
Reaching 20L

My daily routine continued after my birthday with some changes to the schedule. I left two days for rest/recovery every month, that is every other Sunday, I wouldn't do any other magical exercise on that day but instead, just have fun playing on the toy broom. I was getting quite good at flying, now that I don't fall as much anymore.

My mother also started teaching me how to read with the help of the book Frank and Alice gave me, and after much discussion with my inner voice, I had decided that I would give it another 2-To 3 months before being showing my ability to read to my parents. It may be faster than an average child but nothing that would categorize me as a freak instead of a genius.

In the month of July, something unexpected happened that put a damper on my plans. After reaching 14L in my magic the rate of increment of my magical pool started decreasing drastically and after about two weeks it stopped increasing altogether at 20L.

After another two weeks of no improvement, I came up with the hypothesis that maybe I had reached the limit of the amount of magic my child-like body could handle.

After knowing that my magic would not be increased, for the time being, I started getting creative with my spells to help me in my future fights to catch any enemy off guard.

For the levitation spell, I tried to levitate the pacifier without pointing my hands at it. I thought it would be easy-peasy to do so, but I've never been more wrong, I sat there in my crib while watching the pacifier and chanting the incantation again and again but got no end result to show for it.

After about two weeks of that pointless exercise, I thought maybe I was doing something wrong and that I needed to go at the exercise in some another way and the problem may not just be psychological but there may be some kind of scientific reason for the need to point you a hand.

From the beginning, I've always done the levitation spell while pointing my whole hand at the pacifier. This time instead I started slowly reducing the number of fingers I point at it, at first it would wobble and I would not be able to keep in the air for too long. But now that I had a direction to work in I went at it with renewed energy. About a month after that I had the practice down, slowly but surely I was able to reduce my fingers until I only needed to point a single finger at it. After that, I started trying to lower my hand without actually changing the position of the pacifier, it took some time but I got used to it eventually.

You know, after I've learned silent casting in the future my opponent will be in for a big surprise if while I am trash talking to him, I could levitate a rock or something and hit him with it on his head, without him being able to tell anything because my hand will not leave my side the whole time, It could be a great distraction or If I hit it hard enough, maybe a final move too.

I also started trying to levitate heavier objects like my stuffed toy. I could only do it for a small amount of time but it was a good exercise for my control because heavier objects are harder to control.

My body was now strong enough that now I can explore the house as I had only seen two rooms until now, mine and my parents' because before this just by climbing the stairs I would get totally burned out.

One day while my mum was taking an afternoon nap I snuck out of my room and went downstairs to explore, I had found out earlier that just under my room on the ground floor there was a room that was used as a library. I've seen my parents come out of it many times before while carrying a book so I went inside with great expectation.

It was a big room with a table along with two comfortable looking chairs on the far side of the room while two long bookshelves adorned on both sides of the room. I was simply ecstatic after seeing all the books, I hurriedly went to the left side to check and found out that most of the books were about healing with some muggle books about human anatomy, also there were some books about herbology and potions too. I know that I am not yet ready to start learning healing spells so I went to the other side and found out that on this side there were books on various subjects like Ancient runes, Arithmancy, Curse breaking and Defense Against the Dark Arts.

I had only come to check the room this time so after hurriedly checking all the titles of the books, I went back outside and closed the door before anyone could find me here. As I was climbing the stairs I started making plans on how to read the books in the library without my mother knowing anything about it.

As I reached my room and went inside a brilliant but simple plan came to me and after I had checked my plan for any loopholes in my head I called out for tweaky.


"Yes! Little master, what can tweaky do for you" tweaky squeaked while popping into the room.

"Tweaky can you grab me a book from the library downstairs and bring it to me whenever I ask," I asked and waited for her answer while holding my breath.

"Yes, tweaky be doing it little master" she squeaked happily while jumping up and down.

"But while doing that can you promise me that you will not tell my mum and dad anything about it," I asked her and as she started looking hesitantly at me after hearing me say that I hurriedly continued "I only want to give them a surprise later by showing them that I can read and they would very happy to hear that and then they would say that you are a very good elf, Don't you wanna be a good elf Tweaky" I beseeched her and this time the answer was immediate.

"Tweaky be wanting to be a good elf, Tweaky be helping little master keep his secret"

"Thank you tweaky, Now let's see, the first book you should get for me is a book on Basic Ancient Runes"

She popped out of the room and came back a second later with that book,

"Is this be the book, little master?"

"Yes tweaky and can you keep an eye out so that whenever someone is coming to my room, you can take the book back to the study before they get in."

"Yes little master, Tweaky be on the lookout"

"Thank you tweaky you are a very good elf"

She popped out happily after thanking me.

'Yes! yes! yes! now I have a way to further my knowledge sneakily and no one will ever know' I thought happily.