
Chapter 193 Something Happened (4) Is Finn a murderous maniac?

"Do you want to know?" Amy looked smugly at Ann's expression.

Ann chose silence.

She was deliberately delaying time now.

But she still wondered if what Amy said was true.

Nonetheless, she firmly believed that Finn would come to rescue her.

"I won't tell you either." Amy said, "In this world, only Finn's closest people,his most trusted people know who Finn is and what Finn is going to do and you are not one of them!"

"Even so." Ann looked at Amy, "Even if Finn has important things to do now, and he won't show up to save me, he will know you killed me, and he won't let you go!"

"Ann, you think too highly of yourself!" Amy said sarcastically, "Finn will never kill me in this life. Because I once... gave him a child."

Ann's face changed obviously.