
Reborn In Marvel As Nightwing

A random guy gets reincarnated in marvel world with a few gifts watch as how our MC chose his path in his new life in marvel *DISCLAIMER* I DO NOT OWN ANYTHING !!!! *pic is not mine*

dekomekoheko · Cómic
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sooooo this is my first time writing this kind of stuff, so any critiques is welcome.

the reason I even had the idea to do this kind of stuff is purely because of boredom, Im on my semester holiday, so I had 2 months off any university stuff.

my main inspiration to write this fanfic is also some fanfic about reborn in marvel as nightwing kind of stuff, but they havent post for a while ( I mean years) so I just assuming that they dropped their stuff.

please help me finish this fan fic, I only write this if I have spare time, and if I have idea and inspiration.

if you have any suggestion for this fanfic, let me know in the comments, I will try to read all of your comments :)

and if I have any misspelling, or any grammatic error, keep in mind that english is not my main language.