
Reborn to fight

Xaiver lived a life where he runs away from his father the king of the second most powerful kingdom known to man . In his previous life he died having been caught by his ruthless father. What happens when Xaiver is given a chance to fight back and save himself and his dear ones but they say everything comes at a price . Will he be able to keep the promise he made to the mysterious being that have him a second change .

Tek_Mfulwane · Derivados de juegos
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20 Chs

Chapter one

⚠️ language

"Why is he not dead yet ? " asked my brother Neon. He sounded more disgusted than usual.

" You're a worthless piece of trash who doesn't even have a sign . You're a disgrace to this family , I don't know why father kept you alive for this long he should have killed you at child birth " this time yelled my sister , Isabella.

" But luckily he realized what you truly are. You're a worthless piece of trash wo deserves nothing not even death " Neon said spitting on me .

I was on my knees hands and legs tied by chains to the wall and I have lived like this as long as I can remember , the only crime I have committed is living for this long. I am an illegitimate child. My father had an affair with a servant and got her pregnant , the servant being smart enough ran for with her unborn child immediately when she found out she was pregnant and trust me when I say he was furious ordering war to the Kingdom that dares to even hide her , The kingdom of Xaerian was the second most strongest and feared kingdom.

My mother raised me till I was about 3 before she shipped me off to military academy . The reason was because she knew that the king would one day find me , she wanted me to be important enough to be protected from him by the military but being the son of a servant my body was weak and that dream died . I never gave up on myself thinking that if I believed I would actually be stronger than my dad with out a sign. I laughed at my naivness.

The prince and princess left awhile ago before injecting me with something. Ofcourse the King decided to get rid of me now that I gave his son what he needed i was no longer needed and throw out like trash . I signed as I looked with tears in my eyes .

" What crime did I commit to actually be treated like this . I am treated like a slave even though I am a half blood meaning I was technically a prince . Even the Maids have more respect than me. Why me ? I have never asked anyone of anything so why am I treated like a greedy man when I asked to be set free . " I cried and yelled feeling my eyes grow heavy .

I cried in pain as I felt my blood boil . I felt a pang on the left side of my chest , then on my right and the sounds of metal coaching against metal mixed with a cry filled the room . I cried and shouted angry that the goddess let me die this way , that she left me live the life of a fool and for what to die in a dungeon chained to the wall all alone .

All I could think about were the regrets that filled my mind . If only's that always haunted me , not trying hard enough ,not being fast enough , getting my hopes up . I cried as the what ifs ate away at my mind , the if only I screamed at me . I had no hope left of a chance I was dying and no one cared maybe he would care .

[ Human ]

What ? Who ? I don't even have the strength to think as I take a deep breath that only makes thing worse . I felt as if the air was on fire causing me to scream out of pain.

[ I have a proposal . You get your second chance in exchange for a position of great influence. ]

"Yes" left my lips immediately but it was probably just an sick joke the royals made but at that moment it was my hope .


I jolt awake and I'm face nothing but darkness . I wonder if I'm in hell . I said and leaned my head back , my back hits the cold surface sending a shiver down my back. I took a deep breath smelling like a rotting body .

I squinted , rubbed and blinked still I saw nothing . I moved around causing something to fall to the floor . Chains I guess .

The were two bangs from what sounded like a metal door

" Shut it newbie " the voice was harsh, loud and manly and as if I was drenched with water I realized where I was .

Military academy i could never forget the isolation room and how i spend days being locked up here because i refused to kill my opponent or fight back .

How is this possible ? I slowly went back to were I was and sat down . It took a minute to realise what had happened before I died the voice said something about second chance . Did I really get a second chance ? If so then I'll use it wisely.

[ Demon transfer in 30 seconds ]

What ?! Who are you ?!where are you ?! where am I ?! What is Demon transfer ?! Answer me ?!

[ 3 ]

[ 2 ]

[ 1 ]

[ Demon transfer comensing ]

Pain shot from the left side of my chest making it's way to the rest of my body . I rolled around on the floor trying to reduce the pain but it didn't work . I go on my knees clenching my heart with tears in my eyes . I take deep uneven breathes still on my knees.

[ Demon transfer complete . Congratulations Demon prince. ]

As I heard the weird voice again the pain subsided. I used my hands to feel the wall behind me were I used tallies to keep check of the days . This room had no windows but we would be served dinner at 8 everyday and that's how we marked the days. To think if I wasn't so naive my life would have been easier but enough of that . I remember that the was a kid — the one I was supposed to kill — in here with me but he was killed before he was put in here with me .

Finally I find the tallies 3 , 5 , 7 I have 7 days till I am released . I sat down Indian style on the cold , hard floor . I need to figure this out . I need to follow the plan very simple became one of the military's most powerful man in order to get protected from the kingdom of Xaerian . The plan was already there I just need to improve then implement it .

" Hello ? " I said trying to talk to the voice .

" I'm Xavier , could you explain what-" I was interupted by a bright screen that blinded me for a minute before it became dimmer but the light was enough to see around the room . The room was practically empty having only me , the body and chains strapped to the wall but we were not cuffed like seriously we would we go .

[ Menu ]

I looked at the screen for a while . For a while now I have been tapping, yelling and nothing is working . Why won't nothing work all I want is to open menu and just like that the menu opened .

[ Shop | Inventory | Skills | Statistics | tutorial]

I immediately thought tutorial.

[ Welcome young demon prince , I am the system assigned to you by our demon king to train you to be his successor this is the repayment of your second chance . You are one of the very few who posses a System. You are to train your body to be able to wield the demon kings blade . The king has given you his demon and his sign . My job is to teach you how to use the demon enery with your fire sign to fight and command the demons who are about to cause havoc on Earth . You have been reborn to the age of 10 as you have figured out . Our king have given you a second chance in order for you to become his kin .]

After listening to the System I took a moment to digest the news . Demons are one of the most feared creatures because of their mixed signs . The are different signs like water , wind , earth , fire , lightning and more whatever sign you posses then that is the power you have but demons posses 2 or more signs at once which is mixed with dark magic and is hard to control making them the most dangerous.

I have heard of the demon king rumored to have been stronger 10 kingdoms combined . I read in a book that the king possed fire , water , wind , earth and nature but that Is not possible. Demons only come to earth if their summoned my guess the most powerful being on Earth can come and go as he pleases . In summary with my last dying breath I basically sold my soul to a demon and not only a demon but the demon king .

I spend my whole life reading and researching since I had no powers . I used my time sneaking in the libraries and read about the world . From signs to war tactics I know everything about this world even though my knowledge of the demons is limited I know more than the average person.

Now I am back at the camp were my mother put all her faith in me but I'm not mad about that I'm just upset that I didn't take advantage of this opportunity and train I guess I was just that naive .

System statistics


Name : Xavier

Age : 10

Position : Demon prince

Sign : ??

Level : 1

Speed : 5

Strength : 2

Ability : 2

Curse : 0

Dark force : 9


An average fighter has the battle force of 2550 , which means for me dark force is battle force and I'm at 9 . According to what I read a 10 year old should have at least a battle force of 50 , I am truly weak then . I need to start my foundation before I start training my sign apparently is fire .

Clearly inventory is a storage system designed in a ring to reduce the weight of items but where is my ring I have never read about system so I'm clueless . System can you help me out here , inventory .

[ The inventory is a storage designed in me meaning that your inventory is in a very deep part of your mind . The limit to what you can hold is the level you are on . ]

That's is useful . System how long will it take for me to actually set my foundation in order to use the demon energy with my fire .

[ A maximum of 6 days . In order for the foundation to be complete you need to merge your core with the demon .]

Okay then I have a total of 7 days left , enough time to set a foundation . I closed my eyes and started picturing my core energy .

Core magic is where a person's sign power comes from . Every one has different core energies , which are shaped and colored differently . I picture my core and the demon being one and started to meditate .

Slowly the color red showed it self with an enormous black core and my 6 day long meditation began.

Hy yall

Hope you enjoy this book sorry for the short chapter but the next one will be better than this one for sure . Please comment were you don't understand and I am human so yes I'll be hurt by your comments but I'm an author right I can take criticism. Sorry for any misspellings or grammar mistakes .Like it ? Add to library!Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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