
Reborn In The Multiverse With A Unlimited Upgrade System


Aritra_99 · Cómic
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39 Chs


After Giving the Asgardians some time to pack up their belongings I left Asgard and travelled back to Earth. I was sitting in a park in Barcelona when I got a call in my phone.

" Fury? What does he want?"

Picking up the phone I answered, " Hello Fury ."

" Lucifer I need you to come meet me. Its urgent."

" Ok. Where are you currently?"

" I am sending you my coordinates. Meet me in 30 minutes."

Checking my phone I found out that he was somewhere in Antarctica.' Hmm wonder what he is doing there.'

Pocketing my phone I got up and found some isolation before taking to the skies. Flying at full speed it didn't took me long to reach the frozen paradise. Searching for a bit I found the hellicarrier and landed on it's deck. ' Hmm that's some crazy ass radiations coming form this place. ' Waking inside I saw Maria Hill on her way somewhere. Calling out to her I said, " Maria. "

She turned to look at me and nodded her head when she saw me, " Lucifer. Director Fury wishes to meet you. Please follow me to the meeting room."

I nodded my head and followed her through the corridors we reached a room where the entire gang was present. Knocking on the door Maria said," Director Fury, Lucifer is here."

" Yes, come in." Entering the room I saw The entire team except Thor present there. There was a huge table in the middle and Fury was seated at one end of it. Cap and Nat were sitting at a side. So was Barton. Tony and Banner were by the side of the room where it looked like a small Lab.

" So, what's the emergency? The whole team's here it seems." I said jokingly.

" That" Fury said with all seriousness pointing to a monitor where the lab was. Turning to it I saw some signals and a chart which was going up and down."

" Ya. you got to explain me the matter."

"A few days ago an expedition team came to this land to study its surface and soil. During this excursion they found a cave. Now its common to find caves around this part of the Earth. What was interesting that when they entered the cave ,it emitted some sort of bio electromagnetic field that were shown in the scanners. When they went more deep they found a huge hollow part underneath the continent. And it was there we discovered this thing."

Looking at the screen I saw something that blew my mind off. A massive, three-headed dragon-like creature with distinctive golden scales covering its body. Each of it's heads is adorned with large, menacing horns, indicating its otherworldly nature. Despite being encased in ice, the outlines of its massive wings, sharp claws, and powerful tail are visible, hinting at the destructive potential of the creature once it is freed from its icy prison.

" Trapped inside of the ice, a three headed fucking dragon." Fury.

" That's a huge ass dragon. But I have never heard of a dragon with three heads." Barton

" Well after dealing with Aliens , now we have Dragons. The world is getting weirder day by day." Nat

" I liked it when there were only enemy soldiers to deal with" Cap

" The question is how do we deal with this. By the rate the ice is melting and the readings are indicating, that huge ass thing is going to exit sleep mode any coming day." Fury

" Can't we just blow the whole thing up like a firework? End the battle before it begins?" Tony suggested.

" That's one way" Bruce agreed, " Then we would have nothing to worry about."

" That would be unadvisable." I said out loud. I was still standing in front of the screen looking at the picture. Right now all the eyes were focused on me.

" Why?" Bruce asked.

" Because this is no ordinary Huge ass creature."

" You know what it is?" Cap asked.

" Yes. Although I am not particularly well versed in its history but I know the basics. It is said that before the evolution of mankind to what it is today Kijus roamed the earth. These beings of extraordinary power had even more extraordinary origins. Some were associated directly with Nature, while some were the protectors of this planet. There were also some who were portrayed as agents of chaos and destruction. The one you see before you is called Ghidorah. Or to be more precise King Ghidorah. It is often portrayed as a space-faring creature that arrived on Earth to wreak havoc."

All of the listeners had their eyes wide and throats dry.

" That would mean that .." Bruce started

" That this thing is older than anything that we have ever known." Nat

" But why is it frozen in ice if it is, you know, agent of chaos and destruction?" Barton

" Because it was defeated."

" By who?" Maria asked

" And now we come to the bad part." I said

" Can you please let go of this suspense and tell us what's going on?" Fury said irritated.

Looking at him I said," When Ghidorah first came to this planet he was defeated by the force of three Kijus who were a kind of the earth's protector. Or so the people believed. These three Titans or Kijus are MOTHRA , RODAN and GODZILLA. All three of these beasts came together and defeated Ghidorah, who retreated to here. Form what I can guess Ghidorah had entered some sort of hibernation to recover its injuries and grow stronger. And now he has finished his metamorphosis and is about to wake up, which means that the other Kijus are also going to show up. By its nature Ghidorah is an apex predator and will try to establish its dominance over the others. I think you are smart enough to understand what is going to happen next ."

Spreading my hands I said, " This world is going to witness, Its first ever MONSTER SHOWDOWN." I said the last part with stars in my eyes.

Tony looked visibly disturbed and fury looked like someone had boiled his head. Ignoring my antics Fury said," We need to gather our weapons. I will not allow some ancient giant ass monsters to run amuck on this planet and endanger its citizens. I will talk with the world security council and order a nuclear strike on these motherfuckers. "

Opening my mouth I said," That would only make them stronger."

Fury looked at me and was about to say something before I interrupted him, " These creatures have the ability to absorb radiation and grow stronger from it. If you gather a nuclear strike you would only give them more resources to grow stronger."

" That's why you rejected my idea to blowing this thing up before it breaks out, at the beginning. Tony asked.

" Precisely." I replied. " Before we leave let me give you a brief explanation of what I know these creatures can do and their abilities. Lets begin with Ghidorah, shall we.

Now as far as I know Ghidorah has the ability to fly at high speeds, aided by its massive wings. Its flight capability allows it to travel long distances and engage opponents from the air, giving it a tactical advantage in battle. One of Ghidorah's most iconic abilities is its gravity beams, also known as gravity bolts or gravity rays. These energy beams are emitted from each of Ghidorah's three heads and are extremely powerful, capable of causing widespread destruction and devastating the opponents. Ghidorah had shown the ability to regenerate from injuries at a rapid rate. This regeneration ability makes it difficult for opponents to defeat Ghidorah through conventional means, as it can quickly recover from damage sustained in battle. Ghidorah had also shown to absorb and channel electrical energy, using it to enhance its own powers or to unleash powerful attacks against opponents. Ghidorah has demonstrated telekinetic abilities, allowing it to manipulate objects or creatures without physical contact. Ghidorah's golden scales are sometimes depicted as being highly conductive, allowing it to absorb and channel energy attacks directed at it. In some tales, King Ghidorah possesses hypnotic or mind-control abilities, which it can use to manipulate other creatures or Titans to serve its purposes. And that is all I know about this bad boy.

Now onto the next. Mothra. Certain monsters, such as Mothra, are portrayed as ancient guardians or protectors of the Earth. Mothra, in particular, is often depicted as a divine or mystical creature with ties to ancient civilizations and folklore. These monsters serve as symbols of balance and harmony with nature, contrasting with the destructive power of other creatures like Godzilla. The known abilities it possesses includes its giant wings. Mothra is a massive insect-like creature with large wings that enable her to fly at high speeds. Her aerial mobility allows her to swiftly navigate landscapes and engage adversaries from the air. Mothra is also known to emit a radiant glow from her wings and body, which can vary in color and intensity. This bioluminescence serves both as a defensive mechanism to disorient attackers and as a means of communication. Mothra can produce and shoot strong, durable silk threads from her abdomen. These silk threads can be used for various purposes, such as ensnaring opponents, creating barriers, or constructing cocoons. In some iterations, Mothra is capable of releasing a cloud of toxic or incapacitating dust from her wings. This dust can impair the vision or breathing of adversaries, weakening them in battle. In some instances, Mothra is capable of releasing a cloud of toxic or incapacitating dust from her wings. This dust can impair the vision or breathing of adversaries, weakening them in battle. Mothra is often depicted as possessing healing abilities, both for herself and for others. She can use her life-giving energy to revitalize injured creatures or restore balance to ecosystems disrupted by conflict. Other than all these she also is know to be able to use telepathy to control monsters just like Ghidorah. 

Now the next one on the list is Rodan. It is described as a mysterious Titan that lies in pyro stasis within the restless magma. The legends speak of it as the "Fire Demon" or "The One Born of Fire", but a simpler name echoes through the ancient temples of volcanically active regions: "Rodan". A volcanic internal combustion system of magma flows throughout a body covered in rock-like scales that act as geothermal armor. While much larger in size, Rodan has a skeletal structure similar to that of a Pteranodon - one of the earliest vertebrates known to have developed the power of flight.

Rodan is an incredibly swift and agile flyer, capable of reaching supersonic speeds and maneuvering with great agility in the air. His massive wings generate powerful gusts of wind, which he can use to create destructive shockwaves or to knock opponents off balance. Rodan's sharp beak and talons make him a formidable close-range combatant, capable of inflicting significant damage in melee combat. Additionally, Rodan has been depicted as having a high tolerance for heat and magma, allowing him to withstand volcanic environments and even emerge unscathed from lava. In some iterations, Rodan has also demonstrated the ability to emit focused beams of energy from his beak or chest, adding a ranged attack to his arsenal. Overall, Rodan's combination of speed, aerial agility, physical strength, and elemental resilience make him a fearsome adversary in the skies.


And now we come to the Last and perhaps the most powerful Kiju of all that exists in existence. GODZILLA.

The iconic giant reptilian monster is a towering behemoth with a distinctive and imposing physical appearance. Standing at towering heights, often depicted as exceeding 100 meters, Godzilla's colossal form is characterized by rugged, charcoal-gray scales covering his massive body. His reptilian features include sharp, jagged dorsal plates running down his back, which often emit a radiant blue glow when he is preparing to unleash his devastating atomic breath. Godzilla's muscular physique exudes raw power and resilience, with his thick limbs and massive tail capable of delivering bone-crushing blows and devastating strikes. His iconic roar, a deafening bellow that strikes fear into the hearts of both his enemies and onlookers, echoes across the landscape, signaling his dominance as the King of the Monsters. Despite his formidable appearance and destructive capabilities, Godzilla is often portrayed with a sense of nobility and stoic determination, embodying both the terror and awe-inspiring majesty of nature's mightiest force. 

It possesses a formidable array of abilities that make him a force to be reckoned with. His most iconic power is his devastating atomic breath, a focused beam of nuclear energy that he can unleash from his maw to obliterate his adversaries and level entire cityscapes. Godzilla's immense size and strength allow him to shrug off most conventional weaponry with ease, while his thick, radioactive hide provides him with natural armor against attacks. His regenerative capabilities enable him to rapidly heal from injuries sustained in battle, ensuring his longevity in combat. Additionally, Godzilla has demonstrated a remarkable resilience to extreme conditions, including underwater environments and exposure to volcanic heat. Combined with his ferocious combat skills and primal instincts, Godzilla's abilities make him the ultimate apex predator and guardian of the Earth in the face of otherworldly threats. 

Well that is all I can tell you about the Kijus that I know that you will be up against. I suggest you start taking counter measures to protect humanity in case Ghidorah awakens and starts wreaking havoc on this planet. "

" Well that is a lot of information to get in such a short period of time. This meeting is over for now. I will inform the council and take proper steps while keeping in mind the information given. Good day to you guys." Fury said and exited the room with Maria Hill.

" Well I am dead tired. I am going to sleep." I said and exited the room. Picking a random room I could find I did not even bothered to check who it belonged to before dropping on the bed like a sac of potatoes. 

" Everything can wait. Sleep is important." 

This is the end of the chapter for today. I know some of you will not like this concept of godzilla coming in mcu but I thought it would be interesting and wrote it down. I am very tired today so I could not write more on this chapter. This was a general info chapter. Stay tuned for more daily updates and stories. Good day, good night.

Aritra_99creators' thoughts