
Reborn To Revenge

"Please, let me go" I don't know why she wanted to kill me. I thought she was my best friend. She stabbed the knife into my chest, "He said only if you dead, he'll accept me" I spatted the blood from my mouth, "H-He?" "Yes. When he confessed his love to you, do you remember how you rejected him?" "I d-did that because I k-knew you like -him" "Oh stop your drama 'I am a good girl' show. I have lots of money, I have so many ways to get what I like. But he asked me you to be dead. so of course to get what i wanted I'll go to any extreme" Again she stabbed me in the same place, "Be a good a girl and have a Eternal sleep. Don't worry, I'll lead a happy life with the one I love" Before I closed my eyes, I saw her evil smile which pained me a lot. Why I have to die like this? It's unfair for me. I can't accept dying like this. It's really not fair.

SelusSarang · Ciudad
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75 Chs

Are they dead?

"Just how many times this young lady visited the hospital in a month? It's already her third time" Doctor Shin sighed seeing Sarang's face.

"Say doctor, is she cursed by someone? Just a day ago she was discharged and now she was back" the middle aged  nurse have a puzzled look on her face.

Doctor Shin hit the middle aged nurse's forehead, "You.. As in the medical field how can you have a superstition thoughts"

Jae Bum cleared his throat, "Uncle Shin, could you please start dressing her wounds"

Doctor Shin glared at Jae Bum, "I can treat her without any disturbance, only if he leaves the room"

Doctor Shin then pointed at SungJin who was holding Sarang's uninjured hand as his dear life.

Beom Seok pulled SungJin away from Sarang, "Jin, let him dress her wounds"

SungJin eyes didn't left Sarang's pale face, "Arrange a female doctor for her"