
Reborn of Ling Wei's Goddess

Princess Of Ling Wei kingdom, Xian Ran was died in an illness, she left her dearest husband and was reborn in modern world. She was Reborn as Ju Xian Ran in Modern worlde, Who was to be the eldest twin sister of Ju xue. And from the day she answer the math problem and hit her head in the teacher's table, someone talked to her. "Who are you?! *scared*" Ju xian ran said. "Im a God beast, who protect your soul and I will revive your Memory!" The beast revive her memory, and Some scenes are flashing in her mind, Until she was bleeding badly and she saw a man who has to be her Dearest husband "LEI CHENG YI". Does Ju xian ran can find her husband and be with him?

Zhii_Luna · Ciudad
Sin suficientes valoraciones
16 Chs

6. I will find you my husband

"You're a president of a company, My dear?" Ju xian ran asked.

Lei cheng yi nod. "Yes, Im the president of lei Company, A.k.a. Im the boss of the city *smile*" Lei cheng yi said.

Ju xian ran was happy that her husband was in the modern world too. She cried and Hugged her tightly again.

"I really miss you, Yi'er *crying*" Ju xian ran said.

"Xian'er, You will see me. I promise that I will marry you in this life and we will make many kids, *smirk*" Lei cheng yi said.

"Shut up *blushed* Oh by the way about the blood earlier, is it you who ordered Aunty fang to deliever some AB- blood and You use some magic to Let her forget?" Ju xian ran asked.

" yes ofcourse, How could i let my wife die in this world. I will not Do the same Mistakes again when we're in Ling wei *serious*" Lei cheng yi said.

"You're still the sweet cheng yi i know *smile*" Ju xian ran said.

When Ju xian ran and Lei cheng Yi was chatting, Ju xian ran was shcoked that Lei cheng yi was Disappearing. At the moment that his disappearing, he Told some words..

"I will wait for you, My dear Wife *smile*" Lei cheng yi said while Disappearing.

Ju xian ran Ran to him and hugged him but it's too late, his body has disappear and only a Jade necklace Was left.

She picked it up and cried. "Yi'er wait for me *determine - crying*" Ju xian ran said.

"Xian'er?... Xian'er...?!" Her father was calling her name.

she looked at her father, while her tears was falling down. She hugged him tightly and Asked her father to Apply a job, To Find her husband lei cheng yi.

Her father hasn't approved because she's still weak and Her head was still hurt. He just worried for Her, so that he didn't approved Ju xian ran's request to find a job.

Ju xian ran Knew her father was worried worried for her but she want to find her Husband and be with him.

any minute later, Sciffero Speaked.

"I just want to remind you, That you're Reborn and You're in Dong ling not in Ling wei. Your father will be suspicious of you, because of your movements. *Warn*" Sciffero said.

"His right, You should be careful especially when you're with xiao yue." Luna said.

Ju xian ran Nod and Asked her father to Get some drinks. While Her father was getting her drink, Xiao yue came with a worried face. She entered the hospital room and Hugged Ju xian ran tight.

"Ran ran, I told you to be careful. Look... You've been hospitalized because i didn't sent you home *guilty*" Xiao yue said.

"It's okay. Im not going to die anyway *smile*" Ju xian ran said.

"Stop acting like your strong, Xian'er. You almost lost all of your blood if not for the Blood bank in your room, You would died *sigh*" Ju Gan dong said.

Xiao yue was shocked and Cried.

"Im so Sorry, uncle dong. It was me, I should Have sent Ran ran in your house and dont leave her but, she insist *cried*" Xiao yue said.

"It's okay, Xiao yue, it's not your fault. It happened anyway" Ju gan dong said.

Ju xian ran laugh and Hold the glass with water and drink it. Xiao yue was Worried for Ju xian ran and She still thinks that it was her fault because She was in that state.

"Dont worry you cry baby, Im just fine. Oh by the way, Im gonna ask you, where is Lei Group?" Ju xian ran said.

Xiao yue was in surprise because it her first time to know that her best friend is intrested with The famous President of Lei group.

"*Clear the troat* Uhmm... Ran ran do you want to see president Lei? Or your a fan of him too? *whispered*" Xiao yue said.

"What are you talking about, Im not a fan of him. His my..... *suddenly stop*" Ju xian ran said.

"Like i said, Dont Tell anyone that Your his wife *dangerous Smile*" Sciffero said.

Xiao yue Stare at Ju xian ran and Confused.

"Your his what ran ran? *confused*" Xiao yue said.

"Im his Number one fan so that's why i want to see him *shy*" Ju xian ran said.

"So you want to see Lei Cheng Yi?" Ju xian ran's father said.

Xiao yue and Ju xian ran was suddenly silent and Changed the topic.

"Well uncle dong, Im his fan too. Yah know that his Handsome and have Big abs so i like him *stunned*" Xiao yue said.

"*How dare this girl, Say that she liked my husband is she not scared of death? *pissed*" (Ju xian ran mind)

"Ha ha ha, She's really protecting Her husband ! *laugh*" Sciffero said.

Luna laugh too and Ju xian Ran was pissed Like she want to Kill xiao yue. Xiao yue looked at Ju xian ran.

"Ran ran, Are you okay? Im just joking *worried*" Xiao yue said.

Ju xian ran was relief because She said that she's just joking. Ju xian ran smiled bitterly and xiao yue was little scared.

"Ran ran, Dont smile at me like that, your creepy *scared*" Xiao yue said.

"Well... enough of that and get me the water bottle. Im kind'da thirsty *lie*" Ju xian ran said.

Xiao yue get the water bottle and hand it to Ju xian ran. Xiao yue Knew that Ju xian ran changed her attitude and Her style. But she didn't know why did she changed it.

Any minute later, Xiao yue got a phone call, she excuse herself To ju xian ran and go outside. Ju xian ran smiled and Throw the water bottle in the Window of the Hospital dorm.

"I need to know where's my husband, I dont have a time to mess with her *serious*" Ju xian ran said.

"You're a great actress, Xian ran *laugh*" Sciffero said.

"Of course i am, *proud* Im the most beautiful and powerful in our kingdom, it's obvious that im great with anything *humph*" Ju xian ran proudly said.

Lun and sciffero cant fight with her because, She's the one who tamed them and They know what kind of person is Princess Xian Ran.