
Chapter 144 The accident (3): A success escape

"Ah!" Ann screamed.

When the car was about to hit them, Patrick made a sharp turn and dodged from the left.

An alley suddenly appeared on the way, which was supposed to be a death road.

The narrow alley should be the place where the night market was located. At this moment, many night stands had been closed, and there were a few. They were frightened by the sudden appearance of cars and hurried to the side.

The stalls left in the alley were hit all over the street by Patrick.

On the bumpy car, the sound of collision could be heard.

Ann didn't dare to relax at all.

She had thought that she was really going to die, but now she suddenly had a chance to live. However, because of the danger, she didn't dare to feel lucky at all.

She held the back seat tightly and saw the night market alley they broke into become chaotic because of their madness.

Ann turned to look at the approaching car.