
Reborn in Magical World with Cheat

James who is a office worker seems to have isekai into a new world where there is magic.

Existence001 · Fantasía
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15 Chs

Chapter 7: Trials of the Forest

Azrael's piercing gaze bore into John, curiosity gleaming in his wise eyes. "Tell me, John, during your year of practice, did you encounter any magical beasts within the confines of this forest?"

John took a moment to collect his thoughts, memories of his encounters flickering through his mind. "Yes, Azrael," he replied, his voice steady. "As I honed my skills and delved deeper into the mysteries of magic, I faced several challenges in the form of magical creatures."

The dragon nodded, a knowing smile playing on his lips. "Pray, share with me your experiences, young mage. I am eager to hear of the battles you faced."

John recounted his encounters, each one a testament to his growth and tenacity. He spoke of a ferocious Wyvern that tested his control over fire magic, its fiery breath clashing against the flames he conjured. He described a massive Roc, whose razor-sharp talons tested his skill in manipulating air currents to stay out of harm's way.

He spoke of a pack of horned wolves, their brute strength pitted against his ability to manipulate the earth itself, as he created walls of stone to protect himself from their relentless attacks. And he shared the tale of a mesmerizing Nymph, a creature of enchantment and illusion, whose spirit magic challenged his willpower and ability to discern truth from illusion.

Azrael listened intently, his gaze never wavering from John's face. The dragon's pride in his protégé was evident, a silent acknowledgment of the trials he had endured and conquered.

"And what have you learned from these battles, John?" Azrael inquired, his voice gentle yet probing.

John took a moment to reflect, the lessons learned from each encounter crystallizing within his mind. "I have learned the importance of adaptability," he replied. "Each creature presented a unique challenge, and I had to adjust my approach, utilizing the strengths of different magical elements to overcome them. It taught me to be resourceful and to think on my feet."

The dragon's smile grew wider, a glimmer of satisfaction in his eyes. "Indeed, adaptability is a crucial trait for any mage. Your ability to think quickly and utilize the diverse range of magical abilities at your disposal will serve you well as you venture beyond the center of the forest."

John nodded, his determination reignited. The battles he had faced during his training had been a crucial part of his growth, preparing him for the perils that awaited him in the wider realm of Elysia.

Azrael's gaze softened, a sense of pride washing over him. "I am impressed by your progress, John," he admitted. "Your battles with these creatures were not in vain. They have honed your skills, tested your resilience, and prepared you for the challenges that lie ahead."

John met Azrael's gaze, gratitude and determination shining in his eyes. "Thank you, Azrael," he said earnestly. "Your guidance and wisdom have been invaluable to me. I would not have come this far without your mentorship."

The dragon's presence emanated a sense of profound satisfaction. "It has been an honor to mentor you, John," Azrael replied, his voice tinged with warmth. "But now, it is time for you to spread your wings and embark on the next phase of your journey. The kingdoms of Elysia await your arrival."

With those parting words, Azrael extended his wings, the vast expanse of his azure form casting a grand shadow over the forest floor. "May the gods' cheat and your mastery of magic guide you, John. Go forth and fulfill your destiny."

John stood tall, his heart resolute and his spirit ablaze with determination. He had been prepared by the trials of the forest, guided by the wisdom of the last living dragon. The time had come to venture beyond the familiar confines of the center, to face the challenges that awaited him in the wider world of Elysia.