
Reborn: The Tale of the Moon

One unfortunate night, she was chased by a dog and got into an accident. When she wake up, she found herself inside a body of a 5 years old. Her master save her during the war, and teach her martial arts and medicine. Her master, as she described, "The most handsome devil man in the continent", is a well known physician across the continent who was so proud of his prodigy genius discipline in medicines- who later turns out to be so lazy to continue his legacy. She save a man from a slave market when shr was 10 years old. As she predicted, he turns out to be a heartbreaker few years later. She spend her youth chasing away her brother's lover who can't stop knocking on their door. Apart from breaking young maiden's heart, poisoning people is his other specialty. When she was 15 years old, she saved a man dying at the entrance of their Sacred Forest who turns out to be an assasin. With no directions to go, the man decides to follow them on their adventure to find her master (her mission is to pester and drive her master crazy to death). Watch how she turns the ice block into a warm, Prince charming as she drive him crazy and seduced him along the way. The once obsessed assasin who only interested in killing people, under the guidance of her heartbeaker brother, slowly turns into a docile housewife.

Xijiu_1727 · Historia
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13 Chs

Chapter 10: Into the Forbidden City (1)

Ning Qiuyue and Li Wei visit the Forbidden City that day to sell their medicines and purchase some materials. Since Li Wei have an appointment with a client who was interested with his poisons that afternoon, they parted their way and promised to meet again at the Blue Moon Inn where they usually stay when they go down from the mountain.

Ning Qiuyue proceed to visit to Imperial Medicine Hall, one of the pharmacy in the city where she usually sell her medicine. They have been doing business since her master was around, so their transactions went smoothly. The medicines they supply are all high grade and mostly consumed by the noble and royal family, each transaction profiting thousands of silver each time. She also have no idea why they need that much money, thinking about the stack of golds they've been keeping for years at home. Anyway, she's just doing it for the sake of her master's reputation.

Since it was still early, she decided to walk around the city, spending her money like her master always teach her. Thinking about her life in the previous life, she couldn't help but sigh. That time, she always work hard and save every penny she earn for her future, living a frugal life. She make so many plans and goals, and yet she die before she even managed so accomplished one of them.

The streets in the city were really lively. There were rows of shops on both side of the streets. There's also small stall selling all sorts of goods such as street foods, lanterns, decorations and toys. She was planning to buy new coat for her and Li Wei, since winter is coming soon… and she just feel like spending money anyway..

She went into one of the most luxurious clothing store in the store, where she was greeted by the store keeper.

"Greeting miss, how can I help you?" The store keeper smile at her, judging her appearance from head to toe. She wear simple dress without any accessories on her body, but he can tell that the fabric she wear is one of the finest and rarest silk.

"I'm looking for a winter fur coat, for a woman and man."

The man went to the back room and come back few minutes later, with a red color coat and a purple color coat.

"This is our best fur coat, the fox fur are rare and hard to get."

She hold the coat a while, inspecting the coat in her hand. Trying it on and off. Indeed, it was the best coat she ever wear, its warm and comfortable.

"I'll take both of them. Please pack them."

The group of the lady who were standing and observing her since she enter the store suddenly laugh and making comment between themselves.

"Isn't this is the bitch that follow brother Li Wei this morning?"

"Indeed, I saw her coming out from the inn with brother Li Wei."

"Huh, such a bitch. I wonder how much she was paid for her service.."

"She's just a plaything. Brother Li Wei will throw her away once he got bored of her."

She stare at the group of lady beside her, thinking what she did to provoke this group of bitches.

A few moment later, the shopkeeper come back with her coats nicely packed inside a bag.

"How much is this?"

"The red coat is 10 000 silver, while the purple coat is 14 000 silver," the man smile at her.

'This expensive??' She stare at the shopkeeper with her big round eyes. Okay.. Its my fault for not checking the price first.

"Look at her, I'm sure she didn't have enough money to pay… hahaha.." One of the lady start making fun of her.

Sigh..she took out a bunch of money paper and pass it to the storekeeper, took her shopping bag and walk out without battling an eyes on the bunch of people. Indeed, the best revenge is to ignore your enemy.

The group of lady were indeed pissed off when Ning Qiuyue treat them like they don't even exist.

She continue walking along the streets, occasionally stopping by and buying snacks.

As she passed by a bridge on her way back, she heard someone calling for help.

"Help, help!"