
Reborn in Hollywood

For me, movies are first and foremost a tool for making money, and secondly, an entertainment tool. As for art? what is that! Regarding the topic of art, she and I have been debating for a lifetime. Who wins or loses? It’s too easy to tell. Look around the world and see who is more popular, she or I! A cinema projectionist was reborn in the City of Angels, and the whole of Hollywood changed because of him. From then on, the world gained a superstar. He has left countless classic moments in the history of movies, and the combined box office of his works has exceeded 10 billion US dollars. He is the most special one... He is the king of the world! [Chapter Schedule: 1or2/Day] This story is translated

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Chapter 21 Praise

 Listening to the warm applause that broke out in the theater, Ryan's heart was completely put back in his stomach. If he only had some vague concepts when filming, then after watching this movie, which is no less good than the original version, Since then, he has gained strong confidence in the path he has chosen.

  I remember someone said that no matter how talented an actor is, his acting skills are honed, but what do I think? Does it take ten years to sharpen a sword? Ryan laughed at himself, maybe acting has become an instinct for me.

  Many people came forward to express their congratulations to the crew, and Ryan also gained a lot.

  "Ryan, your performance is wonderful." This is what Arnold Schwarzenegger said.

  "I didn't expect that, little guy, you are also the screenwriter of this movie." James Cameron's eyes flickered, as if he was thinking of something.

  "Congratulations, Nicole, your acting skills are as amazing as your beauty." Harvey Weinstein looked over and said, "Ryan, are you ready to become a big star?"

  Ryan naturally Knowing what he meant, after all, those things had been discussed, so I could only give him a pair of big eye rolls, "Harvey, if you use me for hype, should you pay me accordingly?"

  " Hey, Ryan, you can't say that." Weinstein pouted and said, "I already regret the contract I signed with you and Nicole."

  "Believe me, Harvey, wait until the movie is released. You won't regret it." Ryan believes that this movie will make many people buy tickets to watch it again.

  Just like all movie premieres, there will be a press conference after the movie is shown. As the crew walked towards another hall, Pie Kingsley kept telling the boy some precautions and reminders. She asked him what he should say and what he shouldn't say, and finally said, "Ryan, if you encounter any difficulties, just transfer the conversation to me."

  "Okay." Ryan nodded and went through the red process. Carpet, with his psychological quality, naturally relaxed a lot, "Don't worry, Pat, I know how to deal with those guys. Besides, aren't there you and Nicole?"

  After all, this is a press conference in the entertainment industry, The scene was noisy, and the reporters rushed to ask their questions. If the scene were changed, it would be like a vegetable market on the other side of the ocean.

  After routinely asking the director, producer and leading actor, almost all reporters focused on Ryan and Nicole. After all, the movie said in its promotion that, excluding the supernatural content, many of the plots were It is adapted from the personal experiences of these two people.

  Especially that little boy, who showed shocking acting skills in the movie, and the script of such a touching movie was actually written by him, but...how is this possible?

  "Ryan, did you really write the script of the movie?"

  "Of course." Ryan raised his head and glanced at the reporter. The "New York Post" on the nameplate was particularly conspicuous.

  "But the sentiments about family, communication, and life in the movie..."

  "It can't be written by a child, right?" Ryan interrupted the paparazzi unceremoniously and shrugged, not caring. Said, "As long as you observe carefully, these things are everywhere around people. Do you think that children should be idiots, incapable of feeling the existence of family affection and the importance of family?" "


  That The guy was at a loss for words. He never expected that Ryan would be so difficult to deal with. He just threw a big hat down. It was not easy to pick up the topic. A bad answer would lead to protests from the National Federation of Teachers and Parents and the Children's Association. That's a big problem.

  After all, reporters and paparazzi are different. Although the bottom line is only a little higher, don't forget that this is a public place. Ryan is not an adult and still enjoys the protection of the "Children's Law." Then they restrained themselves somewhat and asked most questions. It's things like 'How does it feel to be in a movie for the first time?' ''Where did you get the inspiration for the script?'' How was it working with Al Pacino?'' and so on.

  Especially Nicole, who is sitting next to him, is extremely beautiful and performs equally well in the movie. This kind of beauty with both looks and outstanding acting skills has always been the beauty pursued by the media, thus creating a great opportunity for Rui. En shared a lot of firepower.

  "Ms. Kidman, we all noticed that you and Ryan arrived at the theater together. I would like to ask what your relationship is? And is Ryan as withdrawn and uninhibited as Cole in real life? Are you welcome?"

  When she heard the first question, Nicole originally wanted to answer it, but when the second question fell into her ears, a cold light flashed in her eyes, and her cold temperament suddenly became a little stronger. Said, "No comment!"

  The press conference that was comparable to a wet market was finally over. Sitting in the back seat of the car, Ryan shook his head vigorously. This was still the early 1990s, when reporters and paparazzi were not too rampant. , if we enter the era of national entertainment, those guys may not know what they will say.

  "Are you okay, Ryan?" Nicole asked concerned.

  "It's okay." Ryan clapped his hands, "Dealing with these guys is more tiring than filming a movie."

  "You did a great job." Kingsley, who was sitting in the passenger seat, praised, "It's the first time we face these guys. This kind of scene can silence those who question you. You know, Ryan, I really doubt that you have a thirty-year-old soul."

  Ryan shrugged, but didn't say anything. After all, the button Hats were the most prosperous official language and culture of that country in his previous life. After living for so many years, he had some experience. Besides, he was now blessed with age. If he waited until after he turned eighteen... the premiere of

  the movie It's over like this. All reactions will have to wait until tomorrow. Judging from the reactions of the audience and critics after the movie, this movie should not have a problem in terms of reputation.

  Having experienced the information explosion in his previous life, Ryan is very clear that compared to good songs that can always resonate with people, movies are more obviously affected by the social environment at that time. For example, in this era, "Brokeback Mountain" and "Zhu Xing" were produced. "No." That's asking for death.

  Among the types of movies, horror thrillers and romantic comedies are less affected by the social environment. Of course, science fiction movies that are divorced from reality are also included here, but the current movie CG technology is a big problem.

  "The theme that this movie wants to express is so touching and profound. Although the movie is a thriller, under the cloak of horror, it explores the relationship between people. Loneliness, family love and communication are full of emotions. In every shot of the movie, we will be worried about the loneliness in the movie, be infected by family affection, and understand the importance of communication. This is one of the best movies since the 1990s. "

  After Nicole finished reading, she put down the newspaper in her hand and looked at Ryan who was eating breakfast. "You can read the rest yourself." "

  Please, Nicole." Ryan stuffed the omelette into his mouth, He said vaguely, "Read a few more copies to me."

  After curling her lips, Nicole took out another copy of the New York Times and quickly turned to the entertainment section. ""The Sixth Sense" has horror and plot elements. The characters are unique and full-bodied. Whether it is a doctor who wants to make up for his mistakes, a mother who deeply loves her son, or a lonely and helpless little boy, they all show their own spiritual characteristics." "The

  story of the film is very exciting, The performance of several actors in it is remarkable. Al Pacino once again displayed his acting skills in "The Godfather". Miss Nicole Kidman played an emotional single mother in a touching way. Here, special mention should be made of Ryan Jenkins, who is only ten years old this year. Through his expressive eyes and superb acting skills, he vividly expressed the confusion, fear and incomprehension of the boy in the film, without any hesitation. It's an exaggeration to say that he is the biggest highlight in this movie."

  "That's it?" Ryan curled his lips, seemingly dissatisfied with the praise.

  "How else do you want them to praise you?" Nicole glared at him and threw the pile of newspapers on the dining table. "Some compliments are too disgusting. You'd better read it yourself." "Don't be like this,

  okay, Nicole. But." Ryan muttered dissatisfied, "Don't you want to see their praise for you? Many people are praising you as the muse who coexists with your beauty, intelligence and acting skills."

  Seeing that Nicole ignored him at all, Rui En finished his breakfast in just a few mouthfuls, wiped his mouth, and started rummaging in the newspaper. Of course, there were criticisms. No matter where he was, no matter who he was, he could not win the appreciation of everyone, and he I don't want my own eyes to be abused, so I just throw aside any tabloids like this.

  Not only were film critics and reporters praising him in the newspapers, some of the words of the crew members during interviews at last night's press conference were also published.

  For example, Al Pacino's words were directly transferred to the newspaper, ""The Sixth Sense" is an excellent script. Frankly speaking, when I learned that the author of the script was Ryan, I was so shocked that my jaw almost dropped. On the ground, I was really lucky to get this script and to work with Ryan, he is the most gifted and talented boy I have ever met, you can never keep up with his mind and I think he Not inferior to the best adult actors at all."

  David Fincher also commented on the three actors who worked with him, "We all know how good Al is, and his performance in the movie is completely top-notch, Ni Ke's acting skills are as amazing as her beauty. Ryan? To be honest, I had never seen Ryan before starting the filming. I even thought it would be a disaster. Ryan really had no acting experience before. First of all, I had never seen Ryan before. A lot of things went wrong during the first filming, but I have to say that he is an extremely smart kid and quickly adjusted himself. His performance in the entire movie is obvious to everyone. He had the least number of NGs during the filming. Yes, I can guarantee that the script was definitely written by Ryan. His excellence is far beyond your imagination. As for what it is, I can't comment!" Please add it to your

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