
First Game

It was their first game and right before the game

His coach said the starting five would be

Muriki PG

Shin SG

Aomine SF

Hezoku PF

Nurami C (A/N: he is 6'4 his dad 6'11 and mom 6'5)

We were on set to play against Asano Junior High

The players on the team of theirs looked weak not enough meat on their bones although they did have one person who was fairly tall being 5'9 not a lot of height but enough.

Warmups were over

Coach told them the game plan " we are going to full press and we are going to get to the basket the right way" she said

It was the tip-off to start the game Nurami of course got the ball with his massive 6'7 wingspan passing it to Muriki who brought the ball up

From the top of his lungs, Muriki said "Spread"

Muriki passed the ball to Nurami who then passed it to to the corner giving it to Shin

Shin shot faked dribbled the ball with an increasing amount of speed which led to him doing a behind the back snatch cross and scoring a 3 pointer which was so pure that it messed up the net in the goal.

On that shot they began to press on their press whoever shot would get the ball handler so Shin was guarding the 4'10 point guard as he was moving slowly down the court he noticed that he couldn't go left and when he cut him off he switched to his left hand

It was so predictable that Shin swiped the ball out of his hand he was at half court at the time. He slowly brought the ball up at his own pace which made it easy to read the defense at that time he noticed that no one was guarding Aomine who was on the opposite corner of where he was the first time because he knew that Aomine could penetrate and run to the goal

So he passed and Aomine did a hesitation which made his defender unbalanced and it made his defender fall he easily went to the goal and did a reverse layup for an easy shot and made it

They continued to play at a high level of play