
Reborn in Magical World with Cheat

James who is a office worker seems to have isekai into a new world where there is magic.

Existence001 · Fantasía
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15 Chs

Chapter 11: Clash of Misunderstandings

As John stepped out of the forest, his gaze fell upon a vast expanse of plains, where grasses swayed in the gentle breeze. The open landscape seemed deserted, devoid of any signs of life. Curiosity compelled him to venture further, hoping to find someone who could provide insight into the realm of Elysia.

As he walked, a distant rumble of water caught his attention. Following the sound, John reached the edge of the plains, where a mighty river flowed, cutting through the land like a lifeline. The tranquil waters mirrored the vibrant sky above, and John felt drawn to its beauty.

But as he neared the river's edge, a figure emerged from the undergrowth, clad in a towel-like cloth and brandishing a sword. The girl's intense green eyes locked onto John, her stance one of caution and readiness. Her brown hair cascaded around her shoulders, framing her determined expression.

In her eyes, John could sense fear and suspicion, as if she regarded him as a threat. The girl's grip tightened on her sword as she spoke, her voice laced with determination. "Halt, humanoid beast! Do not take another step or face the wrath of my blade!"

Surprised by her hostility, John raised his hands in a gesture of peace. "Wait, I mean you no harm!" he pleaded, his voice filled with sincerity. "I am not a beast but a traveler who has recently left the forest. Please, lower your weapon, and let us talk."

The girl's gaze narrowed, uncertainty flickering in her eyes. "Prove it! Show me that you mean no harm," she demanded, her grip on the sword remaining firm.

With a subtle motion of his hand, John conjured a transparent barrier, enveloping the girl within its ethereal confines. It acted as a gentle prison, immobilizing her without causing harm. It was a display of his magical abilities, intended to showcase his peaceful intent.

The girl struggled against the barrier, testing its limits, but soon realized the futility of her efforts. She looked at John, her eyes wide with a mix of surprise and curiosity. "You possess magic... but you are not like the humanoid beasts I have encountered before," she mused, her voice tinged with a newfound sense of uncertainty.

John took a step closer, ensuring he maintained a safe distance. "I assure you, I am not a threat. I have lived within the confines of the forest, unaware of the outside world until recently. I mean no harm and seek only understanding."

The girl's demeanor softened, her guard slowly lowering as she considered John's words. "You speak the truth?" she asked cautiously, her grip on the sword relaxing.

John nodded earnestly. "I swear upon my honor. I am not your enemy," he replied, his voice filled with conviction. "I have only recently discovered the realm beyond the forest, and I am eager to learn more about it, to understand its intricacies and the people who reside here."

The girl's gaze softened, a flicker of understanding crossing her features. "Forgive my initial aggression. I have encountered dangerous creatures from the forest before, and caution has become second nature."

A sense of relief washed over John as the tension dissipated. "No apology is necessary," he replied, a gentle smile gracing his lips. "I appreciate your vigilance in protecting yourself and others. Might I ask your name?"

The girl sheathed her sword and extended a hand in friendship. "I am Elara," she introduced herself, her voice warm with newfound trust. "A knight in service of the kingdom of Valeria. And you, traveler, what name do you bear?"

John accepted her hand, a sense of camaraderie forming between them. "I am John," he replied, his voice tinged with gratitude. "I am but a wanderer who has recently awakened to the world outside the forest."

As the barriers of misunderstanding dissolved, John and Elara began to exchange stories, sharing their experiences and knowledge. John chose to keep the details of his reincarnation and the dragon's presence hidden, understanding that such revelations might unsettle others.