
Chapter 1: New age

Chapter 1: new age

A lonesome night dark cold and quiet the wind blowing over a bright full moon a old man he looks youthful for a old man his hair not fully white but the little that is white shines like silver he lays in his bed reading books history of old legends and war strategies varying between roman,medieval,late 18th and 19th century, as he reads the cold wind puts a chill down his arms as the torso and lower body are covered in a thick blue blanket with star shaped pattern and as he does that his face starts to feel numb his arms start to feel weak he closes the book assuming that it was the cold.

After a little while his body feels cold not just the exposed parts everything feels cold he try's to move but he can barely even move his arm his heart starts to feel like it's fading and as the darkness under his eyelids becomes even darker until it becomes pitch black.

And then suddenly he feels wet slippery he cant tell what this weird liquid is it feels like milk and then a like slipping through a strangely shaped hole as his head slips through his closed eyes he are illuminated by a dim and bending bright orange light.

As he opens his eyes he sees a brunette with brown eyes and freckles on her face and with tears on her face cradling him with a smile on her face as he looks around he sees a large central fire place.

The woman's smile quickly fades into anger she grips tighter to him and pinching him,but he don't really mind the pain its a little annoying but his eyes can't help but tear up he try's not to cry.

"That bastard is late can't even do it for his own son"

She grinds her teeth. And then she looks at you and suddenly her rage starts to vanish.

"At least i have a cute little guy like you"

He closes his eyes and suddenly everything starts feeling blurry. When his eyes start to focus you look on to a field a bright field full of lush flowers tall grass and a giant castle wall off to the distance , the grass mellow the flowers bright the trees dark all the shades of green contrasting.

The view distracts him for a minute. He snaps back to reality when he realized what happened, wait "what happened i where am i feel so squishy and soft wait why are hands so small" he looks to right and sees a village as he does that he sees a young boy with black hair and brown eyes running he seems to be approaching you.


"Francis? Who's that it can't be me my names George"

He runs up to him out of breath "hey Francis-ugh huh mom told me to tell you that dinner-ugh is ready"

"No? im not Francis im George"

"Hahaha yeah sure and im adan"

He drags Francis by the hand to a House's far in the distance on top of hill close to the village it looked medieval like home reminiscent of the houses in Nördlingen Germany except a little more rustic and built on a heightened stone foundation with the stairs overgrown with moss and grass the wooden door lightly creaking like a old wooden floor board.

As they walk in to the kitchen they see a familiar brunette woman with brown eyes and freckles "oh hey how are my two little munchkins doing" she looking at them with a sudden smile she grabs the two puts them on the table," here dinners ready" she grabs a wooden bowl and some small baby spoons and pours a soup and some potatoes and a warm bread loaf,Francis thinks

"hm guess she must be my mother have i gone to the past? What's going on? Alright so i guess my name must be Francis but what are the rest of my families names maybe-"

"Hey Fran you gonna eat or just stand there"

Francis:"Oh yeah" "best i just dig in"

he takes a big bite and is surprised how good it is the soup tastes a bit salty but but vegetables made it taste quite savour and the potatoes were cut into bite sized pieces and judging by the color it must be sweet potatoes it tastes sweet,mild and starchy.


Fran:"Wait why is this surprisingly good"

Mother"What do you mean do you think my cookings usually bad!"

Fran"No no um i mean-"

Mother:"Well no more food for you"


Mother:"Heh just kidding with you i know what you mean i just wanted you worry you for a second and also the count is coming to town tomorrow"

Fran:"wait when what time"

Mother:"when the bell rings you'll know"

Fran: "which bell?the church bell?"

Mother: "No the cathedral bell"

Fran:"the cathedral? But aren't they usually owned by bishops"

Her face slowly changed from light hearted smile changed to grimness and worry her muscles tightened at the mention of his existence. His mother says

Only this " he's gone mad we haven't seen that man in months not even his own family he's been in the cathedral archives that man happened to be the counts brother and owes the count for helping him rise to bishop "

"You Fran and your brother Thomas will go with me together to the cathedral to see the count meet again with the bishop"