
Reborn: The Lady Dominates

Kit's father, a relentless alcoholic, often subjected her and her mother, Mary, to bouts of violence and verbal abuse. The constant poverty and daily torment became unbearable for Mary, leading her to seduce John, Anna's father, and secure a place in his affluent household. Anna, fiercely opposed to her father's remarriage, harbored a deep resentment towards Kit and Mary. In a bid to drive them out, she perfected the art of playing the innocent in front of her father. With calculated precision, Anna would slander and scheme against Kit and Mary, weaving lies and deceit, hoping to poison her father's mind and prompt him to divorce Mary.

Karl_K · Ciudad
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31 Chs

Chapter 26: Leaving the Country

Jenny Wu stepped into her home to find it in complete disarray. Furniture was overturned, and belongings were scattered everywhere as if the house had been ransacked. The apology gifts her father had prepared lay carelessly tossed aside, a display of blatant disregard that filled him with rage. Seeing Jenny enter, he grabbed her arm and slapped her hard across the face.

"You wretched creature! What have you done? The company has gone bankrupt, and all our assets have been seized!" Mr. Wu's voice trembled with anger and disbelief, his eyes filled with disappointment and fury.

Mrs. Wu rushed over, trying to pull him away. "Don't hit her. She doesn't know what's going on."

But Mr. Wu was inconsolable, pointing a trembling finger at Jenny. "This happened so quickly. Someone must be behind this! Was it you?"

Jenny's lips quivered, her mind a whirl of confusion. She thought of the malicious post she had recently made and how Kit had swiftly cleared her name. She couldn't help but wonder if Kit had powerful allies behind her. Overwhelmed with regret, she stammered, "Dad, I... I didn't think it would turn out like this..."

Mr. Wu's face contorted with rage, his gaze piercing Jenny like a dagger. "You've ruined our entire family! I've worked hard all my life, and you've destroyed everything in an instant!"

The officials tasked with seizing their assets completed their work quickly, and soon someone came to notify Mr. Wu that they needed to leave the premises immediately. Mr. Wu let out a bitter laugh and ordered Mrs. Wu and Jenny to pack only the essentials. They were to leave the country that evening.

Jenny stood frozen, unable to believe things had escalated so far. She began to protest, "No, I don't want to leave! I want to stay and fix this."

Mr. Wu looked at her with weary eyes, filled with resignation. "Whether you want to or not, we have to leave."

Jenny's heart pounded with despair and helplessness. She regretted her actions deeply but was powerless to change the situation.

The next morning, news of Jenny's withdrawal from school spread like wildfire, leaving everyone shocked and incredulous. As soon as the bell rang for the first class, the classroom buzzed with whispers.

Their homeroom teacher, Mike, stood at the podium and cleared his throat, speaking seriously. "Students, I have an important announcement. Due to family reasons, Jenny Wu is withdrawing from school and will be studying abroad. This is a decision made by her and her family, and I hope you all understand."

The classroom erupted in chatter. Kit Ye, hearing the news, merely raised an eyebrow and nodded slightly, indicating she understood, without showing surprise like the others.

Kalvin and Fanny, sitting in the back row, exchanged a satisfied look. Kalvin whispered to Fanny, "This outcome was unexpected, but she got what she deserved."

Fanny chuckled, replying, "Yes, after all the bad things she did, she finally faced her karma."

In Class A, Anna Zhu also heard the news about Jenny's withdrawal. She was focused on her lesson, but upon hearing the news, she frowned slightly, a hint of displeasure flashing in her eyes. She had hoped to use this opportunity to bring Kit down completely, but Jenny's abrupt exit disrupted her plans. Despite her disappointment, she maintained her pretense of paying attention to the teacher.

During lunch break, Fanny and Kalvin sat next to Kit, chatting. Fanny excitedly said, "Hey, Kalvin, have you noticed my memory seems to have improved lately? I could recite the entire passage in our recent language test."

Kalvin laughed and teased her, "If you recite every morning, even a pig could learn it."

Fanny rolled her eyes at him, exasperated. "You're hopeless." Despite his teasing, she felt proud of her improved memory.

Kit, meanwhile, was quietly messaging someone on her phone. She was communicating with Vincent Lin, coordinating a time for delivering medicine. Vincent asked where they should meet, and Kit, knowing he had been helping to treat Mr. Guo, suggested they meet at the coffee shop near the school gate in ten minutes. 

Vincent quickly replied with an "Okay," and Kit closed her phone, ready to meet him.

Seeing her about to leave, Kalvin asked curiously, "Kit, where are you going?"

Kit smiled softly. "I have something to take care of. I'll be back soon."

Fanny and Kalvin exchanged a glance but didn't press for details, nodding in understanding.

Kit walked out of the classroom, the sunlight filtering through the leaves and warming her face. At the coffee shop near the school gate, she saw Vincent waiting for her.

Vincent approached her, a hint of worry on his face. "Sis, Mr. Guo's condition is complicated. I'm facing some difficulties."

Kit nodded, indicating for him to sit down and explain in detail. They sat in a corner of the coffee shop, and Kit listened patiently to Vincent's description, offering suggestions to help him sort through the issues. She handed Vincent a bottle of medicine, explaining it could alleviate Mr. Guo's symptoms but that the real antidote required many rare herbs, which would take time to gather, even with the combined efforts of the Guo family and Night Rain.

After discussing the treatment plan, Vincent, who had a good reputation in the medical field, agreed to take on Mr. Guo's case more formally. Kit didn't want to reveal her identity yet. She recalled how Principal David had helped cover up her identity during her roadside rescue of Mr. Guo, pretending it was a lucky coincidence. All the videos of the incident had been wiped out by her to prevent their spread.

Checking the time, Kit realized she needed to return to class. Handing Vincent the current batch of medicine, she said goodbye and walked back to school.

When she returned to the classroom, Fanny and Kalvin were still chatting. Seeing her return, Fanny smiled and asked, "Kit, did you get everything done?"

Kit nodded and smiled. "Yes, almost."

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