
Chapter 2-3 The Pathetic Wretch Living in Celibacy_1

A clean and slender hand firmly grasped her, and sure enough, Wyatt Perry had seen everything. What a coincidence—Claudia Ross watched the angry face of the man in front of her with self-mocking eyes.

"Mom, stop!" Wyatt Perry's face turned dark with anger when he saw Katie Poole being bullied.

He pushed his mother's hand away and gently helped Katie Poole up, but he didn't even glance at her.

Katie Poole, tears streaming down her face as if pear blossoms drenched by the rain, struggled to push Wyatt Perry away: "I don't know you, don't touch me, let me go... I want to leave this place... and never come back for the rest of my life..."

"I won't allow it!" Wyatt Perry held Katie Poole tightly, fearing she might truly leave.

"If you really want to leave, just go quietly. Are you shouting so loudly because you're afraid others won't hear? Why not beat drums and gongs to tell the whole world you're leaving?"

Wyatt's mother immediately spoke up but was glared at by Wyatt Perry.

Then Claudia Ross saw that Wyatt Perry's gaze finally settled on her, staring intensely, filled with disgust and accusation.

"Claudia Ross, is this what you wanted, bringing my mother to bully Katie? Do you think I wouldn't dare to divorce you?" Wyatt Perry's words stabbed at Claudia Ross like knives.

Wyatt's mother quickly tried to explain: "Son, no, it's not Claudia who brought me here, I came on my own, it was that wicked woman's scheme."

But Wyatt Perry didn't believe her at all, his gaze fixed firmly on Claudia Ross.

Claudia Ross fell silent. She wanted to explain but suddenly didn't feel like explaining anymore.

In his eyes, she saw the deepest loathing.

After all, whatever she did or said was wrong.

She might as well be seen as the bad person if playing the good one meant being wronged; at least she wouldn't feel so suffocated.

One mustn't wrong oneself even if it means wronging others. Even if she continued to endure silently, it didn't seem like Wyatt Perry would spare her another look!

She recalled those large hands that had roamed over her body just last night, and now, at this moment, they were protecting another woman—Claudia Ross's heart twisted like a knife.

Claudia Ross forced a strong laugh: "Wyatt Perry, do you even know who your wife is? You're protecting her like this, aren't you afraid everyone will know what a shameless mistress she is?"

"Claudia Ross, shut up!"

Wyatt Perry was furious.

He hated Claudia Ross, but he hated himself even more.

It was he who had given the right to hurt Katie Poole into Claudia Ross's hands.

He had to protect Katie Poole and wouldn't let anyone hurt her.

"If my mother hadn't insisted I marry you, if you hadn't clung to me, I would never have married you. But now that I have married you, you team up with my mother to secretly make life difficult for Katie. Claudia Ross, you wicked woman."

Katie Poole immediately spoke in a pitiful tone: "Wyatt, you married a woman who matched your status—I don't resent you. I come from a poor background; I'm not worthy of you."

"Marriage and love are different things. Reality is cruel—not everyone in love can be together. I'm already content to have stayed by your side these years."

"I don't want to see you and your mother quarreling over me anymore. I'm leaving right now, and I will never come back!"

"Forget about me, and I will also strive to forget you..."

"Wyatt, let go, let me leave."

"Let go..."

The more Katie Poole tried to push Wyatt Perry away, the tighter he held her.

As if the moment he loosened his grip, she would fly away.

"You're not allowed to leave!"

The surrounding onlookers were already piecing the story together, sympathizing with Katie Poole as they realized that this was a tragic love triangle entangled with parental interference.

They were seen as a pair of star-crossed lovers torn apart by family—so pitiful.

Katie Poole's tears scored her many points.

Even if she was a mistress, her reasons seemed justified—after all, she was Wyatt Perry's true love. Anyone would find it hard to let go if their lover married another.

In contrast to her, Claudia Ross seemed a bit too strong-willed and overbearing.

Some people pointed fingers at Claudia Ross, saying that knowing someone else was in love, yet still insisting on marriage, she deserved the consequences!

Those who initially stood by Claudia Ross switched sides, speaking up for Katie Poole instead.

"If you can't win his heart, even though you have him, what's the point of such a marriage? Better get a divorce soon and find a man who loves you while you're still young."

"To love but not be able to be together is too pitiful."

"Just do the right thing and let them be together!"

"There's a saying that a melon forcefully twisted off the vine isn't sweet—why cling to a man who doesn't love you? You're still young and have plenty of chances. Cut your losses!"

Some people criticized Wyatt's mother.

They said she was so cruel to Katie Poole—clearly a wicked mother-in-law.

Ignoring her son's feelings, she forced him to marry a woman he didn't love; she wasn't a good mother.

Such a person doesn't deserve to be a mother!

If her son disowned her, it would be her own fault.

Becoming the target of public scorn, Wyatt's mother was enraged: "Who my son marries is our family's business; you all should mind your own. The wife I choose for my son is based on character, not family background. As long as I live, I'll never let that wretched woman enter my house."

Wyatt Perry had already walked away with Katie Poole, their figures leaning on each other—such an intimate and harmonious silhouette that pained the hearts of onlookers. They felt sorry for themselves and for Wyatt's mother, the mother-in-law who had always stood by her.

Claudia Ross suddenly felt life was tasteless; she didn't even want to look at the couple across from her. Suppressing her discomfort, she took Wyatt's mother's hand: "Mom, let's go too!"