
Chapter 186 The scandal broke out, Amy made a fool of herself in public

Ann was sitting on the swivel chair of her office while she watched the press conference of Johnson Group.

This was probably the biggest press conference of the year. There venue was already crowded by the staffs and reporters, as well as the media in Paris. Not to mention, countless of Susan's fans are also present in the big event.

The show will start outdoors. With a warm atmosphere, and Susan singing and dancing just like what she was supposed to do. As Ann watched the event from her office, her face started to darkened.

The Johnson Group took a big risk to hold such a big event in the business circle. They made a strong publicity in putting on a show by acting sincerely and convincingly.

Maybe because it was Johnson Group's first time in the commercial market that they thought that going all out was the best idea. They are afraid to fail so they invested almost all of their resources in this project.