
Reborn Into A Relatively Peaceful Life, But How Long Will It Last?

After sacrificing himself to save his comrades from an invading mecha fleet, Kaito 'Kite' awakens in a new, rustic world that harbors supernatural forces akin to his former home. Remarkably, the golden sword he clutched in his final moments also traveled with him. Could this blade be linked to his mysterious resurrection? Is he fated to be a warrior once more? Although all Kite yearns for is a tranquil existence, free from high-stake battles.

sun_imperial · Fantasía
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35 Chs

Dancing Flames

Kite took a deep breath as he practiced his fire magic in the backyard. He had woken up early to train. Although, even then, he had failed to escape Liliana's tackles.

The blond girl yawned by the porch.

He snickered. "You should go back to bed, Liliana."

Liliana rubbed her eyes, trying to stifle another yawn. "No way, I want to watch you train!" Her voice was thick with sleep, but her determination was clear.

Kite focused on the flames dancing at his fingertips, the warmth a stark contrast to the cool morning air. He extended his hand, sending a small burst of fire towards the target they had set up—a stack of logs meant for the winter hearth.

The fire licked the wood, leaving a scorch mark, but not igniting. Kite frowned slightly. He had managed to fly using his flames a couple of days ago. Surely, they were more powerful than what he was using right now. Why was his output off today? He knew he was stronger than this...

"Still not strong enough," he muttered under his breath.

Liliana hopped down from the porch and trotted over to him. "That was still pretty cool! You made fire come out of nothing!"

Kite smiled at her enthusiasm. "Thanks, Liliana. But I need to be able to do more than just scorch wood if I'm going to be useful."

"You will," she said confidently. "You just need practice. And breakfast! Mom says it's the most important meal of the day!"

Just then, Elara's voice called out from the kitchen window. "Breakfast is ready, you two!"

Liliana's face lit up at the mention of food, and she grabbed Kite's hand, pulling him towards the house. "Come on, let's eat! You can't train on an empty stomach."

Kite allowed himself to be led back inside, the smell of fresh bread and fried eggs filling his senses. As they sat down at the table, the rest of the family greeted them with cheerful good mornings.

Tomas, already halfway through his porridge, looked up at Kite with a smile. "Are you going to make big fires today, Kite?"

"Maybe not big fires," Kite replied, ruffling Tomas's hair. "But I'll keep practicing until I get it right."

The family settled into a comfortable routine, sharing stories and plans for the day. Kite ate heartily, the food fueling not just his body, but his resolve to master his magic.

After breakfast, Kite returned to the backyard, his mind set on mastering the flames.

Tomas joined his sister on the back porch.

With a full belly and a heart full of determination, Kite stood in the backyard, ready to continue his training. The morning sun had begun its ascent, casting a golden hue over the garden and warming his skin.

Liliana, now perched on the edge of the porch with Tomas beside her, watched intently as Kite raised his hand once more. "You can do it, Kite!" she cheered, her voice bright and encouraging.

Kite nodded, focusing on the energy within him. He visualized the flames, not just as a burst of fire, but as an extension of his will. He took a deep breath and released it slowly, his hand moving in a deliberate arc.

This time, when the fire left his fingertips, it was more than a mere flicker. It roared to life, enveloping the logs in a hungry blaze that crackled and popped with energy. Kite's eyes widened in surprise and triumph.

"I did it!" he exclaimed, turning to face Liliana and Tomas, who were both clapping and cheering.

"That was amazing!" Tomas said, his eyes wide with awe.

Liliana jumped off the porch and ran to Kite, throwing her arms around him. "You're going to be the best fire mage ever!"

Kite laughed, the sound mingling with the crackling of the fire. "I've got a long way to go, but this is a good start."

As the fire settled into a steady burn, Kite practiced controlling it. He remembered the fire dancers from last night, the way they made their flames dance and twist in all kinds of shapes and forms.

Taking a deep breath, Kite tried to copy what he saw last night. With each successful manipulation, his confidence grew. He felt a connection to the magic of this world that went deeper than he had ever imagined.

The morning passed with Kite lost in his training. Liliana and Tomas stayed by his side, their presence a constant source of support.

When the time came to extinguish the fire, Kite did so with a wave of his hand, the flames dying down obediently. He turned to his companions, a satisfied grin on his face. "Thanks for being here with me."

Liliana hugged him again. "We wouldn't miss it for the world!"

Tomas hopped down from the porch and walked over. He tugged at Kite's sleeve. "Can you teach me how to do that when I'm older?"

"One day, Tomas," Kite promised. "One day."

The boy smiled.

"Well, enough training," Liliana said. "Let's go meet up with Elian, Ludo, and Skyla!"

Tomas nodded and rushed back into the house. "I'm gonna go change to my shirt! Mommy washed it."

Kite snickered as he watched the five-year-old go. "He sure loves that shirt we got him, huh?"

Sis nodded. "I think Tomas dreams of being a summoner."

Kite crossed his arms and hummed. He still had yet to discard whether he himself was one.

"Say, do you know any summoners?" Kite asked.

She shook her head. "No, but maybe Uncle Mako does."

"Ludo's dad?"

"Yup! He's a merchant, so he knows all kind of people. Maybe he knows a summoner nearby."

Kite smiled. He sure hoped so.

Liliana's suggestion sparked a new curiosity in Kite. The idea of meeting a summoner, someone who could call forth entities or creatures from another place, was intriguing. It could be the key to understanding his own potential abilities.

"Let's ask your uncle-in-law after we meet up with the others," Kite said, his mind already racing with questions.

Liliana nodded enthusiastically. "We can go to his shop after we hang out with Elian and the others!"

As they waited for Tomas to return, Kite and Liliana went to their respective rooms to change.

Once Kite finished, he saw Tomas beaming with pride as he wore his griffin shirt.

"Ready!" he announced, striking a heroic pose that made Kite and Liliana laugh.

Together, they set off towards the town square where they were supposed to meet their friends. The streets were quieter now, the morning rush giving way to the calm of midday. Shopkeepers swept their doorsteps, and the aroma of fresh-baked goods filled the air.

As they reached the square, they spotted Elian, Ludo, and Skyla already waiting for them. Elian was demonstrating a sword technique to an attentive Ludo, while Skyla sketched in a small notebook as she remained seated in her wheelchair.

"Kite, Lilia, Tomas! You made it!" Elian called out, sheathing his wooden sword.

Kite greeted them with a wave.

Liliana chuckled. "Of course we did. We wouldn't miss the last day of the festival! What are you all up to?"

"We were just talking about the festival last night," Ludo said. "It was incredible!"

Skyla looked up from her sketchbook, her eyes bright. "I'm drawing some of the fire dancers. They were so beautiful!"

Kite smiled, remembering the flames that had captivated him the night before. "They were amazing. It inspired me to practice more with my fire magic."

Elian's interest was piqued. "Really? Show us what you can do!"

With a nod, Kite stepped back and focused. He summoned a small flame to his palm, then with a flick of his wrist, sent it twirling into the air where it formed the shape of a small fiery griffin, much to Tomas's delight.

"Whoa!" the children exclaimed in unison.

Kite extinguished the flame with a clap of his hands. "Still practicing, but it's getting there."

Liliana beamed at him. "Kite's going to be the best fire mage in Eldoria!"

Kite blushed. Did she really think that?

Ludo shook his head at his cousin. "Lilia, don't overwhelm poor Kite with your expectations. It just adds more pressure to him."

Elian chuckled. "Says the one who pressures himself to be the best alchemist in town."

"That's different! Inner and outward pressure isn't the same."

Kite couldn't help but laugh at the banter between his friends. "It's alright," he assured them. "A little pressure can be a good thing. It pushes me to try harder."

Liliana nodded vigorously. "See! Kite understands. Besides, I know he can handle it!"

Skyla, who had been quietly observing, spoke up. "Maybe we can all help each other. We each have our own strengths."

"That's a great idea," Kite agreed. "We could train together, learn from each other."

Elian seemed to like the idea. "I could use some help with my swordplay," he admitted.

"And I could definitely use some alchemy tips," Kite added, looking at Ludo.

Ludo's expression softened. "Alright, it's a deal. But only if you help me make some potions with that fire magic of yours."

"It's settled then," Liliana declared. "We'll all train together."

Tomas glanced at his younger cousin and giggled. "Meanwhile, the two of us can play!"

Skyla smiled and nodded.

The group's spirits were high as they made plans to help each other improve their skills and to play together. Kite looked forward to spending more time with his new friends.

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