
Reborn: The Tale of the Moon

One unfortunate night, she was chased by a dog and got into an accident. When she wake up, she found herself inside a body of a 5 years old. Her master save her during the war, and teach her martial arts and medicine. Her master, as she described, "The most handsome devil man in the continent", is a well known physician across the continent who was so proud of his prodigy genius discipline in medicines- who later turns out to be so lazy to continue his legacy. She save a man from a slave market when shr was 10 years old. As she predicted, he turns out to be a heartbreaker few years later. She spend her youth chasing away her brother's lover who can't stop knocking on their door. Apart from breaking young maiden's heart, poisoning people is his other specialty. When she was 15 years old, she saved a man dying at the entrance of their Sacred Forest who turns out to be an assasin. With no directions to go, the man decides to follow them on their adventure to find her master (her mission is to pester and drive her master crazy to death). Watch how she turns the ice block into a warm, Prince charming as she drive him crazy and seduced him along the way. The once obsessed assasin who only interested in killing people, under the guidance of her heartbeaker brother, slowly turns into a docile housewife.

Xijiu_1727 · Historia
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13 Chs

Chapter 12: King Yama has Risen (1)

At the foot mountain, Sacred Forest entrance.

It was late in the afternoon, Ning Qiuyue and Li Wei just arrived at the entrance of the Sacred Forest when they spot a guy leaning on the big rock. His whole body was covered with blood, there's a deep cut on his chest, revealing his red flesh, and on his arm, a wound so severe, they can almost see his bone.

Ning Qiuyue pick up a long stick from the ground and walk towards the guy and start poking his cheek with the stick. At a closer look, he was for sure, handsome! It would be a waste to let this guy die here.

"Errr.. do you think he's dead?", she turns to Li Wei as he squat down and check the guy's pulse.

"He's still alive. He's barely holding on. He lost a lots of blood," Li Wei look at Ning Qiuyue, waiting for her next order.

"We can't let him die here. Take him back to the peak before the wild beasts eat him."

Li Wei carry the guy as they rush back to the peak.

After giving the guy some medical treatment and washing off all the bloods on his face, Ning Qiuyue finally have the time to take a good look at him.

'His look – 5 star. His abs – Hmmm... Definitely 5 star. Now that's left is his attitude – that's going to wait for a while before he get his passing mark. He looks as handsome as Li Wei, but if he turns out to be another heartbreaker, I'm going to sell him and Li Wei to the brothel!'

"What are you doing?" Li Wei stood by the door watching Ning Qiuyue poking the guy on the bed.

She turns and smile devilishly to Li Wei, "I'm checking out my future husband."

Li Wei face turn as white as a sheet, like a father who is about to lose her daughter, "No! He have to go through me first!"


A few days has passed since they brought the guy back to the peak. Ning Qiuyue was relieved seeing his rapid recovery. Once in a while, she will check on his pulse and clean the wounds on his body.

It's been a week since he come to the peak. Illuminated by the moon outside, the shadow of a young man can be seen leaning on the headboard as he study his environment. Despite waking up from an unwanted coma, his senses were very much heightened.

He glanced at the neatly wrapped bandages on his body and touch his wound. He was feeling thirsty, so he slowly stand up from the bed and walk towards the door, slowly opening it. He saw a teapot on a table and reach out his hand to pour himself some water. His hand however, was too weak, he lost the grip and accidentally dropped the teapot on the ground. He was about to bend down when suddenly a shadow rush and squat next to him, picking up the teapot on the ground.

"Oh no, you broke master's precious teapot!" Ning Queyue stare at the teapot on the ground. She remember how she was scolded by master when she broke his teapot long time ago. Master didn't let her eat for a whole day! What a devil!

"How are you feeling? You must be thirsty. Sit down first, I will get you some water," she help the guy to sit down on the chair before walking to the kitchen to boil some warm water. Li Wei, who has been sleeping in the lounge chair in the medicine room, come out and walk towards the guy and grabbed his hand. The guy was startled.

"I need to check your pulse, no need to stare at me like you want to kill me," he stare at the guy who look at him with such a strong murderous intent.

'He's not a simple guy.' Li Wei thought to himself.

"Your body is fine now, other than the minor wounds on your body, everything inside is perfectly fine," He's not sure whether its due to Ning Qiuyue superior medical skills, or his strong will to live. Luckily, he's no longer standing at death's door. Ning Qiuyue pass him the warm water, he drinks 3 glass full before he finally stop.

"You must be hungry… I will cook you some porridge." She walk back to the kitchen and start cooking.

The guy just sit there, apart from the murderous intent that Li Wei experience before, there is no emotions leaking from him now. He looks like a piece of block, maybe a block of emotionless ice. Li Wei couldn't even figure out what he's thinking about.

After a few minutes of awkward silence, Li Wei finally give up and start talking to him.

"Hey, what's your name?"


"Who wants to kill you?"


"Why did you choose to die at the entrance of our forest? "


"Can you talk? Are you mute?"


'Ah… forget it. This is totally talking to a wooden block.'