
Ten Thousand Demonic Beast Array

(Jian POV)

When the soul weapons are finished, I heard the news that Nie Li is moving into the City Lord's mansions. That didn't really matter to me since Ziyun and Ning'er spend most of their time in the Nexus or at my place. In fact, I'm more worried about what Ziyun will do if Nie Li tries to do something stupid.

Not that it matters, even if Nie Li likes flirting with other girls he is the type of guy that'll only stay with one woman if he can help it. The only reason he has multiple girls in the story is because the girls convince him to be with others too.

If he stopped acting like an average throwaway young master, then he'll probably have more girls around him and maybe the readers will like him more. Still, I doubt Yang Xin will want to share her 'man' with another person. It's one of the reasons I choose to replace Ziyun with her in Nie Li's memory.

Currently, I'm heading to the City Lord mansion. Ye Zong invited me to look at a mysterious book that his father Ye Mo found in a cave. If I'm not wrong, it should be the book that contains the Ten Thousand Demonic Beast Array.

I guess it's finally time to build an array to protect Glory City. I didn't do it before because many people will question my intentions due to the background of not being from Glory City that I made. That's why I waited until the City Lord ask me to build it or until Nie Li build it himself.

When I arrive at the gate, I see the same two-guard standing in the same place.

"Baohu Zhe, Jian Huren, it's good to see that you two are still doing well."

"Ah, Master Long. Lord Ye told us that you'll be coming today. Please follow Jian Huren to the guest room." said Baohu Zhe who I have been referring to as Guard 1 for most of the time I have known him.

"This way please," said Jian Huren, previously known as Guard 2.

When we reach the guest room, Jian Huren excuses himself to tell Ye Zong that I arrive. Shortly after, Ye Zong and his brother Ye Xiu arrive.

"Master Long, thank you for making time to come. I'm sure you were busy with your work." Ye Zong

"Not at all, I always have time to help City Lord if it's something important. Now, you said something about a book before?"

"Ah, yes." Ye Zong took out the book from his spatial ring, "My father found this book on the dead body of an expert while exploring a cave. We haven't been able to read it and only been able to figure out it's some sort of array that have to do with demon spirits." Ye Zong hands me the book.

"Hmm…" I pretend to read the book. In truth, I already know all the stuff in this book. It's one of the many arrays that I study to master inscriptions.

After a few minutes, I finally close the book. "I see, this book contains a powerful array capable of easily killing Legend ranks at its full power."

Both Ye Zong and Ye Xiu are both shocks at its power. "Is it really that powerful?" Ye Xiu asks with a little doubt.

"Yes, it's called the Ten Thousand Demonic Beast Array. By using 10,000 demon spirit at Black Gold rank or above, the person controlling the array will be able to use those demon spirits to attack anyone inside the array. Let alone 10,000, a regular Legend rank will have a tough time dealing with 100 coordinated Black Gold rank demon beast. Not to mention you can also use Legend rank demon spirit in the array."

Ye Zong and Ye Xiu couldn't contain their excitement at the power of the array. "Can you build it?" Ye Zong asks.

"I can, but that much power is too much for someone to have alone." I always believe in the term power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. If someone was just given power, it's almost certain that the power will get into their heads.

The only reason I didn't let my power gets into my head is because I know there are people more powerful than me out there, like Rai who sent me here, and because I come from a world where public image is an important thing, I don't want to be seen as evil or become evil in this world. Even if I can do things that are considered evil in the dark, I refrain from doing so because I can see it leading me down a road similar to Injustice Superman.

"What do you mean?" Ye Zong

"Exactly how it sounds. While I believe you will use the array to protect the city, I can't say the same about future City Lords. Imagine what someone with evil intentions can do if they get their hands on the array."

Ye Zong and Ye Xiu pale at the thought.

"You're right, that's too big of a risk to take." Ye Zong

"Does that mean we'll have to give up the array." Ye Xiu asks a bit reluctant.

"No, I can add an additional array onto it. It'll make sure that whoever it is that is using the array will only use it to protect the city. If anyone tries to use it to take over the city or destroy the city, the array will turn on that person."

"Really?!" Ye Zong and Ye Xiu ask with hopeful eyes.

"Yes, I'll only agree to build the array on the condition that you agree to add another array to it."

"I agree." Ye Zong said excitedly.

"Good, I'll need you to gather these materials. I'll bring Jun and start the array once you have the materials." I hand them a list that I just wrote down.

"Yes," Both Ye Xiu and Ye Zong answer but once they take a look at the list they sweatdrop.

"If that's all, I'll take my leave."

"O-of course." Ye Zong stutter still shocked at the number of materials needed for the array. When I was leaving, I can hear Ye Zong and Ye Xiu talking about how to gather everything.

Once I'm away from the City Lord mansion, I sense something in the direction of Holy Orchid Institute training grounds.