
Chapter 157 Arranging Work

Earlier, it was clear that Kenny was the in-charge of the meeting, then he blinked, and Ann got all the power while he looked like a stupid person sitting on that middle chair.

"Mr. Balton," Ann called him before she looked at others, "Those who don't involve in shortboard indicators, you all don't need to waste your time here. You can all go," she said.

Kenny didn't respond, so Ann took it as his answer. The supervisors and managers left the room silently before Ann let Glen report the current Wyatt Building Project.

Glen successfully reported everything, so Ann looks Kenny, "Do you have any suggestions?"

Kenny was stumped. It was for him to enjoy being the leader and use his power to criticize some poor indicators. He never wanted to manage the implementation, and now that Ann asked him, he couldn't say anything.