
Reborn in Naruto with Bleach System

I have a hard time starting novels so the first few chapters are a mess, bear with it. You may like the rest after a few chaps. Ever wondered what would happen if you were born into an anime with ninjas but with System from Bleach? Well you stumbled upon the right place as our main character ,or maybe one of them who knows :], is reborn into the Naruto verse.

TheCarpe · Cómic
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30 Chs

Important talk

At dawn, on a house's backyard, three figures popped out of tall bushes surrounding the yard. Mikoto, being a jonin, had noticed them from faraway. To be exact, she had noticed her son Dantes but not the other two. Dantes was of course not at all trying to hide his presence and wanted to be noticed by her.

"Welcome home. It's been a while since you came back." She greeted them as she was holding Sasuke in her hands. 

"It has indeed been a while, Mother." Itachi replied while Fugaku just nodded his head. Dantes was about to go hug her when he looked to his side, at his brother. 'This won't do, one must cherish family, especially in this world where everyone could die at any time.' 

Itachi was about to go to his room and change his dirty clothes when he suddenly felt a hand grab his and started tugging him. He looked confused at his brother and noticed they were headed toward their mother way.

"Itachi, don't be so formal all the time. I know you are very obedient, respectful and all but one must relaxe down with family. One never knows when the next time is the last and must always cherish today as if tomorrow was the end of the world!" Dantes' words rang in everyone's ears.

Itachi then slightly frown until a small smile formed on his face. At that moment, Mikoto and Fugaku thought at the same time. 'Is he really just a kid?' While both kids hugged their mom.

"Well I'm taking this package hehe." Dante took Sasuke in his arms and walked to his room, planning to play with him. 

Both parents were then left alone in the backyard. "He is so different from every Uchihas. At first he was very uncomfortable with this but he adapted very quickly. He is very kind to his closest but ruthless to strangers. He used to try talking as less as possible but now he does this." Fugaku expressed his thoughts.

"Are you jealous he hugged me and not you hehe~." Mikoto teased him to which the response was a sigh then a smile. The always serious expression broke down, he rarely showed emotions.


"Viiong! Niionng puah!" Mouth made sounds of airplanes and explosions rang in a room. An extremely overjoyed enfant was being used as a plane in Dantes room. 

"Dantes, what kind of noise is that?" Itachi inquired while throwing a small soft ball at Dantes while the later tried to dodge with Sasuke in his arms. Every time he got hit, he would mimic dying and lye on the ground, making the enfant giggle. 

Itachi, in the original series, had never had any kind of hobby like this, he would only be extremely occupied by missions, studies and training. So this made him relaxed for once.

Dantes knew, he had heard it from his previous life. Itschi was an extremely tragic character who didn't have much of a personal life except being an already experienced ninja. So he wanted to incentivize him with family so he wouldn't betray them. 

He had deducted that when his father had sent him to anbu, it was mostly for spying. He had been living in the Uchiha compound for a long time now and he knew very well that such a clan would never die to the hands of a single person. Everyone here was extremely strong and there was no way two persons could massacre these many strong people alone. 

Which meant that someone knew where to prepare 

"Dunno, it just came to my mind and it sounded funny. Alright I got business to attend to with father. Take care guys~." 

With that, he left the two in his room and made his way toward Fugaku's study.

'I have to take care of all possible dangers and future threats to the clan. I also need to fortify this clan hold and make all the Uchihas less arrogant.' Occupied by his worrying thoughts, he already got to his destination. 

*Knock knock*

"You can come in." A muffled serious voice rang behind door indicating him to enter.

When Dantes entered, he saw his father reading papers, a copious amount of papers. 'Being patriarch sucks.' He thought before walking in front of the ground level desk and sitting down.

"You can speak your mind out Dantes." His stoic, almost emotionless voice rang again. Dantes' slight early hesitation completely dissolved.

"Father, make the Uchiha clan revoke their Konoha's police department role." 

"Hm? Why this kind of odd request?" Fugaku was actually surprised by this out of the blue and unrelated question. He had expected that his son would ask for a sword as he had been carrying his old spoil of war as a lucky charm.

"Father. I know that you know what is happening to the Uchiha clan right now, right?" Dantes answered in a calm and serious yet respectful tone. He didn't want to be treated as a kid in this conversation.

Fugaku remained silent for a moment before sighing. "Tell me what you have in your mind." 

"I know that I'm just a kid but even I can see the treatment we are receiving from Konoha villagers. I know well enough that the elders won't stand still to this and seen and experienced their arrogance in person."

'I know that old piece of crap Donso, Danzi or whatever his name was, is the one taking advantage of this to isolate us even more.' He had heard of this eerie character from his previous life and wanted nothing or even kill him straight out.

He didn't let his father talk and continued. "It has worsened since the Kyuubi accident, you were all saving and evacuating these ingrats from rampage and couldn't help capture kyuubi. Yet they faulted you for controlling it and not helping capture it!

Added with the unnatural arrogance of almost every Uchiha members, this can only lead to a civil war." Dantes kept giving clues of the future, of the knowledge he had yet make it as if he came to this conclusion by himself.

Fugaku's eyebrows formed into a slight frown. Had it been a member of the clan who opposed the coup d'etat, he would have treated as a coward or a traitor and intimidate him into joining his cause. Had it been another member of another clan, he would have challenged them.

But the person who opposed him was his own adoptive son. He knew very well that Dantes wished for the Uchiha clan to proliferate. Before he could come to a conclusion, he was interrupted.

"Father, I know what you and the elders want, but this will only lead to mutual destruction or at least to the weakening of the Uchiha clan. We need to be forgotten from the civilians, and by removing what's surveying the population all the time, only then will they change their minds."

"Let me think about it first, the Uchiha clan has been given this role for a long time. We can't just vanish like ghosts." Fugaku's frown had eased up a little.

Dantes smiled but then suddenly thought about something. 'In the anime, everyone was extremely weird and un reactive which meant that something else had happened.'

"Also, could you fortify our defenses? I know the Uchiha are arrogant and don't want to rely on barriers and all but we need those. Make a system where our water supply is safe. I feel like someone could alter it. Well then, thank you for listening to me, father. Take care!" With that, Dantes excused himself, leaving behind a perplexed Fugaku.

'There's no way a kid can think like that. Something is up and I don't like it. Yet his words are all true.' 

'I've decided.'
