
48. New family.

"So let me get this straight." Detective Tsukauchi said, rubbing his temple, "You strode into the strongest yakuza stronghold in the country, and faced no resistance?"

"No. I did face some. Those goons by the door, the idiots in the courtyard too. Until one of them used some sort of explosive.

I survived thanks to my quirk, but the others....." I hesitated, cringing at the sight.

Tsukauchi sighed.

"And what about the dead bodies in the hallway? They were crushed to death."

"Could've been Rikido. He did jump out the roof. That must have collapsed it." I replied, acting innocent.

I was the one that had collapsed the front section of the house after all.

"You have an answer for everything don't you?" Tsukauchi rasped, scratching out something on his notepad, "But what about the office?

Two of the yakuza lieutenants were beaten unconcious, and one died.

Not to mention that the safe was cleaned out and the security camera footage was conspicuously corrupted."

"How convenient~" I mused, smiling slyly.

"Yes. How convenient for someone who just happened to be there." Tsukauchi said, slamming his notepad on his thigh, "Just spill it already!"

"Detective." I replied, sternly, "Let's not make wild accusations here.

I didn't do anything that was not in self defense. Those guys in the yard attacked me first."

"You were in their house, trespassing." He countered.

"Well, they had guns and knives, and were pointing them at me. Was I supposed to be a sitting duck?

Need I remind you, these are yakuza!

As for the guy who died in the offi-"

"How did you know it was a guy?" Tsukauchi interrupted, trying to catch me in a lie.

"How many female yakuza members do you know detective?" I asked with a deadpan stare.

"Touche." Tsukauchi admitted, "Go on."

"How did the dead guy, well...die?" I asked.

Tsukauchi hesitated for a moment, before letting put a breath.

"Alcohol poisoning."

"Alcohol poisoning. And you were trying to pin that on me?!" I raged, shouting at him.

"Hey! I'm still a police officer. You might want to watch your tone, kid." He snapped back.

"Tch. Low move, man. Below the fucking belt." I complained, averting my eyes. "Look." I continued, "Whatever happened there, was not my fault. Maybe it was some yakuza thugs who decided this was a great opportunity to chip their boss?

No honor among thieves, after all.

Besides, if I stole the money, where is it? I would have had to carry it out with me, wouldn't I?" I pointed out.

"Unless you had an accomplice. We did find bear sized teeth marks on some bodies, including Overhaul's.

A transformation quirk user or ..." Tsukauchi pondered.

"Now you're really reaching, detective. An accomplice? In the yakuza?

You realize I'm still in high school right?" I interjected him.

"You trained under a vigilante specializing in the underworld. Don't see too many high schoolers doing that either, now do we?

You're highly suspect, kid. I would put you under custody if I had the slightest bit of evidence against you, wring out all those juicy secrets you're no doubt holding." He said, with a crooked smile, trying to intimidate me.

Not that such pathetic attempts would ever work on me.

"But you don't. So why don't we stop pussyfooting around the fact of the matter, and you let me go. I'm sure Mirko told you she's taking responsibility for everything that happened here yeah?"

"Fine." He said, "You can go. But kid, this was messed up.

Maybe you didn't have anything to do with this. More than likely so. But I know for damn sure you know who did.

And I get it. We found the room, the operating theatre, the whole set.

I have an idea what happened here. These men, they were scum. Lowest of the low.

I would want them dead too.

But we should still leave it up to the law to deal judgement upon them. You understand?" He insisted, nails digging into his palm, as he tightend his grip, putting on a stoic face.

I nodded, absentmindedly, lost in thought.

"Then I'll take my leave." I said, getting off the curb, patting my pants clean.

"Say," Tsukauchi added, as a final comment, "didn't you have a dog? I remember your father saying something about it."

Chills ran down my spine, as I turned to face him, putting on my poker face.

"Yes. I have a dog. He's about an year old. Why?" I asked.

"He wouldn't happen to be a mastiff, would he now? Something bear sized perhaps?"

"No. He's a german shepherd, about average, even a bit smaller than average. Growth problems and dearth of socialization don't exactly help with that." I said, laughing awkwardly.

"I see. I'll be in touch if anything else comes up. But I'd suggest you not make any sudden moves anytime soon. There are quite a few eyes on you kid, some very bad ones too." Tsukauchi said, handing me a note.

"You're a good kid, deep down. I know that. But they don't. Keep safe. We'll need more people like you soon." He added, wlking away.

Stuffing the note into my pocket, I waved Mirko goodbye and returned home, before opening the note.

Reading it, my mood soured.

The bastards were onto us.

And Hawks was coming. Soon.

I picked up my phone and dialled a number.

In a couple of rings, the other side responded.


"Soga, I need a favor." I said, my tone grave.

"I see. The hangout, once my shift ends." He replied.

"No. I can't be seen with you. Or anyone im that circle for that matter.

I need you to do something for me. I need a big, bright flare."

"You've been burned?" He asked, concerned.

"No, but they're close." I replied, voice shaking.

"Any clues? Targets?"

"Three. Detnerat, League, and the usual suspects. I'll have it mailed to you."

"Alright. I'll do what I can." He said, as th sound of flipping pages sounded out behind him.

"Make it big. Keep it secret. And godspeed." I added, ending the call.

Things were now in motion, that I did not start or intend, but I would without a doubt be the one to end it.

And for their transgression, the HPSC would burn.

But for now, I had little girl to parent and a lover to assuage.

Flipping through my contacts, I called Himiko over under the pretense of discussing future plans.

But she had a surprise waiting for her, when she arrived.

"Darling!" She cooed, jumping into my embrace, digging her face into my neck.

I stroked her hair, kissing her forehead, as I led her into the house, closing the door behind us, while she hopped into the living room.

Entering behind her, I saw her frozen in shock, quivering all over, eyes transfixed on the little girl huddled up on the couch, munching cutely on nachos, lost in the cartoons on tv.

"Is she the one?" Himiko chirped excitedly.

"Yep. I promised, didn't I? A family, for you and me." I said, putting a hand around her shoulder.

"But be careful. She's not used to new people, and she has some....trauma from her past."

Seeing the concern in my eyes, Himiko settled down, turning to me.

"Tell me. Tell me all about it." She said, sincerely.

"Come. Well talk in the kitchen." I said, dragging her away.

By the time I had assembled us a snack and finished narrating Eri's entire life story, Himiko was reduced to tears, collapsing to the floor.

"Poor girl...." she sniffled, "...She's just like me. They don't understand..."

She broke into gibberish, suddenly reliving her own past through proxy.

This wont do!

I kneeled down to her level and caressed her head.

"You can't cry now, Himiko. How will Eri feel if she sees her mommy crying the first time they meet?" I comforted, gently.

"..uhun...yeah...." she sniffle, suppres her tears.

Swallowing her fears, she wiped her tears, and with my help stood back up.

She washed her face in the sink, before turning to me, eyes filled with resolve.

"Let's meet her."

"Meet who?" Came an innocent voice behind us, as I almost jumped out of my skin.

I turned to see Eri standing behind us, rubbing her eyes, empty nacho bowl in her hands, my extra large shirt she was wearing, dragging on the floor, covered in sauce stains.

Fuck! This catty little shit! She could be an assassin with how silent she was!

Trailing behind her, Kuribo snuck over too, begging for a treat.

Composing myself, I pet them both on the head, and picked Eri up.

"Eri, this is my friend Himiko. She's here to meet you." I explained, as Himiko waved her hello from behind.

Eri retreated into my chest, hiding from Himiko.

"Come on. Give her a hello too." I encouraged.

Shyly, Eri put up her hand, waving a weak little hello, before hiding her face again, shaking a bit.

So cute!

I rubbed Eri's back, calming her down, as Himiko came forward, poking her head over my shoulder, and dropped a bombshell.

"Eri-chan, how would you like to be our daughter?"


extra chapter is here!

and it is a set up chapter.

a little bit of sweet and sour treat for you guys.

hints of conspiracy and intrigue in the future.

how will mc deal with Hawks?

will eri accept them as family?

is tsukauchi a bro?

find out in the next episode of "Reborn in MHA with diet SCP-4001!"

thanks for reading and bye~

next extra chapter at 400 powerstones!


GoldFingercreators' thoughts