolt Broom Manufacturer(51%), Florean Fortescue's Ice-Cream Parlour(68%), Taxis London(23%), Honeydukes Company Ltd.(22%), Sovereign Theatre(33%6), The Kingly Court(21%), Peachy Witchy(19%), C. Gilbert & Co. Ltd. (61%), Incantation Records(27%). Magical Chrome(13%), London Estate(5%), Wand Tuning(37%), Schletters Distillery(74%), Enchanted Feather Co.(53%), Kowalski Quality Baked Goods(77%), Scribbulus Writing Implements(81%), Quality Quidditch Supplies(45%), Wiseacre's Wizarding Equipment(64%), etc
Patents: Probity Probe, Two-way mirrors, Golden Snitch, Boots of Speed, Invisible Ink, Omnioculars, Bag of Tricks, Beautification Potion, Volubilis Potion, Brooch of Shielding, Laughing Potion, Confusing Concoction, Emerald Potion, Dust of Sneezing and Choking, Invisibility Potion, Drowsiness Draught, Murtlap Essence, Invigoration Draught, Oculus Potion, etc.. .
Turning from page to page, Harry read the about the Title which made it obvious that he was real-life nobility and if that wasn't enough proof then there were the vassals he had which include Knight and Baron families.
Harry knew about the ranks of nobility within the Wizarding Families, he had done in-depth reading about his family noble heritage. In the ranks at the bottom were the Knight Houses; the lowest rank of Nobility but not of the peerage. Then there was Baron Houses-- the first step into the peerage, which include families like the Wood, Prince, Weasley, and Goyle. Next were the Viscount Houses-- houses of average power which included families like the Lovegood, Scamander, Lockhart, Zabini, and Dumbledore.
After that were the Count Houses-- Houses of moderate power like the Crouch, Nott, Greengrass, and Malfoy. Then there were the Earl Houses--families that stand at the near peak in Great Britain these include the Black, Longbottom, Lestrange, and Potter Houses as he just found out. After is the Marquis Houses which you rarely see around including the Peverell and Ollivander.
Finally are the Dukes which are only made up of four families Ravenclaw, Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, and Slytherin. Last but not least is the supreme House of Wyllt, the one, and only Arch-Duke House. Also as each and every young wizard and witch should know there is the Royal House of Pendragon-- the Monarch which has long been extinct just like the Arch-Duke family.
I was in shock after learning this and now I could only say "Wow!"
"Well Mr. Potter these are just of House Potter. For House Peverell, Gryffindor, Slyherin, Black and Evans you would have to see more. Would you like to see information about credentials of house Peverell, Gryffindor, Slytherin, Black and Evans, but if you want to withdraw you will have to open the vaults with your blood and ring to know its circumstances and get the family Grimiore's of every house and their inheritances." He tells me.
"Well I'll just be content with Potter vault for now, and is there anything irregular with Potter vault."I ask him to check my suspicions.
"Well nothing irregular but there is a deposit of 1000 galleons to a Dursley family every year." He tells me calmly.
Even though I have my suspicions. After hearing this I just lost it and shouted at him.
"Who approved of this?!!" I asked him angrily, even though I had my guesses.
W-whaat, D-didn't your f-family approve of it? No, wasn't it, you? No. Who approved it? He kept replaying his words like a broken recorder, he kept asking himself the same question again and again.
"What the hell happened to him?" I asked Ragnarok.
"He's been Confunded." spoke Ragnarok with a scowl and grumpy face.
"What's going on here, Ragnarok?" I asked him loudly.
"We will need to see King Ragnok about this, and you will get your answers."
"Okay, but it seems one of your own has been compromised." I told him with a angerful look.
"Don't worry you will get your answers." He then looks at another Goblin and tell him to take Griphook to see a healer.
He then leads to me a throne room. We enter inside, and a bigger than average Goblin with majestic aura is sitting on the throne. Ragnarok kneels to him. I don't do it because I am not a Goblin. I just adjust my clothes and nod at him.
"You may arise" the King finally spoke then Ragnarok stands up and retold the incident.
"What you told me is very worrying Ragnarok. Only a very powerful wizard can do this and keep a spell active after so many years." says the King Ragnok.
"Your Majesty, I might know who did this." I speak.
"Who?" he spoke as he turned to me.
"Only two individuals can do this, Voldemort and Dumbledore. Voldemort is knowhere to be seen for years and only Dumbledore remains." I tell him.
"Yes, that certainly makes sense. But do you have proof?"
"No, your Grace but their is a breach in the Potter accounts, and I would like to know if there is a will left behind by my parents?
"Well we can't do anything to Dumbledore, but we will surely confiscate his money and ban his accounts, and yes there was a will left behind by your parents." He tells me with a ruthless smile when talking about the Dumbledore's account.
"Then bring the will here." I tell him in a serious tone.
"Sure" He then tells a Goblin to bring the will, and in the meantime Griphook comes back and he looks depressed, distressed and dispirited. After some time the Goblin comes back with the will and he starts to play the will, and the will starts and voices come. These voices make me emotional because even though I am not their real son, I am still half Harry after our fusion, we have become a single entity and they are now my parents too.
"I, Lord James Charlus Potter, Head of the Most Ancient and Noble House of Potter and I, Lily J Potter(née Evans), do of sound Mind and sound Body, declare this to be our Final Will and Testimony, voiding all previous filed Will and Testimony. This Will and Testimony is dated on 31 July, 1980."
"To Sirius Black, we leave you with 100,000 Galleons, thanking you for all the joy and laughter you have brought in our lives! Don't you dare spend all our money partying and chasing women, " Harry's mother added in the end and he heard his father chuckling in the background.
"To Remus Lupin, we leave you with 100,000 Galeons, thanking you for all the wisdom and cautiousness you have brought in our lives! Fuck the system, you can life comfortably for your whole life even if you are a werewolf," this time it was Harry's father who made the remark and felt more than heard an elbow hit him in the ribcage to silence him.
"To Peter Pettigrew, we leave you nothing if we are dead, let it be known that he must have betrayed us if we have been found. Peter Pettigrew was our secret keeper," Harry's mother tried to say until his father cut in, "I will be coming for you, you rat-tailed bastard even from beyond the grave!" However, he was quickly cut off as somebody seemed to have elbowed him and his mother continued, "Let the Auror force know that Peter Pettigrew is a Death Eater."
Harry's mother and father continued as they kept on listing more and more people that they wanted to bequest a fortune to. Each and every single one of them where good friends of his parents who 've done them great favors and helped along.
"In the event of our death," Harry's parents continued, "We wish to leave our son in the care of one named Sirius Black. He is Harry's Godfather and although reckless at times, he has a good heart and will do his best to take of our son."
"If anything were to happen to Sirius Black, we wish to leave our son in the care of the one named Remus Lupin. There is a separate account we opened which should deposit 5,000 Galleons a month to Remus Lupin for Harry's care."
"If anything were to happen to Remus Lupin or if he was refused guardianship of our son within the grounds he is a werewolf, we wish to leave our son in the care of one named Alice Longbottom. She is our son's Godmother and she will raise Harry just like her own son."
"If anything were to happen to Alice Longbottom, we wish to leave our son in the care of one named Amelia Bones. She is a close friend of ours and is the fiancé of a certain someone."
"If... we wish for Minerva McGonagall..."
"If... we wish for Amos Diggory..."
"If...we wish for Molly Weasley..."
"If... we wish for Pandora Lovegood..."
"If... we wish for Rubeus Hagrid..."
"If... we wish for Garrick Ollivander..."
As the list of people who Harry's parents wanted to live with went on and on, it finally reached the end.
"In the event of our death, we do not wish to leave our son in the care of any known Death Eater or the associates. Neither do we want to leave our son in the care of one named Albus Dumbledore as we know that he wouldn't give the proper care that our son requires. Nor do we wish our son to be ever left in the care of one named Petunia Dursley(née Evans) or her husband as they have a complete and utter hate for magic and anything to do with it."
"So mote it be!"
As the recording died down, silence greeted the office until the goblin king spoke up, "Was this Will carried out to the best of our abilities Barnott?"
Hanging his head low, the goblin answered, "No Your Majesty, it seems like I have been Confunded in this matter too."
"Hahahaha" I start to laugh angerfully like a maniac. Rage was apparent in my eyes and every Goblin could see it.
"Not just your Goblins were confunded, even my Godfather was innocent but he is in jail for no reason. I had to live with abusive relatives for 12 years of my life, do your Gringotts have an explanation for this?"
Ragnok and the other Goblins looked shocked at first, then they paled visibly understanding the meaning behind my words. Ragnok then looked at me and said.
"I don't know how to express my apologies, but to mend things up, we will give you our very own inheritance ritual and help in hearing of Mr. Black." He said to me after seeing my anger. I then calmed down and spoke.
"We will leave the ritual for some other time, but you must first free my Godfather from that hellhole. You should contact Amelia Bones from DMLE for this and you must ensure the safety of my Godfather before you take action. Take my parent's will with you, I will be there too." Ragnok signals a Goblin and that Goblin runs out to do the task.
"Also bring the Tonks family here on an urgent notice, I want to have an conversation with them, also check if they have good occlumency shields." I tell them.
Then another Goblin runs out of the room. Some long time later he come backs and speaks.
"The Tonks family is all here and they also have adequate Occlumency shields." Said the Goblin who came back.
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Well hello everyone it was quite difficult to sort out the things about noble houses and their powers, so I had to study it from the orignal and some fanfics to get ideas for the ranks, voting power, old house, power etc. Now that these things are sorted out there will be 5 chapters a week, because Saturday and Sunday is my free day. I am still a school student so I have other work to do.